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Wraith technology Q & A

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    Wraith technology Q & A

    This is just a fairly general discussion thread for wraith tech

    Why don't wraith ships have shields?

    Organic ships? Use an Anthrax missile?

    Why are wraith weapons so effective against super powerful (yeah right) asgard shields?

    Why are our weapons so ineffective against ships which have no shields?

    So what are your thoughts?
    I dunno what to put in here now..

    the Wraith's ships don't need shields because their ships repair themselves
    The Alliance is born!!!!


      Originally posted by deadman
      the Wraith's ships don't need shields because their ships repair themselves
      Any ship can be repaired! Shields give a huge edge in battle But I was thinking that they might have never had the need cos any shield they had would have been cut through by a drone so they would be pointless...Maybe?
      I dunno what to put in here now..


        They may simply have not yet discovered how to create sheilds. Same way their Hyperdrives are not as advanced as other races.
        Or they may not have seen a need for sheilds as their main enemy, the Ancients, posessed weapons which passed right through sheilds.

        As for their weapons being so effective against Asgard sheilds, the shear volume of firepower being directed at the sheilds by the Hiveships takes their toll. I wouldn't count them as more or less effective than Goa'uld weapons.


          maybe they forgot?

          The Alliance is born!!!!


            Why don't wraith ships have shields?

            - A vessel that size doesn't need shields

            Organic ships? Use an Anthrax missile?

            - The ships would probably have super-powerful 'immune systems'
            - The ships may by constructed with an exoskeleton of organically grown structures that are not 'alive' (like fingernails in humans), with the 'live' parts safely within

            Why are wraith weapons so effective against super powerful (yeah right) asgard shields?

            - Because Wraith weapons are very strong and Asgard shields are not invincible. A Ha'tak would probably get creamed in seconds by a hiveship

            Why are our weapons so ineffective against ships which have no shields?

            - Because the material from which Wraith hiveships are made is very strong and our railguns are puny - it's like attacking a brick wall with a toothpick. I have never seen them harm anything bigger than a dart


              I could take down a brick wall with a few toothpicks
              The Alliance is born!!!!


                Why don't wraith ships have shields?

                They have armour instead, probably with the ability to absorb energy like Kull armour

                Organic ships? Use an Anthrax missile?

                Advanced immune systems

                Why are wraith weapons so effective against super powerful (yeah right) asgard shields?

                The Wraith have really powerful weapons and the asgard shields aren't invincible

                Why are our weapons so ineffective against ships which have no shields?

                Missiles never even reach the ships they're intercepted and destroyed by weapons fire
                Railgun rounds fail to pierce the Wraith armour


                  Why don't wraith ships have shields?

                  Shields are useless against ancient drone weapons. The Wraith probably armored their ships instead.

                  Organic ships? Use an Anthrax missile?

                  Sure an anthrax missle may work, but then so would a nuke. With anthrax you'd have to be sure it would get into the ship to infect it. It will then take time to work and even then there is no guarantee it will do anything.

                  Why are wraith weapons so effective against super powerful (yeah right) asgard shields?

                  The shields on the Daedalus are not working at their full potential. The ship just doesn't have the power to run them at full strength.

                  Why are our weapons so ineffective against ships which have no shields?

                  The Daedalus's weapon systems is mostly 21st century Earth technology. It's weapons are railguns and missles. The missles usually get intercepted or shot down before they get in range and the railguns are not much better than 21st century artillery.


                    Why don't wraith ships have shields?

                    Well, remember Babylon 5, the whitestar ship were equiped with Volron organic skin, which reflect the most of the Energy damage and automaticly repair itself, and also learn from experience which adopt to enemy's weapon.
                    I think the Wraith's organic hull can repair itself almost immediately like B5's whitestar

                    Organic ships? Use an Anthrax missile?

                    Well,Wraith can intercept missile, remmebr all those nuclearmissle that fail to detonate in Seige 2, it was a waste of missile and warhead.

                    Anthrax can enter the human body through the intestines (ingestion), lungs (inhalation), or skin (cutaneous).

                    The Wraith ship doesn't eat the Anthrax powder, and no air inspace,and it doesn't breath, and it may contact the skin of a Waith ship, but like i said missile can't deliver the Anthrax.And without gravity in space ,even if you can get the Antrax within 1 micro cm of the ship's skin, it probably won't stick onto the surface.

                    Why are wraith weapons so effective against super powerful (yeah right) asgard shields?

                    Well, why were the Tollan cannon so effective against the Goa'uld until Anubis came up with new shield and wipe the Tollan out.
                    And how did Anubis were able to destory Thor's ship.
                    Because Anubis got new shield and upgrade his weapon ,and were superior in number when he engage Thor's ship.

                    Why did the Ori statille weapon destory the Prometheus?
                    Because power shield , more powerful weapon ,and more powerful shield, and even more powerful weapon.It is the cycle of arm industry.

                    Why are our weapons so ineffective against ships which have no shields?

                    Railgun were effective against Wraith fighter, but their ship is bigger, and with stronger hull, and missle are totally useless .

                    So what are your thoughts?

                    I think they should finish Earth's energy weapon , it has been almost a decade since Earth encounter Energy weapon.
                    Or buy Zat guns and big Jaffa staff weapon from the Jaffa nation and fit it onto the Earth warship .
                    And fit the F-302 with shield
                    And maybe making a big rail gun , instead of bullet , use it deliver a small warhead. like some sore of star Trek's photon Topedo ,no more missile.


                      Originally posted by Puddle-Jumper
                      Why don't wraith ships have shields?
                      Why do they need them? Their only enemy was the ancients and they prided themsleves on shooting through shields with everything. It's interesting to note though that they do have shield tech but don't use as a defence bubble it like the other races do. They keep the air inside their hive launchbays with some sort of forcefields or something and dart canopys aren't glass but some sort of energy shield.

                      Organic ships? Use an Anthrax missile?
                      Even if it works (I doubt it would) that's a 5km ship. You're going to need a hell of a lot of anthrax or any kind of poison to kill it. I also doubt splattering poison all over the outside of it would do any good given that it can obviously survive things like weapon hits from other ships and radiation from space.

                      Why are wraith weapons so effective against super powerful (yeah right) asgard shields?
                      Because their weapons are super powerful?

                      Why are our weapons so ineffective against ships which have no shields?
                      Because our weapons are not super powerful and, going by their size, the hull armour on Wraith hives could easily be 100+ feet thick or more in places. Good luck putting a tiny little railgun slug though that.


                        yo the wraith ships r freaken big dont need sheild + they heal
                        antrax, idk idc lolz they wont make it in the show
                        n i forgot the other thing....
                        Well i was bored and decided to make a borg vs stargate sig, so enjoy...btw the explosions and ships look weird i know, its hard to make them blend
                        Anime signature in spoiler tag
                        Here is an anime sig, i was bored so i randomly picked a maid pic and photoshoped it

