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Theory regarding Ancient Gene

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    Theory regarding Ancient Gene

    Okay this is my theory can some tell me if this is possible.

    When you administer the Ancient gene you have a chance that the body won't take the virus that causes it. So wouldn't it be easier to Bio-engineer a bacteria that white blood cells won't attack with the ancient gene since each gene codes for a specific protein. Couldn't the bacteria release the Protein into the blood stream to be detected by the ancient tech therefore having a better delivery system. I don't know exactly how the ancient gene is detected but this is a theory that fits my view on that subject so please, some one say if this would work or not.
    I doubt my sanity; then again I doubt yours as well!

    You're suggesting to infect people with a MDR geneticly engineered bacteria? While the idea sounds great there are a few problems with it, mostly concerning genetic mutations and reproductive rate of the bacteria as well as the lifespan and foodsource of named bacteria.

    Concerning mutations: If you have a MDR geneticly engineered bacteria and it get a small mutations which instead of the ancient protain releases a, lets say, neurotoxin you'd have a hard time cleaning it from the body. Not to mention the risk of contaminating others with it (Pandemic).

    Concerning reproductive rate and lifespan: If you have these bacteria and they have a too long life span, maybe because of a mutation, you'll get more new bacteria than dead bacteria (Dead bacteria already cause your body to have to do more work, they need to clean up after the bacteria). In a worst case scenario the bacteria would cause a "traffic jam" inside the cardiovasculair system, which would probably emulate thrombosis. And again it would be hard to clean the body.

    Concerning the food source: What do these bacteria eat? They might start eating nervecells, or heartcells etc...

    I assumed that the bacteria get into the cardiovasculair system, since that would be the most effictive way to deliver the protain. But even if they would work in the digestive system, they would probably disrupt the the digestive system and eventually even enter the cardiovasculair system through the gut or even through the longs..

    Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


    Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
    Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


      its a retro virus that implements the ATA gene, designed to do its job and leave the system.

      if the retro virus dosn't work, then its just not 'compatible' with your body. (the gene that is)
      Homer: WHEN PIGS FLY!...
      (a pig was in a cannon, and got shot accross the town, right were homer can see)

      Homer: Doh!


        Originally posted by sandyer
        Okay this is my theory can some tell me if this is possible.

        When you administer the Ancient gene you have a chance that the body won't take the virus that causes it. So wouldn't it be easier to Bio-engineer a bacteria that white blood cells won't attack with the ancient gene since each gene codes for a specific protein. Couldn't the bacteria release the Protein into the blood stream to be detected by the ancient tech therefore having a better delivery system. I don't know exactly how the ancient gene is detected but this is a theory that fits my view on that subject so please, some one say if this would work or not.
        ???? ????


          We've gone from techno-babble to medical-babble.


            Don't think its safe considering our medical technology because you are suggesting we create something that works to replace genes within our body. Plus the results alone go into the unknown region....better to stick with the gene therapy.

            'Hallowed are the children of the Ori. CROWD: Hallowed are we. Hallowed are the Ori.' -

            'Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry the warriors out among the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished' -

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              Originally posted by ancientaction
              if the retro virus dosn't work, then its just not 'compatible' with your body. (the gene that is)
              If the virus doesn't work it can mean the following things:
              1) The injected gene got into the Junk-DNA.
              2) The immune system cleaned the virus before it got a chance to infect.
              3) The gene is damaged.

              Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


              Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
              Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                Originally posted by Gregorius
                You're suggesting to infect people with a MDR geneticly engineered bacteria? While the idea sounds great there are a few problems with it, mostly concerning genetic mutations and reproductive rate of the bacteria as well as the lifespan and foodsource of named bacteria.

                Concerning mutations: If you have a MDR geneticly engineered bacteria and it get a small mutations which instead of the ancient protain releases a, lets say, neurotoxin you'd have a hard time cleaning it from the body. Not to mention the risk of contaminating others with it (Pandemic).

                Concerning reproductive rate and lifespan: If you have these bacteria and they have a too long life span, maybe because of a mutation, you'll get more new bacteria than dead bacteria (Dead bacteria already cause your body to have to do more work, they need to clean up after the bacteria). In a worst case scenario the bacteria would cause a "traffic jam" inside the cardiovasculair system, which would probably emulate thrombosis. And again it would be hard to clean the body.

                Concerning the food source: What do these bacteria eat? They might start eating nervecells, or heartcells etc...

                I assumed that the bacteria get into the cardiovasculair system, since that would be the most effictive way to deliver the protain. But even if they would work in the digestive system, they would probably disrupt the the digestive system and eventually even enter the cardiovasculair system through the gut or even through the longs..
                Oh no you got me thinking again. Well here i go again.
                You forget that we have bacteria/microrganisms that live in our small intestines, so therefore if you managed to have the bacteria live through the stomach couldn't you have it there eating food and giving off the protein(s) into out blood stream with our other nutients. But I'm not sure because the Proteins might get broken down into Amino Acids instead of staying intact.

                Also another question, could you for tempory use of the gene couldn't you inject the proteins into your blood? Just wondering.

                (sorry for being so full of questions right now)
                I doubt my sanity; then again I doubt yours as well!


                  Originally posted by sandyer
                  Oh no you got me thinking again. Well here i go again.
                  You forget that we have bacteria/microrganisms that live in our small intestines, so therefore if you managed to have the bacteria live through the stomach couldn't you have it there eating food and giving off the protein(s) into out blood stream with our other nutients. But I'm not sure because the Proteins might get broken down into Amino Acids instead of staying intact.

                  Also another question, could you for tempory use of the gene couldn't you inject the proteins into your blood? Just wondering.

                  (sorry for being so full of questions right now)
                  If I recall correctly the bacteria in our digestive system only break down things like cellulose into stuff we can digest. Furthermore wouldn't it be efficient and wise to produce protains in the digestive system, since new bacteria can disrupt the balance in the digestive system. The injected might get symptomes like diarrhea because the digestive system can't process certain things anymore.

                  Injecting into the blood would be unwise. It creates a vunerability for the user since he/she would always need an injection (Extremely handy in war time ) and the skin wouldn't accept it in due time (See diabetis insuline injections).

                  Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                  Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                  Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                    Proteins can exist in the bloodstream without being broken into amino acids. That said if you have a bacteria producing a certain protein in the blood that is immuno-resistant then it will eventually multiply too much and kill you. You could put the bacteria in the gut, but if memory serves me correctly they get broken down into amino acids as they go into the blood.

                    Perhaps an alternative would be to transplant part of your body (say some bone marrow) with tissue that has the ancient gene? Of course any tissue with the ancient gene may be automatically incompatible, never the less it may be easier than using bacteria, though harder than injecting the protein like sandyer suggested.

                    Of course this question all revolves around how the ancient gene is detected. From memory ancient devices seem to be activated by touch. If a was a geneticist that only wanted Ancients operating my machinery I would instruct the machines only to recognize specific protein markers on the surface of 'human' skin cells. These markers grow on the cell surface in response to instruction from the cells genes, meaning I have to have the Ancient gene to produce and install the marker. Hope that makes sense.


                      Thanks you answering my questions.

                      Now anybody else got alternative methods to giving us the ancient gene?
                      I doubt my sanity; then again I doubt yours as well!

