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crystal rods - holographic storage or quantum computers?

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    crystal rods - holographic storage or quantum computers?

    I'm reading this fascinating book The quest for the quantum computer anyway it started me thinking - are those crystals only for storage or for computing power too? I heard of theoretical/experimental holographic storage but not computers but this book talks about 3D cellular automatons composed of feynman-ressler/friedkin gates. What do you guys think?

    Originally posted by principia
    I'm reading this fascinating book The quest for the quantum computer anyway it started me thinking - are those crystals only for storage or for computing power too? I heard of theoretical/experimental holographic storage but not computers but this book talks about 3D cellular automatons composed of feynman-ressler/friedkin gates. What do you guys think?
    i am lost....after you said"The quest for the quantum computer" after that it made no sence...
    Well i was bored and decided to make a borg vs stargate sig, so enjoy...btw the explosions and ships look weird i know, its hard to make them blend
    Anime signature in spoiler tag
    Here is an anime sig, i was bored so i randomly picked a maid pic and photoshoped it


      do you think those control crystals are quantum computers (3D) or just storage devices? in other words........


        Both? I thought those crystals were use to power stargates. I could be wrong.
        An all new Stargate spinoff presents

        Stargate: The B Team

        The galaxy just got a whoooole lot crazier!


          Which crystals? The ancients probably store there information on crystals just like the stargates, on the subatomic level, as stated by Sam in 48 hours.

          The gould could possibly have stored it by some method of 3D and thats why it is easy for Earth to access them, because we have been developing the technology for it.


            I think the more important question here is - if i plug a crystle into my computer will it finally be able to run Battlefield 2 without stuttering and stalling?

            "But the core of science fiction, is essance has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all..."

            Dont let our show die.


              Originally posted by RobJones
              I think the more important question here is - if i plug a crystle into my computer will it finally be able to run Battlefield 2 without stuttering and stalling?
              it could do, but then no one is that lucky lol, quantum computers are the future generation, i admit i don't know too much about them but if you think that computers these days are fast (most times not when playing battlefield 2) then these computers will knock you down to the ground, the machines will probably be faster than us, not a comforting thought.

              does anybody have links to this topic??
              For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

              We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                This is an intro to quantum computing but is is very technical here

                The way i understand it is that in normal computers a bit is either 1 or 0 whereas in a quantum computer a bit can be both at the same time.

                On the subject of crystals I belive they are for storage and not processing.

                I might be wrong though
                Last edited by pyrodude; 02 May 2006, 04:22 AM.
                aka paddytehpyro


                  Originally posted by pyrodude
                  The way i understand it is that in normal computers a bit is either 1 or 0 whereas in a quantum computer a bit can be both at the sam time.#
                  You are about 90% there.

                  The way quantum computers work are; instead of just 1 and 0 there also exists a sub1 and sub0 which can be processed on simultainiously with the 1 and 0 giving a quantum computer acctual parrallel processing. This is a very important step forward because it would allow much more complex algothims to be preformed in fractions of the time. Granted this is a very lamens explanation, but it portrays the jist of the system.

                  It is theorized that the worst quantum computer when compeleted would be faster then the world's fastest super computer.

                  Originally posted by pyrodude
                  On the subject of crystals I belive they are for storage and not processing.
                  Most likely the crystals are for both computing and storage. In Stargate cannon, most likely the color dictates which the crystal is used for and which crystal works on which system as processors. This can be assumed by the fact that when 'fixing' hyperdrive engines you replace burnt out crystals.

                  If they were just for storage, why would they burn out.

                  " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                  --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                    Originally posted by principia
                    I'm reading this fascinating book The quest for the quantum computer anyway it started me thinking - are those crystals only for storage or for computing power too? I heard of theoretical/experimental holographic storage but not computers but this book talks about 3D cellular automatons composed of feynman-ressler/friedkin gates. What do you guys think?
                    i think u just surpassed my IQ level sunny boy.

                    Now in use. pps is at 4,929 Terawatts
                    pps = power per second
                    The power that power's the great cities of the Ancients.
                    xfire = zpm
                    [m2k] klan, and forever will be.
                    vent info:
                    port: 3785
                    P90>M4A1+AK47+Machine Gun
                    halo player and cs:s, cs:1.6, cz, cod2.
                    Save Stargate NOW!!!-


                      Now, I've a-heard that they're currently working on making computer components made out of a diamond matrix containing a metal of some kind. The metal within the diamond would hold and carry the electronic imprints, and due to the fact that diamond can withstand far more heat than silicon, computer speed could be drastically improved. The diamond pieces are formed into very thin wafers and are stacked upon one another - so I've heard.

                      Now, consider this about crystals: different metals cause different colors in crystal formations.

                      If the crystals were indeed holding the information electronically, then they could be 'burned out' with a large enough electrical impulse - just as a piece of your hardware can be fried in a power surge. So, the logical step here is to replace a crystal with one of the same color - just like you'd replace a dead video card with a new video card. Of course, the damaged crystal shouldn't turn black - but then again, people having the life (ATP?) sucked from their chests shouldn't have their hair magically turn white.
                      [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                        Originally posted by Syera
                        If the crystals were indeed holding the information electronically, then they could be 'burned out' with a large enough electrical impulse.
                        Yes that is true, which was my point. In order for them to burn out they would need a charge. Video cards are for processing, they process video. So it would stand to reason that different color crystals process different types of energy (i.e. hyper drive, navigation, or even storage).

                        The crystals could turn black if the molecular connections between the atomic binding of the crystals are seperated from each other. The internal structure of the crystal becomes unstable, and it looses its coloring.

                        As far as people going white is concerned, if you were dried out, you'd turn white too.

                        " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                        --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                          As far as people going white is concerned, if you were dried out, you'd turn white too.
                          I was talking about the hair - the hair going white is utter gobbledygook. Drives me batty.

                          The crystals could turn black if the molecular connections between the atomic binding of the crystals are seperated from each other. The internal structure of the crystal becomes unstable, and it looses its coloring.
                          True... but that'd have to be one heck of a disruption to do that. A simple power surge, I'd think, wouldn't have quite that effect.
                          [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.


                            Originally posted by Syera
                            I was talking about the hair - the hair going white is utter gobbledygook. Drives me batty.
                            Gobbledygook? Yep, good point.

                            Originally posted by Syera
                            True... but that'd have to be one heck of a disruption to do that. A simple power surge, I'd think, wouldn't have quite that effect.
                            You have to figure that the ammount of energy flowing through these crystals is extreme to be able to preform hyperspace jumps and the sheild and weapons system. So I wouldn't doubt that a large enough current would be flowing through the crystals.

                            " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

                            --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


                              Uh... they're crystals, not hyperspace engines. All they'd have to do is tell the forementioned components how to function.
                              [center] - stuff for writers, roleplayers, and such creative people.

