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Homeworld Defense

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    A fleet equals power projection. A large fleet equals a wide range of power projection options. We need a large fleet if we're to look for Ancient weapons, assist our allies, and test different strategies to defeat the Ori.

    The idea that Earth doesn't need a fleet echoes the idea of lawmakers in the US after the Civil War. They thought that we didn't need large ocean-going ships. They thought we just needed monitors and coastal defense ships, because we only need to wage a defense campaign, right?



      Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon
      A fleet equals power projection. A large fleet equals a wide range of power projection options. We need a large fleet if we're to look for Ancient weapons, assist our allies, and test different strategies to defeat the Ori.

      The idea that Earth doesn't need a fleet echoes the idea of lawmakers in the US after the Civil War. They thought that we didn't need large ocean-going ships. They thought we just needed monitors and coastal defense ships, because we only need to wage a defense campaign, right?

      I agree with your sentiment. In my view it is exactly correct... then again I am a monomaniacle mad scientist who doesn't really care who gets hurt in the pursuit of truth. But that's me!

      I'll green you for this post later, when I can green you again.


        Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
        I agree with your sentiment. In my view it is exactly correct... then again I am a monomaniacle mad scientist who doesn't really care who gets hurt in the pursuit of truth. But that's me!

        I'll green you for this post later, when I can green you again.
        Gracias, senor!


          Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon
          Gracias, senor!
          Uh... you're welcome Amigo???

          Now let's design something to blow stuff up!!!!

          by the way have you heard anything about the Uk's newest starship base?


            Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
            Uh... you're welcome Amigo???

            So guys, I was thinking: We already have some pretty powerful lasers here on Earth. I'd like you to start thinking of designing and building naquada-powered lasers for use in planetary defense.


              Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon

              So guys, I was thinking: We already have some pretty powerful lasers here on Earth. I'd like you to start thinking of designing and building naquada-powered lasers for use in planetary defense.
              that sounds nice but you have to take into account that most advanced races have shields designed for the sole purpose of protecting their vessels against stars and their intense light and heat. if we can match and overcome that level we might stand a chance of breaking through their shields but I'm not really sure.


                Abydos-class Heavy Cruiser

                Technical Specifications for the Abydos-class Production


                General Specifications

                Accommodation: Standard compliment - 90 (15 officers, 75


                Classification: Guided Missile Cruiser

                Funding for Abydos Class Development Project Provided by:
                United States Congress; Stargate Command Oversight Committee

                Development Project Started: November 2003

                Production Start Date: August 2004

                Production End Date: Still in Production

                Current Status: In Service

                Locations of Abydos-Class Construction:

                *Electric Boat Shipyard, New London, Connecticut
                *Fallon Naval Air Station, Fallon, Nevada

                Current Starship Identification, Registration Numbers, and


                USS Abydos X/SCG-305-01 Active
                USS Yggdrasil SCG-305-02 Active
                USS Delphi SCG-305-03 Active
                USS Shangri-La SCG-305-04 Under Construction
                SGCS Atlantis SCG-305-05 Destroyed
                SGCS Camelot SCG-305-06 Under Construction
                RFS Sputnik SCG-305 Active
                RFS Vostok SCG-306 Under Construction
                RFS Voskhod SCG-307 Under Construction
                RSS Dauntless SC-001 Active
                RSS Avenger SC-002 Active
                RSS Valiant SC-003 Under Construction


                1.1 Mission Objectives

                Pursuant to United States Interstellar Mandates and Directives

                established with the creation of Stargate Command and related

                programs thereafter, the following objectives have been

                established for an Abydos-class starship:

                1. Ensure the security of Earth and her allies through rapid

                reponse to threat forces.

                2: Serve as a first line of defense in military combat

                operations and provide support to larger Earth and allied


                3: Provide autonomous capability for full execution of United

                States defensive, cultural, scientific, and explorative policy

                in deep space or border territory.

                4: Provide a mobile platform for testing and implementation of

                mission-specific or new technology.

                5: Serve as a platform capable of rapid deployment for special

                and covert operations deemed necessary by the United States of


                6: Provide non-critical functions such as transport of personnel

                and cargo when necessary, extended aid, and short-range patrol.

                1.2 Design Statistics

                Length: 183 meters
                Width: 97.2 meters
                Height: 27.5 meters
                Weight: 223,800 Metric Tonnes (empty)
                Cargo Capacity: 54,750 Metric Tonnes

                Hull: Reactive armor overlaying a steel hull, augmented by

                trinium structural members.
                Number of Decks: 9

                1.3 General Overview

                Built by some of the best minds in the United States Navy and

                Air Force, the Abydos-class starship was designed as a

                hard-hitting, multi-role cruiser, with an emphasis on stealth

                and firepower.

                Operated primarily by the United States Navy, the Abydos

                incorporates some of the most advanced Earth-developed

                technologies, as well as the latest aquisitions from Earth's

                allies. Originally intended to supplement the

                Daedalus-class starships for planetary defense, the

                Abydos' role has since expanded to include covert

                operations, scientific investigation, and emergency aid.

                The Royal Space Service and Russian Space Force have acquired

                several Abydos-class cruisers, while other members of the

                Stargate Treaty, including Japan and Australia, have announced

                their intentions to purchase their own starships.

                1.4 Construction History

                The United States Navy had been involved in the Stargate Program

                since 2000, after the Belinsker crashed into the Atlantic

                and a Russian submarine was taken over by Replicators. However,

                their involvement was noticeably absent for the Prometheus

                Project. This was deemed unacceptable by the US Navy. After all,

                they were responsible for constructing Earth-based ships-How

                could they not be involved in the construction of a space-based

                navy? After extensive lobbying by the Navy, Congress issued a

                requirement for a smaller, more easily constructed starship

                class to supplement the BC-303 and later DSC-304 class vessels.

                The project, codenamed "Abydos", began in November 2003 at a

                slow pace, but was accelerated after Anubis's assault on Earth

                in early 2004.

                Electric Boat was selected by the Navy to create the

                Abydos-class starship. The fundamentals for building starships

                and submarines were actually very similar, and Electric Boat's

                facilities were, as a rule, closed-off and well secure. It would

                not do for the average dock worker to notice a spaceship being

                built in a submarine hangar. Electric Boat quickly assembled a

                team of their best engineers, most of which having experience

                with space-related programs, and were given considerable

                assistance from SGC personnel. Heading the project was Commander

                R. Doyle Gillespie, a former ballistic missile submarine officer

                with twenty years of experience in the Navy. He also had a

                doctorate in mathematics, allowing him to quickly grasp the new

                physics behind the starships his nation was now employing.

                To save on production costs and time, the X-305's (as the

                Abydos was originally designated) hull was heavily based

                on production work done by General Dynamics on the new

                Zumwalt-class guided missile destroyer, then under

                construction at Newport News. It's boxy, stealthy design was

                perfect for a starship, with most of it's components easily

                adapted for space. It's hull was as linear as possible, to

                reduce it's forward sensor cross-section and make it more

                difficult to target from the front. Only it's "wings" and

                boathouse protrude from the central hull, it's remaining systems

                integrated into the vessel's interior structure wherever

                possible. The ship was built mainly of steel, rather than

                trinium, to save on costs. New lightweight composite reactive

                armor was added to the cruiser's hull instead of trinium, which

                helped save weight and money and made her almost as durable as

                her "big sister" Prometheus.

                The X-305, however, almost from it's first day of construction

                work, faced considerable difficulties. Intended from the start

                to have a cloaking device, current attempts by Area 51 to

                reverse-engineer Goa'uld cloaking technology had proven so far

                fruitless. The new IPS-6 ion engines, developed with assistance

                from the Hebridians, proved too power hungry for the single Mk.

                II naquada reactor to run. As if that wasn't bad enough, the

                Lockheed Martin-developed anti-gravity generator system, AGL-32,

                also proved far too power-hungry for a single naquada reactor to

                provide for.

                Commander Gillespie and his team launched an independent project

                of their own, with assistance from Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter,

                to create an entirely new reactor system for the X-305. One that

                had enough raw power to provide for the new systems on the small

                but power-hungry ship. A crash-course development program

                followed, using several theoretical concepts currently on the

                drawing boards for future naquada reactor designs. After three

                near-explosions on-site, the team finally scrapped their current

                reactor designs and designed an entirely new system from the

                ground up. In April 2004, the Mk. III naquada reactor was

                successfully tested and certified for deployment, with the first

                prototype being installed in the X-305. It easily delivered more

                than five times the power of a Mk. II reactor (60 gigawatts),

                and nearly overnight solved the major problems facing the

                Abydos project. The Mk. III, unfortunately, was too large

                to be used as a portable reactor system, and so has since been

                confined to powering starships.

                With the powerplant problem solved, the Abydos Team focused on

                the ship's new weapon systems. The new Mk. VIII tactical missile

                was selected as the X-305's weapon of choice, and two 30-cell

                Mk. 42 vertical missile launch systems were intitially chosen to

                house the Abydos's missiles. Unfortunately, it was soon

                apparent that the Mk. 42 was too large to fit in the hull of the

                X-305 without extensive modification to the starship. Again

                borrowing from the Zumwalt-class destroyer program, the

                Abydos Team procured and tested a few examples of the prototype

                Mk. 43 Periphial Vertical Missile Launch System (PVMLS).

                Developed for the Zumwalt, the PVMLS used sets of three

                vertical missile cells arranged linearly, to be placed in the

                outer sections of the guided missile destroyer's hull. This

                concept kept the missile packs better separated to avoid

                catastrophic damage if the ship was struck, and could easily be

                modified to be integrated into the hull of the Abydos.

                Two sets of thirty launchers were placed into the hull of the

                Abydos, ahead of the boathouse and behind the ship's

                large bow, which housed the vessel's primary sensor arrays.

                To supplement the X-305's already considerable missile armament,

                the latest torpedo launching system developed for the newest US

                attack submarine was procured. The Retractable Linear Missile

                Launch System (RLMLS) uses "clips" of torpedoes (or, in this

                case, missiles) that are held on either side of the ship's main

                hull. These clips each hold five missiles, and can swing out to

                launch their payloads and then close back up again. The X-305

                carries six such launchers, bringing her total missile payload

                up to 90 weapons.

                The Abydos was launched on February 14th, 2005, only

                months after the defeat of the Goa'uld. Her initial flight tests

                and shakedown were uneventful, but her first hyperspace window

                test was a complete disaster. Her hyperdrive window generators

                cut out only five seconds after activation and she abruptly fell

                out of hyperspace in a dangerously low orbit around Jupiter.

                Only the actions of the Asgard engineer Tyr saved the ship and

                crew from total destruction. Depressed, Commander Gillespie had

                the ship towed back to Earth orbit by the Prometheus. The

                Asgard hyperdrive, though a lower-rated model than those

                employed by Asagrd ships of the line, had been unprepared for

                the sudden overflow of energy from the Abydos's main

                reactor and had overloaded. Repairs and modifications followed,

                with the second test flight on March 9th exceeding beyond all

                expectations. Abydos was able to outrun the

                Prometheus in normal space and kept up with her in

                hyperspeed. Unfortunately, Prometheus was destroyed

                before Abydos could undertake her final shakedown cruise,

                and thus had to wait for the Odyessey to be finished

                before embarking. The Abydos had to wait an additional

                week before the Odyssey returned to the Sol System after

                rescuing SG-1. Finally, the Abydos was commissioned and

                formally joined the United States Navy in April of 2006.


                (Yes, I did base it off the template used by the Star Trek

                online RPG "A Call to Duty", but it works just fine.)


                  Originally posted by zpm!!
                  just build ships in antractica or in space with a shipyard...
                  It is illegal to build weapons in both those places under international law.


                    Originally posted by RuleBritannia
                    It is illegal to build weapons in both those places under international law.
                    No, under law with the Soviet Union... Which doesn't exist anymore. Therefore, without the partner in the agreement (who actually didn't keep it anyway), the agreement is null and void.

                    We can build starships wherever we like.


                      Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon
                      No, under law with the Soviet Union... Which doesn't exist anymore. Therefore, without the partner in the agreement (who actually didn't keep it anyway), the agreement is null and void.

                      We can build starships wherever we like.
                      But being the "nice" people we are the US will stupidly never do this kind of thing unless every other nation begins to do it first.

                      By the way does anyone know what the dimensions were for the asteroid in "Fail Safe?"


                        Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
                        But being the "nice" people we are the US will stupidly never do this kind of thing unless every other nation begins to do it first.

                        By the way does anyone know what the dimensions were for the asteroid in "Fail Safe?"
                        Wasn't it about the size of Mount Everest?

                        Or was that the comet in Deep Impact...?


                          Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon
                          Wasn't it about the size of Mount Everest?

                          Or was that the comet in Deep Impact...?
                          Let's go with Mount Everest for now. Does anyone know what the dimensions of Everest are?

                          And while everyone is doing that I'll watch the episode again.

                          EDIT: It's 137 km long. I estimate it's width and height to be around 57 km and 60 km respectively.
                          Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 03 August 2006, 05:04 PM.


                            Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
                            Let's go with Mount Everest for now. Does anyone know what the dimensions of Everest are?

                            And while everyone is doing that I'll watch the episode again.

                            EDIT: It's 137 km long. I estimate it's width and height to be around 57 km and 60 km respectively.
                            Woah. How much of it is naquada?

                            We work that out, we can calculate just how much we can use from this asteroid before needing another.

                            Oh, and my sources indicate that the British are about to get a rude awakening from the rest of the GATO (Gate Alliance Treaty Organization) about hording the naquada all for themselves. I expect they'll open up the asteroid to all GATO members-Particularly the US, who is building several starships for the British as we speak.


                              Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon
                              Woah. How much of it is naquada?

                              We work that out, we can calculate just how much we can use from this asteroid before needing another.

                              Oh, and my sources indicate that the British are about to get a rude awakening from the rest of the GATO (Gate Alliance Treaty Organization) about hording the naquada all for themselves. I expect they'll open up the asteroid to all GATO members-Particularly the US, who is building several starships for the British as we speak.
                              I have to disagree there, if the British are anything like they were in WWII then they probably won't be doing much giving in. They might share the naquadah, for a price, but I doubt that any other nation will be allowed onto Svalin for the next thirty years. For some reason having a few US built starships probably won't get the British to open up their base after all they do have an active trading relationship with one of the advanced races that the SGC has contacted and are working on opening such relations with more races.

                              Besides that the British don't control a stargate, which means there is little the other nations can talk about when it comes to them having their own base.

                              I'm not sure how much Naquadah was in the asteroid, the British aren't talking, but here are my thoughts on the matter.

                              If my estimations for width and height are correct there is about 15 km of rock covering the solid naquadah. that means the solid naquadah is about 107 km long, 27 km wide, and 30 km high. I'm a little rusty on my geometry so someone else might have to do this if I'm wrong.

                              Somewhere around, 2,975,218,593,750,000 ft. cubed. But that would be if it were perfectly recangular so with a little creative adjustment, 2,938,254,399,296,590 ft. cubed.

                              Please correct me if I'm wrong on these figures.


                                I am interested in getting involved here, so tell me...what are you doing.

