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A question about the gate found in Antarctica

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    Thats not the way gate's work. Every gate isnt imbued with a unique address. The address depends solely on where it is. You dial a region of space, not a specific gate. If theres a gate in that area, it accepts the incoming wormhole.

    Proof of this is seen at the end of season 1. Daniel is on a Goauld ship, and when the ship is close enough to earth, he uses earth as a point of origin to dial out and escape.
    The truth is out there. Getting there, well thats a whole different can of worms.


      Originally posted by helio9
      Thats not the way gate's work. Every gate isnt imbued with a unique address. The address depends solely on where it is. You dial a region of space, not a specific gate. If theres a gate in that area, it accepts the incoming wormhole.

      Proof of this is seen at the end of season 1. Daniel is on a Goauld ship, and when the ship is close enough to earth, he uses earth as a point of origin to dial out and escape.

      Your right, the address TO Earth would always remain the same, however the Antartic gate WOULD have a different Point of Origin symbol on it. I suppose it is possible that they could have molded a new Symbol over the old one, and not told us, the viewers. It is certainly concievable.
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        We are using the Giza gate again arn't we? After all the Antarcita gate was the one that was destroyed.


          Originally posted by V-MAN
          We are using the Giza gate again arn't we? After all the Antarcita gate was the one that was destroyed.

          The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

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            Originally posted by Seastallion
            Here's a thought...

            how the heck did Medieval cultures get through the stargate? We've seen at least two. ("Demons", "Camelot") Perhaps there is yet another gate somewhere? I mean, after all... Merlin (or Arthur) had to get those people to Camelot somehow, and they were obviously aware of the Stargate. Also, it seems obvious that Merlin used a stargate to get where he was going, otherwise why would he have left a stargate address?
            If i remember correctly this is how thestory of the two gates works.

            The original gate (A) was created for Earth and used by the Ancients in Antartica.

            They left it there when they went to Pegasus.

            Then 10,000 (8,000 BC)years ago the Ancients come back after being sieged by the Wraith.

            At some point this gate gets lost under the ice of Antartica.

            Also 10,000 (8000 BC) years ago Ra arrives at Earth. He can't find the gate so brings another to Earth (gate B).

            5,000 BC (not sure of this date) the ancient Egyptians rise up against the Goa'uld. Gate B is buried under the coverstones.

            Sometime in the middle-ages Sokar activates gate A and takes people from medieval towns under the persona of the Devil.

            Gate A gets buried again.

            1928, Gate B is found in Egypt.


              Of course the big unanswered question is --- which gate did the Lantians arrive at when they fled to earth. The Antartic gate or the Giza gate? It is an important bit of Chronology that the show has not addressed.

              (Of course I have to ask myself what the Lantians did if they arrived in Antartica. They seemed to have left the Puddle jumpers behind.)


                Originally posted by LiquidBlue
                Of course the big unanswered question is --- which gate did the Lantians arrive at when they fled to earth. The Antartic gate or the Giza gate? It is an important bit of Chronology that the show has not addressed.

                (Of course I have to ask myself what the Lantians did if they arrived in Antartica. They seemed to have left the Puddle jumpers behind.)
                I guess it would be the Antarctic gate in the timeline that TPL2005 suggests.
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                  The point of origin symbol on every Via Lactea gate is the sun-atop-a-pyramid. Check out New Ground. It's just the DHDs that have the different symbols.


                    They must have come out the Antarctic gate. I don't think Ra would have let a whole pile of Ancients just come wandering out the stargate in the middle of his domain and go on their merry way.


                      Originally posted by Gate-builder View Post
                      They must have come out the Antarctic gate. I don't think Ra would have let a whole pile of Ancients just come wandering out the stargate in the middle of his domain and go on their merry way.
                      Who says that Ra himself was even on Earth at the time that the Ancients returned. Remember he controlled more worlds then just Earth.
                      Science fiction is an existential metaphor that allows us to tell stories about the human condition. Isaac Asimov once said, "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if are to be saved at all."


                        Ra arrived on earth in 8000 BC. The ancients fled atlantis more than ten thousand years ago. The more than is very important. They got back before Ra, which means they came trough the antarctic gate. Then they probably moved north because as mentioned in "Frozen" the Antarctic continent was not even at the south pole when the antarctic gate was built (said in frozen to be as much as 50 million years ago). Sokar was able to use the antarctic gate once it had fallen in a crevice and been able to be activated. The resulting Kawoosh made the area around the gate even bigger. I guess he then found the DHD and brought near the gate for easier travel. That is how Carter and O'Neill found the gate in "Solitudes".


                          Originally posted by SGASG! View Post
                          Ra arrived on earth in 8000 BC. The ancients fled atlantis more than ten thousand years ago. The more than is very important. They got back before Ra, which means they came trough the antarctic gate. Then they probably moved north because as mentioned in "Frozen" the Antarctic continent was not even at the south pole when the antarctic gate was built (said in frozen to be as much as 50 million years ago). Sokar was able to use the antarctic gate once it had fallen in a crevice and been able to be activated. The resulting Kawoosh made the area around the gate even bigger. I guess he then found the DHD and brought near the gate for easier travel. That is how Carter and O'Neill found the gate in "Solitudes".
                          A quick mental experiment will tell you which gate they came through:

                          The Antarctic gate was approximately 50 miles from McMurdo Station on Ross Island, according to Major Davis in the SG-1 episode Solitudes. The average temperature in this area is about -30 C (-22 F), but it drops as low as -90 C (-130 F) during the winter.

                          There were perhaps a hundred Lanteans that left Atlantis, all dressed like this:


                          The ice cave they were going to be arriving at looks like this:


                          The Lanteans would have been 50 miles from the ocean in sub-freezing temperatures dressed in pajamas with nothing to make shelter or boats with.
                          50 miles of ice to get to the sea, but no trees or reeds to build a ship capable of traveling the 2,200 miles to get to New Zealand (the closest dry land to the Ross Ice Shelf). Had they tried to go from the Stargate to South America, they would have had to traveled 2,500 miles over the ice and mountains of Antarctica, then sailed another 800 miles to the tip of South America. But then again they couldn't have sailed since they have nothing to make boats out of (unless they lashed a bunch of penguins together with their own hair).

                          I think it's safe to say, that from a fan's perspective, they didn't come through the Antarctic gate. I say from a fan's perspective, because that's all they showed us. They showed us a couple dozen people walking through in their pajamas, mostly carrying nothing.
                          Had they wanted to make the exodus from Atlantis believable, they would have loaded up all of the puddle jumpers in Atlantis and taken them through the gate. Of course had that happened, then they wouldn't have puddle jumpers on Atlantis for John Sheppard to fly around in...

                          At any rate, it would seem the only logical possibility is that they came through the Giza gate while nobody was looking. From there they could have traveled all over Earth, settled down in whatever human civilizations existed at that time, and then eventually make their way down to Antarctica to find their original gate, following the sequence of events Morgan LeFay described in The Pegasus Project.
                          Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

                          1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


                            Originally posted by Jarnin View Post
                            I think it's safe to say, that from a fan's perspective, they didn't come through the Antarctic gate. I say from a fan's perspective, because that's all they showed us. They showed us a couple dozen people walking through in their pajamas, mostly carrying nothing.
                            Had they wanted to make the exodus from Atlantis believable, they would have loaded up all of the puddle jumpers in Atlantis and taken them through the gate. Of course had that happened, then they wouldn't have puddle jumpers on Atlantis for John Sheppard to fly around in...

                            At any rate, it would seem the only logical possibility is that they came through the Giza gate while nobody was looking. From there they could have traveled all over Earth, settled down in whatever human civilizations existed at that time, and then eventually make their way down to Antarctica to find their original gate, following the sequence of events Morgan LeFay described in The Pegasus Project.
                            Actually, since watching Before I Sleep I always assumed that the Lanteans had gone to the Antarctic gate, found a lot of ice and stuff pyjamas can't handle (How do we know they aren't some kind of super-fabric that's always the right temperature? ) and then logically gone to some output like Taonas first, gathering some leftover bits and pieces with which to get out of the Antarctic ice.
                            I've not really thought about it that much, though.

