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    Originally posted by IcyNeko
    and I'm saying in terms of most things, anything a missile can do, energy weapons can do too.
    Also anything a series of energy beams can do an appropriatly constructed missile can do too.


      Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
      Also anything a series of energy beams can do an appropriatly constructed missile can do too.
      homing in on a target...


        Originally posted by IcyNeko
        and I'm saying in terms of most things, anything a missile can do, energy weapons can do too.
        Provided the missles actually reach its target without getting blowned up first.


          Originally posted by Happy_Gate
          Provided the missles actually reach its target without getting blowned up first.
          Energy weapons could be intersepted in the same way.

          " A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here." " --Steven Wright

          --Does that sound familiar to anyone else?--


            the ancients used energy wepons but their most powerful NON-MASSDESTRUCTION is the drones... which are missles.. and cant be intercepted... so we'r down the right road
            "I'm still trying to understand, how you thought it was a good idea to test this device by having someone throw you off a balcony."
            "Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried."
            "I shot him. In the leg."
            "I'm invulnerable."
            "Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?"

