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phase shifting vs alternate dimensions

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    phase shifting vs alternate dimensions

    this is in response to SAM's techno babble in S09E18 "arthur's mantle" but it's onely tech so not realy a spoiler, not much of one anyway. but on the safe side stop reading if you don't want to know a couple of small things about the ep

    phase shifting == the molecular vibration of your particles shift pahase example of sine waves in diferent phases
    so it has relavance only to the oscilation of particles, the efects of not being seen and passing trough matter is al correct (you'd fall to the center of the earth though irl and not see the phase you'r from, but we could asume the device would compensate for this)

    dimensions are not realities, OK right you are sam.
    but it has nothing to do with phase shifting, most likely (most of)the other 7(11 - 4) dimensions have realatively small efects on our universe.
    it's extreemly unlikely you would just turn inviseble or incoporial when "shifted"
    to another dimension, wich itself is questionable to even be posible (it 's another dimension like space and time not an alternate reality).

    i think the mixup might come from string theory, where all reality(matter/energy/vacuem) is made up of subatomic strings, wich vibrate too. but the stings themselves cross or ocupy dimensions so them vibrating has nothing to do with dimensions.
    the vibrations do have something to do with mater/energy so the vibrations of particles might be related to the string vibrations, but the strings make up the particles so i'm not sure on that

    feadback and coments ok, but please read something about string theory before you post!

    for instance read wikipedia:
    an experiment that could prove string theory.

    just so you know in string theory the dimensions refer to for instance space and time. how can you seriusly sugest an efect such as time allowing people to become incoporial and unseen while still seeing us, etc.
    Last edited by robinmdh; 26 February 2006, 12:13 PM.

    Yeah that part of the show made my head hurt so I just blocked it out like Daniel and Jack used to when Sam tried to explain something technical.


      The point of the conversation between Daniel and Sam was to keep the viewers from complaining that the episode was just like a couple other episodes. It had no real logic behind it.


        don't you mean Mitchell?
        ofcourse they keep talking dimensions troughout the show but
        the most of it is in the begining, when they can't talk to anyone but eachother. so sam -> Mitchell?


          ok, call me stupid, but i just have to ask one question that was asked in that Wormhole X-treme ep (don't remember series/no.), according to phase-shifting: "so if I'm out of phase... how come I don't fall through the floor?" .. i know it's the same type as "how can they breathe"? so? i still don't get it...
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            Originally posted by swordfish
            ok, call me stupid, but i just have to ask one question that was asked in that Wormhole X-treme ep (don't remember series/no.), according to phase-shifting: "so if I'm out of phase... how come I don't fall through the floor?" .. i know it's the same type as "how can they breathe"? so? i still don't get it...
            Like what Robinmdh said, I think you just have to assume that the machine would take into account those things so it wouldn't be a problem. But then again, it's just one of those things you just have to ignore in order for the show to make sense


              Originally posted by swordfish
              ok, call me stupid, but i just have to ask one question that was asked in that Wormhole X-treme ep (don't remember series/no.), according to phase-shifting: "so if I'm out of phase... how come I don't fall through the floor?" .. i know it's the same type as "how can they breathe"? so? i still don't get it...
              as above the machine might stop you from faling to the center of the earthe/breading etc.

              it'd make more sense to phase shift an entire space ship though.


                Originally posted by robinmdh
                i think the mixup might come from string theory, where all reality(matter/energy/vacuem) is made up of subatomic strings, wich vibrate too. but the stings themselves cross or ocupy dimensions so them vibrating has nothing to do with dimensions.
                the vibrations do have something to do with mater/energy so the vibrations of particles might be related to the string vibrations, but the strings make up the particles so i'm not sure on that

                feadback and coments ok, but please read something about string theory before tou post!

                for instance read wikipedia:

                I am not going to pretend to know anything about the String Theory,or pretend I understand it, but I think I read somewhere that most physicists don't think it's true.


                  Originally posted by sci_fi_child
                  I am not going to pretend to know anything about the String Theory,or pretend I understand it, but I think I read somewhere that most physicists don't think it's true.
                  it's a theory, we know it's probebly flawed, and it has nothing to do with phase shifting, and therefor in the context of this goof wether or not it's true doesn't mater.

                  but as as far as theory goes most physicists do think it goes a long way towards the creation of a theory of everything, it's bound not to be entirely right, you have a lot of variations for instance, all a litle diferent.
                  again read wikipedia(or something else) for more info.

                  but hey here's a bit of light at the end of a long dark tunnel of uncertainty for you, an experiment that could prove string theory.


                    Originally posted by robinmdh
                    this is in response to sam's techno babble in S09E18 but it's onely tech so not realy a spoiler, not much of one anyway. but on the safe side stop reading if you don't want to know a couple of small things about the ep

                    phase shifting == the molecular vibration of your particles shift pahase example of sine waves in diferent phases
                    so it has relavance only to the oscilation of particles, the efects of not being seen and passing trough matter is al correct (you'd fall to the center of the earth though irl and not see the phase you'r from, but we could asume the device would compensate for this)

                    dimensions are not realities, OK right you are sam.
                    but it has nothing to do with phase shifting, most likely (most of)the other 7(11 - 4) dimensions have realatively small efects on our universe.
                    it's extreemly unlikely you would just turn inviseble or incoporial when "shifted"
                    to another dimension, wich itself is questionable to even be posible (it 's another dimension like space and time not an alternate reality).

                    i think the mixup might come from string theory, where all reality(matter/energy/vacuem) is made up of subatomic strings, wich vibrate too. but the stings themselves cross or ocupy dimensions so them vibrating has nothing to do with dimensions.
                    the vibrations do have something to do with mater/energy so the vibrations of particles might be related to the string vibrations, but the strings make up the particles so i'm not sure on that

                    feadback and coments ok, but please read something about string theory before you post!

                    for instance read wikipedia:

                    I think the fact that it is only a theory, and probably not a 100% correct theory anyway, makes it acceptable cos we don't really understand it so who`s to say these things can`t happen?
                    Atleast they`re making some effort in using a gap in human knowledge to explain things away making it atleast plausible, unlike Star Trek where they just remodulated/inverted the phase variance/output frequency of the warp core/shields/deflector/transporter to do pretty much anything they damn well wanted to.

                    Oh and again. Whu?


                      Originally posted by talyn2k1
                      I think the fact that it is only a theory, and probably not a 100% correct theory anyway, makes it acceptable cos we don't really understand it so who`s to say these things can`t happen?
                      Atleast they`re making some effort in using a gap in human knowledge to explain things away making it atleast plausible, unlike Star Trek where they just remodulated/inverted the phase variance/output frequency of the warp core/shields/deflector/transporter to do pretty much anything they damn well wanted to. Oh and again. Whu?
                      even so String theory's 11 dimensions have NO place WATSOEVER in phase shifting, phase shifting would aply to the oscilation of mater, with wich the dimensions of string theory have nothing to do.

                      if it's phase shifting don't bring string theory into it.

                      if it's an alternate dimension they are explaining it uterly wrong and the efects also don't folow string theory.

                      the efects are (more or less) what you might expect from phase shifting.

                      thus i can onely conclude this is a big goof, if a sci-fi show wants to be a bit more 1 part sience 1 part fiction, great!, but get your facts straigt!!! just a quick stop at wikipedia or a bit of searching with google would tell you, i could ofcourse be wrong, but youand sam's techno babble are definetively not right!!

                      beside's i'm not discusing the theory's worth, I'm just appalled at the WRONG use of sting theory and dimmensions, wich are simply not relevant to phase shifting.
                      as stated at the top i'm responding to what sam sais in athur's mantle nothing else.
                      Last edited by robinmdh; 26 February 2006, 02:45 PM.


                        Originally posted by robinmdh
                        even so String theory's 11 dimensions have NO place WATSOEVER in phase shifting, phase shifting would aply to the oscilation of mater, with wich the dimensions of string theory have nothing to do.

                        if it's phase shifting don't bring string theory into it.

                        if it's an alternate dimension they are explaining it uterly wrong and the efects also don't folow string theory.

                        the efects are (more or less) what you might expect from phase shifting.

                        thus i can onely conclude this is a big goof, if a sci-fi show wants to be a bit more 1 part sience 1 part fiction, great!, but get your facts straigt!!! just a quick stop at wikipedia or a bit of searching with google would tell you, i could ofcourse be wrong, but youand sam's techno babble are definetively not right!!

                        beside's i'm not discusing the theory's worth, I'm just appalled at the WRONG use of sting theory and dimmensions, wich are simply not relevant to phase shifting.
                        as stated at the top i'm responding to what sam sais in athur's mantle nothing else.
                        I understand what your saying and fully agree although I'll have to re watch the ep cause I dont remember them using the words phase shifting just shifting but could be wrong.
                        But your right in that most the other dimensions are theorised to be microscopic spatial ones and by no way large enough for a person to enter. The only way to even begin to rationalise the ep is if they're going on the assumption that there is more than one temporal dimension which I must admit is very dubious and questionable.


                          Hmmm, well sense its not conclusive what the other 7 dimensions are, i'd say they can do whatever they want with the theories. Maybe one of the dimensions is wavelength, making it so their molecules operated on a different frequency from everyone/everything else. Although Teal'c could see and hear Mitchell when Tealc had that device activated.

                          Conclusion: They had a concept and wanted some sort of scientific backing for it. I don't think any of it makes a lick of sense, but suspension of disbelief is important even for Stargate.
                          "When the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro."-Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

                          Baltar for President.


                            [QUOTE=youngtusk87]Although Teal'c could see and hear Mitchell when Tealc had that device activated.[QUOTE]

                            While there has been no explanation as to how the ancient device's the sodan used worked, it is possible that the terminal that Sam activated used a similar but slightly different field.

                            It has never been mentioned if anyone can be heard while using the sodan device. But we do know they can interact with the world around them. Also we do know that a person/creature out of phase (Ree'Tu) can not be heard.

                            This evidance brings me to the conclusion that whatever the technical reason for how it was done is, the technology is similar to the sodan devices but different enough to result in the inability to physicaly interact with the world.

