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Ship disabiling idea

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    That would work if you could wait for them to connect it, but if they were in a battle they couldn't really do that. Also we would have to first find some ZPMs, and then we would bassically be wasting them.

    Owen Macri


      Originally posted by Hudson
      How about a REALLY big version of the zat, for disabiling ships. we have seen (i think) that it messes with computer equipment...
      Great.. the Ion Cannon from "The Empire Strikes Back"...

      The idea of "phasers set for stun" in posession of the protagonists would take too much of the drama of the few space battles they do have. Therefore, I'd be all for the idea NOT scaling up. After all, electrical energy should certainly be disappated by a sheild that blocks glowing bolts of "we-know-not-what"!


        Originally posted by Darth Buddha
        Great.. the Ion Cannon from "The Empire Strikes Back"...

        The idea of "phasers set for stun" in posession of the protagonists would take too much of the drama of the few space battles they do have. Therefore, I'd be all for the idea NOT scaling up. After all, electrical energy should certainly be disappated by a sheild that blocks glowing bolts of "we-know-not-what"!
        We can assume that the Zat blast is pure electrical energy, it would cause great pain to any physical subject that it was used upon, and it would overload any mechanical equipment that it was used upon. There is one problem, if indeed the Zat blast is electrical energy than there should theoretically be burns all over the body. However we do know that the Zat uses a lower voltage power source, this could control the energy output per blast, so it could simply inflict great pain and not leave any physical markings.

        There we go, once again I have proven myself, wrong, and then right again in the same paragraph, I seem to be good at that. lol.

        Owen Macri


          Wrong then right, eh? (uses Omega's :huh:smiley) If it's electrical, then how can it disintegrate?
          JACKSON: ...I mean isn't that why we're doing this, all of this? The Stargate program, the budget? Isn't it so we can go and meet new races, gather advanced technology and possibly learn about ourselves in the process?
          VALA: Oh, come on! you do it to meet women.
          MITCHELL: She has a point, sir.
          : I've been thinking I need to get out on an offworld mission or two.
          Get FireFox! Browse with Tabs!
          Stargate Omega, Now a vBulletin!
          Mmm... Green...


            We are not one hundred percent sure how the disintegration function works, but seeing as after being shocked with electrical energy some will still remain inside the body. If there is an electrical energy build up within the effected matter it could burn the heat the body intensly and vaporize it. However this seems like another hole in, so now, right, wrong, right, wrong. Give me a second I will come up with a right...

            Ok, maybe the energy is not electrical but a type similar that we don't know how to use yet. The energy will act like electrical energy when fired into a mechanical mechanism, shorting out circuts, etc. The energy is of a low modulation, so it will not kill on first shot unless the person is already weakend, the first shot will just cause great pain like an electrical pulse. The second shot will then cause death unless the person is protected by some shielding mechanism, is really strong, etc. The second shot will kill by taking advantage of the weakend physical state and the built up charge of energy in the body, causing death. The third shot will take advantage of the energy built up by the first two shots, the energy build up in the body/other matter, will then overload the confines of the matter, there will be more energy than the matter can confine. Now instead of the enrgy slowly pulsing out, it willd quickly expand, the energy will cause the molecules to loose cohesion, the molecules will fall apart and the immense heat energy realeased by the overload will cause the individual molecules to be vaporized. The reason no conecting matter is effected by this is because the energy will be confined by the single discrete unit of matter, it won't be spread, and when it overloads, all of the energy will be used in as heat energy, in the vaporization of the molecules.

            Allthough the energy is a completley unique form it does strongly resemble electrical energy in many ways.

            Right? Right! lol.

            Owen Macri


              How can it stun, kill, and then disintegrate various targets of different size reliably with one and two shots respectively? Bad scifi science, that's how. What would disable, say, Teal'c, should have killed his son Ryac outright.

              How does it disintegrate on the third shot? Even worse scifi science. So bad I don't worry about it any more... the more you think about it, the more it will undermine enjoying the story.

              I prefer my shows to have GOOD scifi science, but a little schlock just has to be tolerated.


                There was one other idea that I had. What if the Zat is intuitive, it has sensors and an internal computer of some sort. The sensors are constaltly scanning, when you aim the Zat at any discrete unit of matter it will scan it first to see check its size so that it could apply the nesecary charge to the blast, which would just be electrical energy, the only reason that it might kil on the first shot is if the person was already weakend, the sensors are not advanced they simply scan for left over charge. On the third shot, if the Zat detects the residual charge from two shot the third shot will be a diffrent kind of energy which will disintegrate. The third shot alone could disintegrate matter, but the Zat has to know that the matter it is going to fire on has already had two shots to it, then the third shot, the diffrent type of energy will be released, which disintegrates, vaporizes, whatever you please.

                Owen Macri


                  Sounds more complex than the Goa'uld have at their disposal. Staff weapons aren't handheld scanners... why should Zats be? More importantly, if they had that kind of capability, you KNOW Carter would have mentioned it by now.

                  Now the HAND DEVICE I could see having that sophistication. But not a "basic" sidearm.


                    Like I have said before, The Zat could be an Ancient weapon that the Goa'uld simply stole...

                    Staff weapons don't need it, they have on setting, scare and kill. The Staff weapons fire a very intense energy burst that will burn its' victims, and kill them if the damage is bad enough, but they can't decided wheter or not to kill or stun them. The staff weapon doesn't need sensors.

                    You are right, Carter definetly would have mentioned it, but she also should have mentioned how it works, there are a lot of things that Carter hasn't mentioned that she should have. Maybe even she doesn't know how it works, maybe she never really got to examine one, and/or she doesn't understand it. Allthough it would seem that they would have disected one by now...

                    If indeed the Goa'uld stole the technology from the Ancients, there is no reason why they should use it as a basic sidearm, to the Ancients it would have been easy to master this technology, and if the Goa'uld could just steal and call it thiers, why not use it as a sidearm.

                    Owen Macri


                      "Excuse me I have to go blow up something." -Jack.
                      Ask me anything and I shall tell you something you probably didn't want to hear.

                      I AM A STARGATE 633K AND I <3 IT.



                        Owen Macri


                          In regard to a big honking Zat gun to use against enemy ships..... wouldn't a Zat blast power up the enemy ship?? Jack does to the cargo ship (in Lost City) by Zatting the crystals to make it go faster.....

                          Maybe it depends on the size of the blast......and if i can get passed the energy shields.......d'oh now i'm all confused.......
                          Last edited by PrimalAscended; 10 June 2005, 07:24 AM. Reason: grammar


                            It is likley the energy would have no effect and simply be absorbed by the shields. The energy is only meant to cause pain and kill and vaporize, it is negligible that it would have any effect on the ship. It is also questionable that the third shot would vaporize the ship. The third shot vaporizes matter, you would be firing at an energy shield.

                            Owen Macri


                              Random thought.........

                              When going up against Goa'uld ships we should strap big honking naquadah enhanced nukes to Nintendos to get past the shields..... cos we all know that "Nintendos pass through everything"!!!!

                              Clever 'ole Jack huh??!!


                                Lol, a "nintendo" is a subatomic particle, how do you suggest strapping a nuke to it? lol.

                                Owen Macri

