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    Originally posted by EMSPARKS
    OK tell me about black holes, in broad strokes, both sides of the coin. The side you believe in and those that you don’t.
    What's to tell, they're quite simple gravitational constructs?

    Now with added lesbians.


      black holes hum??well there black and theres a hole in the middle u can figure out the rest


        Ok, you don’t what to play.

        Two points;

        1. Your right reading “a brief history of time” does not make one a physics expert.

        2. There is however equal arrogance on the side of academia, in that unproven theories are taken as fact, just because they carry a sprinkling of mathematically provable assertions, and are repeated often enough.


        We are told that stars of a certain mass, when they reach the end of their life cycle collapse into a black hole. We don’t know if there is a black hole at the center of the star waiting to get out, to begin with, or the star does in fact become a black hole where none existed before.

        It is said in some quarters that Neutrinos are subatomic black holes, one of many competing theories.

        As to my thing about proto-matter, I am told that at a point in the so-called big-bang matter, as we know it has not formed. For something like 10^-99 seconds after the initiation event matter had yet to coalesced, hence rightly or wrongly I used the term proto-matter.

        The point is we don’t know what the life cycle of a black hole is or is not.


          I am sure some, if not all of what I am going to say is wrong but I am also sure that someone will call me on this. Here goes anyway: Just because there is a black hole doesn't mean that everything is going to be sucked into it. It's gravational (sp?) pull would be the same as it was when it was a star. If it wasn't going to pull in then, its not going to pull in now. It is only after you cross the event horizon will you no longer be able to escape. Also, it has been speculated that that at the center of galaxies (even ours) lie super massive black holes.
          "Those who sow the wind might reap the whirlwind."

          "Only God knows everything and he works for the Mossad."


            owen stop trying to make me sound like a dumb ass

            im also reading that book i was about half way through but lost my place have to start it all over again now
            "only two things are infinate the universe and human stupidity and im not sure about the universe"

            -albert einstein


              Hmm, I wonder if the confusion lies in the one type of black hole that is suppose to blink out of existence. The micro type, quantum singulatity. Supposed to lose it's mass in the form of Hawkins radiation until it disappears in a bang. Hmm, put it in stasis field and draw down the energy as required, nope, damn singularity weighs enough so that you'd never carry it around as they do the ZPM. Only put this in in case the idea came to someone.

              Question, is it called a ZPM because that is the name the Ancients attached to it, or did we name it that due to the way it worked.


                I don't know why it was ever suggested there was a singularity in the ZPM. There's no reason to suspect it.

                Now with added lesbians.


                  zpm's are powerd by somesort of vacum it says it on the show


                    A vacuum is not a singularity is not a vacuum.

                    Now with added lesbians.


                      what that doesnt make cents


                        Zero point energy is the fluctuation of energy around the zero point, no particle can actually have zero energy, the energy in the particle will fluctuate around the zero point, so no matter how much energy you draw from these particles they will always have remaining energy. This is why ZPMs are so powerful in the show because they draw on unlimited power. The reason they run out is because they lose electrons from the crystal shell which makes it unable to draw on any more energy as it requires the electrons to carry the energy into the circuit.
                        "I don't know what Irony means but I use it alot, Ironic isn't it"

                        "Sure there have been deaths and injuries in boxing, but none of them serious"

                        Bloke:Fat Penguin
                        Bloke:I just wanted to say something that would break the ice.


                          i new that i was trying to see what three phds was trying to say


                            Originally posted by Salas1
                            Zero point energy is the fluctuation of energy around the zero point, no particle can actually have zero energy, the energy in the particle will fluctuate around the zero point, so no matter how much energy you draw from these particles they will always have remaining energy. This is why ZPMs are so powerful in the show because they draw on unlimited power.
                            Technically it cannot be unlimited as energy is neither created nor destroyed. There will be a price to pay for drawing on zero point energy.
                            The reason they run out is because they lose electrons from the crystal shell which makes it unable to draw on any more energy as it requires the electrons to carry the energy into the circuit.
                            How does it lose them? By what means? Crystal shell? By what means do the electrons draw energy into the shell? Or did you just make this up on guesswork? Man I hate how little real science there is on gateworld.

                            Now with added lesbians.


                              cause its FICTION thats y there called theorys or ideas


                                Originally posted by captain keys
                                cause its FICTION thats y there called theorys or ideas
                                Theories are based on observations and math.

