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Question with the ascended/anubis

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    Originally posted by eye of sauron
    oma couldnt destroy anubis when she wanted to plus anubis ascended on his own without help from ascended ancients so it may be more difficult to kick him out
    Actually, Oma was the one that helped Anubis ascend.


      Originally posted by Gateboy13
      Actually, Oma was the one that helped Anubis ascend.
      but she cant destroy anubis even if she wants to so if may not ahve been very easy to descend him


        I think it was mentioned that it requires the combined might of the ascended Ancients (or at least the majority of them) to fully descend an individual without its consent. Otherwise, individual ascended could easily go around abusing this power, such as the Ori forcing the Ancients to descend in order to eliminate them or such.


          Originally posted by Chutzpah
          Revenge leads to anger, anger leads to the Dark Side
          Exactly, and my point is that it's possible they were originally good people, but were consumed by their hatred of the Ancients.

          Why? Well I have my guesses, but we'll have to wait until and if it's ever revealed.

          But heres my theory:

          The Ori were originally part of the group of Ancients who were physically advanced enough to ascend, they were quite a few, but still a small percentage of the entire population.

          The Altera found out a way to artificially advance their entire people, giving everyone the chance to ascension, but the Ori felt that it was a degradation of the achievement, and so, in their disapproval, hate was born.

          The Ori were able to exile or destroy everyone who did not see things their way, and as the Altera ran to another galaxy to call their own, the Ori rebuilt, advanced and eventually ascended.

          It's just a theory, with not too much base to it, but I like how it makes the Ori a slight bit more 3 dimensional, and I feel it fits more with their character.


            One interesting thought I had was the fact that the Ancients and Ori were originally one race/society, and how the split due to differences in ideologies, with the Ancients pursuing advances in technology while the Ori pursued religion. Makes me wonder just what the Ori's religious beliefs were like prior to ascension and whether or not they worshipped some kind of deity. Or even if they modelled Origin and themselves after the teachings of their original religion after they'd ascended.


              Well Orlin was rather ambiguous, he didn't say "religion" as much as "beliefs" which can mean a whole lot of things.

              Which reminds me a lot of the whole ascension thing that can be done either if one is pure of heart or with science. I feel the original roles became reversed.


                anubis is/was an ******* who for some reason wanted to risk getting more than just turned into a blob of translucant crap by acended.


                  I've just always thought the assumption that Anubis was "demoted" was an error. The ancients didn't do anything to him other than prevent him from using his ascended powers and knowledge. As long as kept a physical form and stuck to the resources that were availabel to him as a Goa'uld then we was free from their interference. Yes, he bent the rules a bit, but obviously not enough to warrant the Others' interference. Daniel was probably about to descend Anubis when he was stopped. Can't have ancients going around descending each other, that just wouldn't be proper no matter how evil they are.


                    Well um, Anubis didn't keep his physical form, as the first time we ever saw that physical form of his was last season in "Prototype".

                    Anubis ascended normally, but then the Ancients noticed that he wasnt exactly nice, and didn't have good intentions, so they descended him. But instead of making it complete they made it only half-way, to punish Oma.


                      As long as he was acting on our plane, he had a physical form even if it ws only the cloak/mask/gloves combo.

                      If he was only partially ascended, then he should not have been able to enter the "cafe". I think Daniel misunderstood what he was seeing as he didn't really know the rules.

