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Ship Scaling Sprites

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    No offense to anybody here... but this game is NOT that hard. It took me like 15 minutes to beat all the levels, and only because I kept getting errors. it really isn't that difficult, just make up a simple little strategy for every level. The Asgard levels are cake because of that whole really fast shooting enormous damage doing beam that they fire.

    A website by the people, for the people.


      A pause screen has been added to the game. To pause press 'p'.

      Also, a new game-saving system has been implemented. Whily you'r playing the game, press numbers between '1' and '5' to save the game, and keys 'F1' through 'F5' to load the previous save file!
      You look but you do not see. You listen but you do not hear. You cannot accept us, but we are here to stay. You think we are just a shadow, a bad memory that will go away if you ignore us long enough but we won't.

      We are human too whether you like it or not. We are here and our time is now. Together we can only soar. We will remain strong forever more, and nothing can quell our pride.



        Originally posted by Battera
        A pause screen has been added to the game. To pause press 'p'.

        Also, a new game-saving system has been implemented. Whily you'r playing the game, press numbers between '1' and '5' to save the game, and keys 'F1' through 'F5' to load the previous save file!
        Nice. Now when I get really far, I won't die.

        Best Stargate quote:
        Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
        Green is your friend.


          Where can we download it?

          A website by the people, for the people.


            Its a matter of when, not where.
            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
            encounter on the strange journey.


            2 Cor. 10:3-5
            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


              I have come out with my first demo to my game, Crusade. It's in zip format, since I included the game maker file for anyone who would like to use it for something else.
              Find it at this location:

              and, when you click the link to download the file, it will say page not found, well, at least for me. If you have this problem, go to the address bar and delete "www.". then try it.
              Last edited by Cameron Mitchel; 07 June 2006, 02:00 PM.

              Jesus is Lord!


                Hey thanks For Emailing me the game, And btw to anyone else having problems downloading this try checking your restricted sites list i noticed that freewebs was on mine and thats why i couldn't download the game.
                LOL Movies are Funny:


                  Ur welcome
                  Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                  ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                  encounter on the strange journey.


                  2 Cor. 10:3-5
                  3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                  4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                  5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                    Originally posted by Cameron Mitchel
                    I have come out with my first demo to my game, Crusade. It's in zip format, since I included the game maker file for anyone who would like to use it for something else.
                    Find it at this location:

                    and, when you click the link to download the file, it will say page not found, well, at least for me. If you have this problem, go to the address bar and delete "www.". then try it.
                    hey, it might take awhile downloading my demo, that is , if anyone is going to download it. if you are donwloading it, it may take up to 24 min snce it has two files. so be advised.

                    Jesus is Lord!


                      I've decided to create two versions of the game:

                      Version Alpha:
                      The linear mission style already shown, five races, 10-15 missions for each race. Game saving, Multiplayer, and interactive.

                      Version Beta:
                      The ultimate reward for beating every mission of all five races. A custom story featuring the Tau'ri. The story: The next BC-304 class vesel, codename Vulcan (for the Roman god of blacksmiths) has been stranded far away from the milky way in a freak hyperdrive accident in ant attempt to reverse engineer Ancient stardrive, and Shields. The Vulcan and its crew had no F-302's, and no help. The vessel has been caught in a war between two waring races. The Jarshja (Pronounced Jar-juh), and the Baltians. Both are very technologically advanced, and rival the Ancients.

                      The two races' weapons are greater then even the Ori's, but the Baltian's shields are glitchy, and the Jarshja's engines are very weak. Both of these problems have already been solved-by the Tau'ri. The Baltians and th Jasrhja want to capture the Vulcan for the purpose of study, to fix the flaws in their own technology. The Vulcan's only hope is to repair the suped-up Ancient hyperdrive, and return to Earth.

                      What do you think?
                      You look but you do not see. You listen but you do not hear. You cannot accept us, but we are here to stay. You think we are just a shadow, a bad memory that will go away if you ignore us long enough but we won't.

                      We are human too whether you like it or not. We are here and our time is now. Together we can only soar. We will remain strong forever more, and nothing can quell our pride.



                        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                        encounter on the strange journey.


                        2 Cor. 10:3-5
                        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                          Battera, could you send me your Ori cruiser sprite. I'm having trouble making it myself. I would really appreciate it. You could post it here or email it to me. My email address is [email protected].

                          Jesus is Lord!


                            Originally posted by Battera
                            I've decided to create two versions of the game:

                            Version Alpha:
                            The linear mission style already shown, five races, 10-15 missions for each race. Game saving, Multiplayer, and interactive.

                            Version Beta:
                            The ultimate reward for beating every mission of all five races. A custom story featuring the Tau'ri. The story: The next BC-304 class vesel, codename Vulcan (for the Roman god of blacksmiths) has been stranded far away from the milky way in a freak hyperdrive accident in ant attempt to reverse engineer Ancient stardrive, and Shields. The Vulcan and its crew had no F-302's, and no help. The vessel has been caught in a war between two waring races. The Jarshja (Pronounced Jar-juh), and the Baltians. Both are very technologically advanced, and rival the Ancients.

                            The two races' weapons are greater then even the Ori's, but the Baltian's shields are glitchy, and the Jarshja's engines are very weak. Both of these problems have already been solved-by the Tau'ri. The Baltians and th Jasrhja want to capture the Vulcan for the purpose of study, to fix the flaws in their own technology. The Vulcan's only hope is to repair the suped-up Ancient hyperdrive, and return to Earth.

                            What do you think?
                            Sounds too much like Startrek. Ill see if I can come up with some better names. No offense. hey, I got a good name for that BC304. The Prommie was greatly missed, so why not a more appropiate name for the next ship than the Pentheus. The Pentheus was supposed to be the son of the Prometheus, so why not the Pentheus. Its fitting for a new bc304 thats slightly advanced. So , thats my alternative.
                            Last edited by Cameron Mitchel; 08 June 2006, 04:40 AM.

                            Jesus is Lord!


                              I can't pass the first Goa'uld mission because I don't understand from which end my ship fires.

                              A way to beat the (20)alkesh mission is to run in circles with space on (and if you see an opportunity take one out with railguns and missiles) until they are all on the same spot then untap space for a sec, turn your nose to the alkesh and fire them with all you've got and then go to the next lap...
                              It might not work at the first time because you need find position from where to shoot them. Also it takes a lot of time when you're out of missiles.
                              PS: You might want to check out Battera's style from previous pages


                                I cant beat it either. Never try anymore. hataks are so weak. Okay, Battera, whenever you come on, I wannna ask yuou if youve made your ori warship because I tried and Failed. Just wanna see if you did.
                                My website for Crusade is up.
                                Last edited by Cameron Mitchel; 08 June 2006, 01:33 PM.

                                Jesus is Lord!

