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    Originally posted by Harekin
    To be honest I didnt think anyone really knew anything about blackholes...isnt it all based on educated assumption...for example.Tell me somewhere in the universe that there is definately a black hole.
    Well, you can't really directly observe one...but Scientists are pretty sure that at the center of our galaxy lies Sagittarius A. The radio waves emitted from that location are in perfect coorelation with what you'd typically expect to find near a black hole.


      Ahh yeah but its still only a theory...infact you cant observe one because the theory is that not even light can escape.
      Originally posted by Unnamed due to Risk of Offending person
      the processor of the gate thats what it is in plainsmen therm
      Strangest thing Iv read on the forum so far!

      And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down, shall be laid low and made unto dust.

      Proud member of the C.O.T.W.O.S.F.
      The Coalition Of Those Who Oppose Sci Fi (channel)


        hmmm, odd i always though it was quite clear what powers zpm's... but i'll explain what i think anyway

        well the big bang theory stated that the entire univese was contained in supercompressed matter about the size of an apple and (im not sure at all but i think i heard this) it was kept that way through a constant battle between matter and anti matter and when matter and antimatter come in contact the result is energy of the purest form and when something is that compressed then it results in quite a bit of fuel more feul than the matter our universe consists of because the universe was created when there was more matter than antimatter meaning that there must have been a huge amount of matter within that supercompressed orb but anyway what im saying is the zpm is releasing energy in its purest form (not electricity, if you think about it this makes sence considering the fact that the gates can take in any kind of energy)

        although my theory has quite a bit of holes in it such as:

        where does the energy go when it is not being used and many others

        well, my theory is not so great once i start to think about it... but i feel im on the right track, does anyone else think im on the right track with the supercondensed matter thing?

        also everyone keeps saying that the zpm is a battery, your only saying that because it is portable its not a battery! thats like saying a nuclear reactor on a submarine is a battery


          A ZPM dras its power from the quantum fluctuations in a artificial created subspace domain and the zpm is the anchor, controler and sustainer of that subspace domain.
          It has to do with black holes as much as a squirrel with moonrockets.

