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Why isn't there any anti-matter weapons?

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    That is a good idea, however it would be extremly complicated. You would have to have everything perfectly timed down to a nanosecond. If you just phased out your warhead immediatly after launch and have it set to automatically phase back in, you could have everything pretty much work by itself. The hyperdrive idea is a good idea, but extremly complicated, however if it came down to it, and they needed to do this, it would be possible.

    Owen Macri


      Originally posted by Owen Macri
      That is a good idea, however it would be extremly complicated. You would have to have everything perfectly timed down to a nanosecond. If you just phased out your warhead immediatly after launch and have it set to automatically phase back in, you could have everything pretty much work by itself. The hyperdrive idea is a good idea, but extremly complicated, however if it came down to it, and they needed to do this, it would be possible.

      Owen Macri
      I think your phasing idea is far more complicated than using a hyperdrive. The SGC doesn't even have Tollan phase technology, but they do have hyperdrives.
      Anyway, the end result is the same: You transport a nuke through the shields to detonate either within proximity, or inside, the target. You could use either method, but the hyperdrive method is proven, and we have the technology on hand.
      Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

      1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


        Originally posted by Jarnin
        I think your phasing idea is far more complicated than using a hyperdrive. The SGC doesn't even have Tollan phase technology, but they do have hyperdrives.
        Anyway, the end result is the same: You transport a nuke through the shields to detonate either within proximity, or inside, the target. You could use either method, but the hyperdrive method is proven, and we have the technology on hand.
        It is true, we don't have phasing technology, and it is also true, we do have hyperdrive technology, but the warhead would have to be huge to hold a hyperspace window generator, not to mention, as I said before everything would have to be perfectly timed.

        Since we can't put a hyperspace window generator in a device of useable size, we don't have the technology on hand.

        Owen Macri


          Well, for right now, disregarding phasing in and out of shields and using the hyperdrive. If we had a timed AM weapon that was set to go off at least a second or two before reaching the shields, could it possibly have a powerful enough blast to at least knock out the shields? If I'm not mistaken, anti-matter uses the powerful mass of matter to destroy matter in range. That would include shields, wouldn't it? I believe energy consists of matter...



            Originally posted by Supreme Thor
            Well, for right now, disregarding phasing in and out of shields and using the hyperdrive. If we had a timed AM weapon that was set to go off at least a second or two before reaching the shields, could it possibly have a powerful enough blast to at least knock out the shields? If I'm not mistaken, anti-matter uses the powerful mass of matter to destroy matter in range. That would include shields, wouldn't it? I believe energy consists of matter...
            When matter and antimatter meet, they mutually annihilate; an equal mass of each is converted into energy, which is not the same as matter. If the shield is pure energy, the AM wouldn't get through.
            Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
            - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


              So it's basically an ex/implosion of pure energy...?



                Are you asking if an antimatter/matter reaction is an ex/implosion of pure energy? It is more like a conversion to energy.

                Owen Macri


                  So then, what causes the ex/implosion?



                    By nature, matter and antimatter destroy each other, that is why there are no large concentrations of antimatter in the universe, that we know of.

                    It is like two magnets, if you put the north sides (matter and matter) together, they hold onto eachother, they don't mind eachother. If you put the north side (matter) and the south side (antimatter) together, they will push away, in reality, the pushing away is 100% percent anhilation of both parts. That was the best analogy I can think of, if anyone has a better one, please post.

                    Owen Macri


                      Basically, if an ordinary particle is charged, its anti-particle is oppositely charged. By this nature, they will attract to each other at long distances, and annilate each other once they meet. ALL of their mass will be converted to energy. Matter/anti-matter energy/power release makes nuclear explosion look like a child's matchbox.
                      I cannot think of any reasonable shield withstanding this amount of power being released. Even without antimatter directly touching your spaceship, if you will, the photons generated from the antimatter reaction alone will be SO ENERGETIC that, they will rip off all the electrons from the atoms making up your ship, and even split the nuclei of the atoms making up your spaceship and make your ship a nuclear bomb.
                      If your shield is made of a force field, the power generated from this anti-matter reaction will easily overwhelm its capability, and easily penetrate and destroy it.
                      "Thermodynamics is the only physical theory of universal content which, within the framework of the applicability of its basic concepts, I am convinced will never be overthrown." — Albert Einstein


                        So we're talking about a bomb the size of 100+ A-bombs? That is a pretty powerful weapon. I know that in an A-bomb that the atoms are split rather than collided or ripped apart, but the mass and potency of the AM weapon seems like a naquadah enhanced A-bomb, and that's a pretty big @$$ explosion for anything.

                        I AM SUPREME COMMANDER THOR


                          A matter/antimatter reaction the size that you are thinking of would deffinetly be significantly larger than 100 A-bombs, it has the potential to be more powerful than any of us can imagine. A matter/antimatter reaction of just 50 grams of each would be incredibly larger than any naquadah enhanced nuke.

                          There is one way that your shield could withstand a blast like that, I have posted this idea before.

                          The shield could absorb energy that hits it, route the energy into a buffer, which converts the raw power into useable energy, then routes the energy to the ships systems at a reasonable level safe for the ship. If to much energy is input into the buffer, a portion of it, enough to bring energy levels in the buffer back to acceptable, would simply be routed into space, as some sort of electrical disgarge.

                          Owen Macri


                            I take it there's a way to overoload the ship's buffer? If that's the case, then it shouldn't be all that hard to create an AM weapon that could destroy an entire mothership. Even if it doesn't completely take out the shields, it would do massive damage to the ship itself.

                            I AM SUPREME COMMANDER THOR


                              That is true, but most shipd don't route the energy into some sort of buffer. And with my idea, the buffer would route power out into space when levels got too high.

                              Owen Macri


                                Like a filter?

                                I AM SUPREME COMMANDER THOR

