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Asteroid (1km wide) might collide with earth on march 16th 2880

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    Originally posted by Owen Macri
    But we have created antimatter, it is possible, it would just take time. We could also alter the orbit of the Earth so we fall into the Sun. That could destroy us. As for the black hole, we can just dial up the black hole planet and there you've got it!

    Owen Macri
    1.) Yes, we have and continue to create antimatter: in minute quantities. Our current production rate is about 1 to 10 nanograms a year. So, to create even a gram of Antimatter at our most optimistic rate would take 100,000,000 years at our current rate. Barring the development of a substantially better production method, or finding an accessible natural source, we won't really have enough of the stuff to be sweating about.

    2.) No, we can't alter the orbit of the Earth. We have nothing that could produce anywhere near enough thrust to knock Earth out of orbit toward the sun, and that would be a pretty impressive piece of engineering just to commit suicide.

    3.) We're talking real physics here.

    I repeat: We do not have at this time any means to destroy the Earth.

    "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
    "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
    BAD WOLF!!!


      OOOH At this time! Well give me a while it is late but I am sure I will come up with something. Don't you worry.

      Owen Macri


        ohh a day of eternal rest, sounds a little lonely being blown up and drifting away in space on fragments of earth, still you wouldn't have to have boarders or checkpoints for imigrants or illegal trade.

        well at least human kind will go on if the earth and all humans of earth get destroyed, the chances of humans evolving on other planets is well im not sure but its like this.

        at the present time there could well be over 146 billion on various other worlds who are more of less human (i belive the term is terran as human is the name given to the people of earth) so whatever the others call themselves is unknown but we wont be missed, so if those calculations pan out that would mean the odds of other truely alien lifeforms out there depend on how each of them evolve and how big the universe actually is.

        thats a nice thought i wonder if if we have ever been visited by humans from other planets, i mean its not beyond reason to assume it may well be going on but im not one of those conspirocy people im sure we have been visited by benevolant and friendly aliens.

        that was said to me and i find it intrigueing to think that there could be a planet so much like earth or other humans develping in their own little way that differs to ours.
        For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

        We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


          Lol, no you have it the other way around, Terran and Earthling, is the name given to people of Earth. Human is the name given to our species. lol.

          Owen Macri


            why yes it is or is it!!

            but others will go by different names so the name human will not necesserally apply to other humans they may call us for example troks if their name was troks and we of course call ourselves humans it does present a little problem the name will have to be revised to aplly to all humans or terrans whatever they are knowns as, is a matter of prespective isnt it.

            oww my head hurts already and its not even the am's yet.
            For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

            We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


              Originally posted by eoin
              In 800yrs our tech will be sooooo much better.
              Does anyone think that we will have any tech that resembles tech on stargate to deflect the asteroid in the yr 2880 if it is gonna impact earth

              I think we will have something like the tollans ion cannons to vapourize the asteroid. or at least space ships that can tow the asteroid away from earth.

              Thoughts and opinions anyone
              880 years from now,
              we'll have built our very own planet-sized stargate (or at least nagged one from the Ori)
              . By then, we can just pop open the gate, and let the asteroid go through the gate to where ever. And the earth won't have any problems.


                Lol, that could work, but it seems to simple.

                Owen Macri

