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(lightweight[?]) Power Source alternatives/establishments

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    (lightweight[?]) Power Source alternatives/establishments

    Naquadah generators have a finite charge, just as well as all the other portable devices used throughout atlantis.

    Here I am thinking if it's worthwhile for the Pegasus team to build natural/environmental power generators around the Pegasus galaxy.

    For example, waterfall generators, windtrap generators, solar generators, etc.

    If establishing a base on the mainland of the planet Atlantis resides in is out of the question because of potential Wraith detection, we COULD ask to borrow/rent locations from Chaya's planet kindly, since she guards her village from the Wraith anyway.

    The benefit of this is to create alternative means to produce power, store them in batteries and ship them back to Atlantis for use.

    Perhaps we can discover yet another way to create a better generator better than the Mark II using a different theory and without the need for naquaduh.

    We have the ancients' database to toy with, rather than have to wait for SGC to decypher and wait for more data to be collected from atlantis.

    Also, Chaya's there to lend help. She couldn't possibly get in any more trouble than to protect her village and help the pegasus team at the same time.

    The existance of Project Arturus, knowledge repositories, ruins, etc shows that the ancients spread out to different planets to research/experiment on different areas of science anyway.

    It's the pegasus galaxy. We might be able to pick up and catch onto something. (aside from erasing another section of pegasus altogether again.)


    im thinking you didnt listen to Orlin in ascension. he helped less advanced people make a weapon to defend them from the goulds, and later the people used the weapon to attack other worlds. he disabled the device, and was ostracized to the planet. and the people of that world were wiped out by the ancients.

    we cant go to chaya's planet, we can only go there to vist, she explained she can only protect the people of her planet and no others. and she can get in alot more trouble, probably if she helped us with tech the same thing that happened to orling world would happen to ours.

    and on power, they are on an ocean so maybe water current generators...
    Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


      shipping the power back via batteries would be woefully inefficient. Batteries really hold a pretty pitiful amount of charge. Any decent amount of power generated would probably need to be done locally and even then I expect that naquada generators are much more compact and efficient.


        Let's see. We have a few billion gallons of water all around us... what kind of power generators could we use. Fusion - What's that?

        The theoretical upper limit on real life capacitors are single digit MJ/kg IIRC( Naquadah has the capacity of around 3.5e8 MJ/kg (2000-3000 MT detonation for a 30,000kg stargate in Redemption, I used the 2500 MT number. Obviously you wouldn't want your capacitors charged so much they'd explode. But even charged at 1% they'd be a million times better )
        Last edited by aAnubiSs; 25 July 2006, 05:05 AM.


          Well their in the middle of an ocean so maybe....

          O wait the ocean yes hydro power would work!

          And maybe wind power too, wow!

          Yes it would be easy to utilize power from their surroundings but i think naquada is more powerful than any of those.


            Plus it only takes a tiny little bit of naquadah to power a generator. Just a suitcase sized "block" and they'd be set for yonks!

            Originally posted by Unnamed due to Risk of Offending person
            the processor of the gate thats what it is in plainsmen therm
            Strangest thing Iv read on the forum so far!

            And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down, shall be laid low and made unto dust.

            Proud member of the C.O.T.W.O.S.F.
            The Coalition Of Those Who Oppose Sci Fi (channel)


              I'd just install a main generator from a Daedalus class ship. Not only could it take over the power duties of the naquada generators, but it could probly provide enough power to dial earth without using the ZPM. It can power an intergalactic hyperdrive, which shows that it can produce alot of power. It probly cant power Atlantis's shields though.


                You could get more power out of using the planet's electromagnetic field than using hydroelectric. Using UV rays as a power source would also prove effective, there's the ancient database to translate and fing stuff. the chair also has other functions unknown.
                Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                  Well since they're sitting on the ocean a wave farm might work, or some sort of thermal cycle between the surface and deep water. I think a larger naquada generator would be excellent though. Something maybe on the scale of a nuclear reactor. BTW, the uranium in a typical light water reactor like CANDU has an energy content on the order of 500,000 MJ/kg from what I've been able to find, which is probably slightly low as pure U-235 has an energy density of about 90,000,000 MJ/kg and natural uranium is around .77% U-235


                    does the dedealus use naqudah generators for thier shield or something different???

