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Ori vs Season 8 Replicators

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    Ori vs Season 8 Replicators

    Who would win, The Ori fleet or the Replicator fleet from late season 8 that was decimating the entire Milky Way fleet.
    The Alliance is born!!!!

    Tough to call. Is it just Ori soldiers on the Ori ships? If so, they wouldn't have the knowledge to destroy the Replicators, and the Replicators would take control of the Ori ships.


      unless the Ori shields are far different from all shields we have encountered thus far, the replicators would whoop em. Neither Anubis' or the Asgard shields even slowed down replicator projectiles let alone stop them, so basiically, replicators fly through shield, start eating the ship, and guess what. New super replicators, quite possibly with the most powerful war ships currently within the galaxy(which they would likely improve seeing as they did it with everyone elses tech). and we would have something far worse then the Ori on our hands. The only thing I could see stopping the replicators would be individual priors, and I do not think each one of those ships has its own prior, and besides... the ships are friggen MASSIVE, how do you plan to find 1 mechanical spider on that whole thing.


        If it's in our galaxy, then it means the Ori aren't here themselves, because the Ancients would stop them.

        So I'm saying the Replicators, in that instance.

        If however, the Replicators chose to invade the Ori home galaxy, then the victory goes to the Ori.


          Like others said, i would say Replicators in the Milkway Galaxy. Who's to say though that the priors don't posses abiltys like the disruptor gun in their staves.
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            As Bragi said, in MW replicators would probably win. In the Ori galaxy well... They are ascended beings.


              Originally posted by A Lost Cause
              unless the Ori shields are far different from all shields we have encountered thus far, the replicators would whoop em. Neither Anubis' or the Asgard shields even slowed down replicator projectiles let alone stop them, so basiically, replicators fly through shield, start eating the ship, and guess what. New super replicators, quite possibly with the most powerful war ships currently within the galaxy(which they would likely improve seeing as they did it with everyone elses tech). and we would have something far worse then the Ori on our hands. The only thing I could see stopping the replicators would be individual priors, and I do not think each one of those ships has its own prior, and besides... the ships are friggen MASSIVE, how do you plan to find 1 mechanical spider on that whole thing.
              Honestly, I'm not convinced that the material the ships are made of are necessarily all that extraordinary. If a weapon could actually make it past the shields, I'd bet that it could do a massive amount of damage. I really do believe the only thing the Ori ships have going for them are their superior shields, and that beam weapon. We haven't seen the ship employ anything else, yet, although admittedly it was more than effective. Like I said though, I think the ships themselves are not at all of the same advanced hull construction of, say, the O'Neill class ship with its Neutronium alloy hull. Why? Because the people in the Ori galaxy were living a medieval existance, and wouldn't themselves know how to put togethor a ship of level of advancement. They might be able to follow 'lego' instuctions, but to actually produce super advanced technology themselves?? Somebody is building that stuff, and it ain't the Ori slaves. The Priors? Maybe, but there must be a lot of them, to be running around preaching and building advanced tech too.
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                maybe if we found a way to control short term replicators?
                The Alliance is born!!!!


                  Ori must easily win. Because Ancient tech found a solution for replicators (with o'neil's mind) in only 10 minutes and Ancient's weapon in Dakara destroyed all replicators with single shot. Although replicators used time machine for faster development...

                  If Ori same level with Ancients, replicators can be like bugs against humans


                    Originally posted by Atlas77
                    Ori must easily win. Because Ancient tech found a solution for replicators (with o'neil's mind) in only 10 minutes and Ancient's weapon in Dakara destroyed all replicators with single shot. Although replicators used time machine for faster development...

                    If Ori same level with Ancients, replicators can be like bugs against humans

                    Atlantis Season 3 Spoilers

                    There's a reason for that solution having been there, and it wasn't conceived until the Alterans left, and even later when they left for Pegasus. As far as we know, the Ori don't know anything about it.

