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SG-1 Weaponry

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    Originally posted by aAnubiSs
    They were going at Mach 5, and Mach 5 is just a velocity, why would it give us the illusion of energy weapons?

    If it was an energy weapon there wouldn't be a 10,000 round limit since there's an atmosphere full of atoms.
    I know that it isn't energy weapons but it did look like when I saw it.


      The speed that the ammunition moves, combined with the time between release of bullets, could make thousands of single bullets, appears as a stream of energy. But there is the possibility that they were state of the art weapons that fired bullets encased in an energy stream, sort of like energy bullets.

      Owen Macri


        Originally posted by Anubis69
        Not to mention the macho rail guns they use in "The Seige part 2". When i saw those babies being rolled out, my heart soared.
        I geeked out on those too.

        They should really backwards-engineer the staff weapon power source and use it. Maybe create a "bullet" that has a highly powerful but localized magnet field, so it grabs some plasma as it leaves the gun and releases it on impact.

        "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Colonel speaking, welcome to ... P3X-niner-eight-niner ... where it's a balmy ... room temperature."


          Originally posted by Owen Macri
          The speed that the ammunition moves, combined with the time between release of bullets, could make thousands of single bullets, appears as a stream of energy. But there is the possibility that they were state of the art weapons that fired bullets encased in an energy stream, sort of like energy bullets.

          Owen Macri
          Just an addition to this post, an example of this would be, if you shine a flashflight at a wall you only see the light when it hits the wall, you can't see the actual beam, because it is traveling to fast. If the bullets traveled faster, eg. at the speed of light, they would also not be visible.

          Owen Macri


            Originally posted by Owen Macri
            Just an addition to this post, an example of this would be, if you shine a flashflight at a wall you only see the light when it hits the wall, you can't see the actual beam, because it is traveling to fast. If the bullets traveled faster, eg. at the speed of light, they would also not be visible.

            Owen Macri
            Unfortunately, physical bullets couldn't move at the speed of light because they'd gain infinite mass.

            However, that only applies to the normal universe, so they could use... subspace bullets!

            "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Colonel speaking, welcome to ... P3X-niner-eight-niner ... where it's a balmy ... room temperature."


              Ya, I know that they couldn't I was just using that as an example, I only said that the bullets were travelling very fast, then I used that as an example.

              Using subspace bullets would be a good idea because than, if they aimed well, they would always hit whatever they were aiming at. The enemy also wouldn't be able to see what was being shot at them untill it was to late.

              Owen Macri


                Originally posted by Owen Macri
                The speed that the ammunition moves, combined with the time between release of bullets, could make thousands of single bullets, appears as a stream of energy. But there is the possibility that they were state of the art weapons that fired bullets encased in an energy stream, sort of like energy bullets.

                Owen Macri
                Actually small projectile that is immediately fired at Mach 5 speeds in an oxygen rich environment would start to cause the air to actually turn to plasma and get pulled along with the projectile. If project fast enough the projectile would also plasma but would not lose it's kinetic nor stored energy in fact it would gain mass because of the air being plasmaed would also be very dense. So besides having the stored energy (the projectiles mass) it would also have the kentic energy (from the speed of the projectile) and now the additional stored and kenetic energy from the air being plasmaed, but also the raw energy of the heat being created that could vaporize 12" of solid steel in a nanosecond. It would look like tracer fire.


                  That is what I was getting at, thank you for reinforcing my point I didn't think that it was necesary however to mention that, but thank you anyway.

                  Owen Macri


                    Most teams use a combination of MP5's, M-16 a2's and a4's, anti air portable rocket launchers, P 90's, a variety of sniper rifles, and what appears to be a standard issue pistol. They switched to P 90's most likely because they are short ranged, urban combat assault rifles meaning they are beeter for close range combat, and because P 90's have 50 round clips.
                    - this'll teach you to take my job!


                      You knowl, a nice 50 caliber bullet to the head from a Barrett sniper rife would take a wraith down pretty quickly.

                      Best Stargate quote:
                      Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                      Green is your friend.


                        i'm pretty sure they have used various versions of the M4, especially the deffence teams. I have wondered why they dont use them more often, the carbine version is quite small, pretty light and can have a silencer fitted.

                        obviously i know the p90 is just sexy so i'll leave it be lol im a fan of it anyway.

                        i cant remember what the weapons were that the ruskies used but they did talk about it in "the tomb" i think.
                        something that has bugged me, have you ever seen anyone firing the .50 cal's in the gate room? even in avatar they werent being fired.

                        ooo and its just come to be, i think its evolution part to that they are using a 12.7mm machine gun.
                        Good Evening, Good Nite, GOOD BEER!


                          Originally posted by mother-goose
                          i'm pretty sure they have used various versions of the M4, especially the deffence teams. I have wondered why they dont use them more often, the carbine version is quite small, pretty light and can have a silencer fitted.

                          obviously i know the p90 is just sexy so i'll leave it be lol im a fan of it anyway.

                          i cant remember what the weapons were that the ruskies used but they did talk about it in "the tomb" i think.
                          something that has bugged me, have you ever seen anyone firing the .50 cal's in the gate room? even in avatar they werent being fired.

                          ooo and its just come to be, i think its evolution part to that they are using a 12.7mm machine gun.
                          I think one of the dudes had an SVD.

                          Best Stargate quote:
                          Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                          Green is your friend.


                            Originally posted by Wandering Tamer
                            If I recall correctly, the weapons that the Air Force people used in Children of the Gods didn't really effect the Jaffa that came through the gate. So maybe they switched to the armor peircing rounds because its effective against Jaffa armor. Just a thought.
                            That's what I always thought.
                            I'm from Iowa, United States


                              SG3 used a M107 (or it was the X109 , cant remember)


                                Don't forget about the most awesome, the coolest, the overall best weapon around.
                                The Zatnikitel
                                *cough*my username*cough*
                                When the time comes to utilize Earth's best weaponry against an ailen threat. The weapon that will ultimately prove to be Earth's best will be the Zatnikitel

