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    Originally posted by Owen Macri
    A solid answer is, within the Stargate universe, subspace is real.

    Basically, (please not from here on I refer to events within the Stargate universe) subspace is... very very difficult to explain. Subspace is basically, here, all around us, if you reach your arm out infront of you, your arm is both above, below, infront, behind, subspace, as well subspace continues right into your arm. Subspace is basically, inside, normal space. Hypothetically you can cut the fabric of space time and have a "portal" to subspace.

    We have many ideas on how subspace works. If you would like to know more, just ask.

    Owen Macri
    thank you owen.

    i would like to hear more, and i realise that even if it was real, in our universe, it is not a solid thing. as with any physical science these very new complicated ideas have to start as theories as we don't have the smarts or technology to prove them laws as of yet. but in the stargate world please enlighten me!
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      Originally posted by AsgardCarnage
      subspce is normal used to describe another dimension of which as defined by string theory there are about 11, our 4 unraviled dimensions (3 space dimensions and time as the 4th) and 7 that are kind of bundled together, a lame describtion i know.

      when shows like star trek and stargate talk about subscape they normally mean a dimension that has its atoms and energy tightly compacted together with not space inbetween so any transmision or anything traviling in that space will move faster then in ours allows. for example sound travils faster underwater then in air because waters atoms are tighter together.

      kind of a loose explination but u get the gist
      String theory states there are 10 dimensions not 11, Super String theory that includes gravity are an extra dimensional force is 11 dimensions. Both are wrong and this is why M-Theory with 11 dimensions is currently the favourite, plus it is the only theory that correctly deals with the universe on a whole so far.

      Subspace is a term that is used out of context to the rest of physics, there is no subspace, there is no hyperspace, in that I mean no FTL space. So just because some Scientist watches SG1 a bit to much and B5 doesn't mean that RL subspace is Scifi subspace, the term is just used to get peoples attention.



        Ok, well, my hypothesis, which many on the forum agree with is that subspace is infitesimally small. Subspace is there, but takes up no space and contains no space, yet it is still there. Now, let us say that there is some kind of universal template, and all universes, all layers of the universe, all layers of hyperspace, and subspace, must fit this template. Howver, with subpsacebeing so small, it cannot possibly equal the size of our universe, so in order to exist, it is forced to stretch, to meet the specifications which it is required to meet. According to the expanding universe model the universe is getting bigger, so these specifications are constantly changing getting larger, but they are still there.

        Now subspace had to stretched to fit the universal template, but seeing as subspace originally contained 0 space, it will continue to contain zero space, you must stretch subspace, but no matter how many times you multiply zero by another number you will continue to get zero.

        So subspace has been stretched to fit the dimensions of the universal template, however it still contains zero area, so when you enter subspace you force the inside of it to stretch outwards, it will cling to you, within subspace will only be as large as you are. So now, you occupy all of subspace, and seeing as subspace was required to stretch to fit the universal template, you would be too.

        Now before we go into this there is only one way you would be able to stretch subspace. Normally if you entered subspace, seeing as the space inside is shrunken, it would cause you to shrink, and since subspace contains no volume you would be shrunk down to nothing. So to enter subspace you must enter while encompassed in a self-contained region of spacetime, so while you are actaully entering subspace, you are still within normal space, however, you are within a "pocket" of normal space, which is within subspace. Now your bubble of spacetime has strecthed subspacetime, and you now occupy all of subspace, and seeing as subspace was stretched to fit this template of which we have been speaking, your bubble of spacetime is also equal to the entire size of the our universe. Seeing as subspace, as I mentioned in my last post is all around us, you are able to exit anywhere in the known universe, seeing as you are relativley occuping the entire universe at once.

        Therefore you can enter subspace at one point in the universe, and exit at another point billions of lightyears away without having to travel at all through subspace. You can instantaneously travel anywhere in the universe via subspace.

        With this idea, you do not have to break the theory of relativity seeing as you will always be traveling at sublight speeds, however, relative to our universe you will be travel far greater than the speed of light.

        This is because speed is measured as distance traveled divided by time elapsed, miles/hour, kilometers/minute, meters/second, etc.

        So let us estimate, if you travel a billion miles, in 10 seconds, for some reason you decided to stop and chat in subspace. relative to our universe, the speed at which you were traveling, was one billion miles/ten seconds, to round that to an hour you multiply both neumerator and denominator by six and then 10 seconds becomes one minute, and one billion miles becomes six billion miles, then you multiply both neumerator and denominator by 60, one minute becomes sixty, or one hour, and six billion miles per hour become 360 billion miles. Therefore, relative to our universe you are travel at 360, 000, 000, 000 miles per hour.

        And if you find this interesting, the Stargate version of Hyperspace, and my idea on how it works is very similar. Might you like to hear about this as well?

        Owen Macri

