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Origin of Death Glider design

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    Originally posted by Ollock
    Eh? How so?
    By changing shape. Might be cut out of the version you have. I've only seen the full uncut version that also has naked Sha're in it.

    Now with added lesbians.


      Oh! Oh! Inform us on the goods
      You go ahead, I'll be right behind you (In an F-302)
      And now for a completely unconnected series of random smilies:


        Full frontal nudity!

        Now with added lesbians.


          First, and most importantly, lets here how to get this uncut version.

          Secondly, I believe it was mostly designe to resemble the Hawk, the symbol of Ra (besides the sundisk, which was actually a symbol shared by many of the gods). The gould aren't exactly sticklers for efficiency. This is easily shown by the staff weapon. Its far from efficient, the best marksman have a two out of three hit ratio. They (the gould) are more concerned with appearance, with the aesthetics of the item/device/thing. As Jack said in the episode concerning Imhotep, "This (the staff) is a weapon of terror... this(the P-90) is a weapon of war!"

          The design isn't necessarily meant to be technically superior to other designs, even though its been proven to be a highly effective one. To further press this, in the episode with the X-301 prototype fighter, when Salmak's cargo ship hovers over the glider it shows a wing design on the wings.

          About transforming gliders, they sit in the hanger with wings folded downward.


            Originally posted by Three PhDs
            By changing shape. Might be cut out of the version you have. I've only seen the full uncut version that also has naked Sha're in it.
            I also have the uncut version with the nude scene. I guess I missed the transforming ship, and I don't really feel like rewatching the ep just to look for it.


              Originally posted by Ollock
              I also have the uncut version with the nude scene. I guess I missed the transforming ship, and I don't really feel like rewatching the ep just to look for it.
              well i think all the box sets are the "uncut version"
              but im pretty shure that the transforming ship was a glider cause it attack jack and the escapeies


                Does anybody remember that really bad movie that came out in the early 80s with Chevy Chase and Gregory Hines. I think it was called Deal of the Century. Chevy Chase works for Lockheed and is an experimental weapons designer and arms dealer. His crew developed an unmanned craft with long range flight capabilities and serious artillary all to be controlled by remote. It was very similar in appearance to the Death Glider. They also lost control of it at a weopons expo (like in the episode where Tealc and Jack are sent into space during a test flight after having reverse engineered the crashed Gould glider). I dont know if this had any influence on the writers at the time but I thought it was kind of funny


                  i have the uncut version

                  yes the glider changes some what i'll go watch it in frame by frame i just saw the canons extend out after it ringed down the two groups of goaulds and jaffa i'll edit it in bellow when i get back


                  Currently recruiting new staff


                    The morphing Goa'uld technology was a remnant from the movie that was eventually phased out due to budget constraints.

                    The morphing deathglider in Children of the Gods was something that tied the pilot to the movie, which was the whole purpose. After that sequence, we never see a morphing ship, or anything else morph, until Teal'c wears the Horus guard helmet in Moebius; it's like the Goa'uld lost their shape-shifting technology sometime after 1995 and never got it back.

                    As for the original topic, they're designed to look like birds of prey, which explains why they have feathers engraved on the wings.
                    Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

                    1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


                      You guys are all wrong... the Origin of the Death Glider is a belt.

                      Yes, that's right, a belt. If you watch the special on the Stargate movie, it talks about all the special effects in the movie, and one of the questions is about the Glider design.

                      Originally, the creator wanted this really "boxy" looking ship to be the ships of Ra, but the MGM suits took one look at the ships and went "uh... no. Those look really crappy, redesign 'em."

                      So the guy who was behind the special effects started to think up new ideas, when he saw a belt he had designed for Ra which had the "swept up" wings and a circular middle, and *BAM* the Death Glider was created. He took that and designed it into a fighter.


                        The design comes from the traditional shape of wings in Egyptian art, swept upwards around the body. As so:


                        Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                        - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.

