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What did Robert C. Cooper say ?

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    Just read RC interview over on scifi and i would just like to add this, does this mean that Sam would not be leading sg1 but instead this new fella would be instead?
    I think TPTB should allay these fears because i
    i can't be the only one to have read this and thought fine, interesting but about Sam are they going to make her "just the girl" Amanda has worked hard to make Sam what she is today and i would be sad to see that gone and what a
    slap in the face for Amanda!

    This is the first time i've felt uneasy with all the news that is coming out from TPTB


      Originally posted by Jarnin
      How often do they show other SG teams? Almost never. We've seen a couple other teams here and there, but they've never really focused on them because the show is called StarGate: SG-1.
      SG-1 is the heroic team, all the others are supporting heroes.
      I think the only other recurring SG team member over the last few season is Colonel Reynolds of SG-3. There's what, twenty-something SG teams? Plenty of room for other characters to 'gain experience' in before stepping into the limelight of SG-1.

      This announcement was pretty much exactly what I was hoping for. Except for him being a Lt. Col.; there's now a question of who is more senior, him or Carter. I guess I'm gonna have to wait a while longer for these details to clear up.

      a time to mourn


        Don´t like the idea at all, especially that there will be filmed flashbacks which are meant to show us BB´s character in the past together with SG 1. I don´t like rewritten history and that sounds almost as the episode "Fifthe Man", someone new who everybody is meant to be friends with since years...

        As more I hear about season 9 as more worried I am.
        I suppose I will give "Farscape SG 1" one chance. But nothing more. If I don´t like the first episode (like it very much!) I´m gone.



          I for one have no problem with BB character taking over SG-1, Carter has so far not shown me much that leads me to believe that she can handle command in a military setting.


            Maybe he's been attached to the actual NORAD, which, just by its presence in the mountain, is involved in several of the events that take place in the SGC.

            Or he's with NASA - the pilot of the space shuttle that rescued SG-1 in Serpent's Lair/Grasp?

            A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
            "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
            One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
            resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
            confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
            A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
            The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


              Originally posted by Wyrminarrd
              I for one have no problem with BB character taking over SG-1, Carter has so far not shown me much that leads me to believe that she can handle command in a military setting.
              Unfortunately I do agree. Sam isn't what I call a take-charge leader; science is her first love, and I suspect she'd rather be doing that than military strategy, although she is capable of that. I was rewatching "Orpheus" (the one where teal'c's in the death camp place) and Carter is like "we can't leave him there! we have to do something!" or words to that effect, and O'Neill is the one who pushes aside all emotion and realizes they can't jeopardize everybody at that point to rescue one man.

              I don't blame Sam; the male writers just write her that way, perhaps because they feel women can show the feelings but men can't.

              Who knows?


                No offence to the guy, but i've always thought BB over-acts/acted in Farscape. It may just be the way TPTB wanted him to play it, given he's been zapped through a wormhole and met all these weird people and seen all these freaky things, but Crichton always seemed to be a self-important "Look at me, i'm dancing crazy!!!!" type of character.

                What troubles me is that I'm not sure how much of that was character-personality, and how much was actor-personality shining through...

                If the latter, than Stargate would be better off without him!

                If the former is true, and he's not an over-the-top centre-of-attention character but instead a share-the-spotlight team-player, then Lt. Col. *whatever his name will be* may be a good addition - just my personal two-cents!

                *Sorry for all the joined-up-words*


                  Originally posted by Jarnin
                  The rank thing though, that makes me wonder who's going to be team leader. They can't have him take over and Carter goes back to science specialist. I mean, it's her team.

                  Maybe his character is Russian?
                  unless, of course, scifi is falling back on the old scifi cliche that women are good for nothing but window dressing and to be it's just not 'right' for a woman to be in command

                  I would look forward to any sam/bb conflicts (like he's the boss while she's gone, she comes back and she's put back in charge and there's conflict) but if it's a 'yep, sam, let's punish you for DARING to take time off and knock you back down'...well that's just rude.

                  It's, unfortunately, rather realistic. women are often 'punished' for having a family by finding it harder and harder to return to the work force. If they do come back, they often find that they're 'marked' and will never rise as far in the ranks as their male counterparts will....but i would hope that since we're a scifi show, we didn't have to face reality and could have an example of how things should be.

                  time will tell but i would be massively disappointed in TPTB if the character is treated this way
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by ali_g_4th
                    No offence to the guy, but i've always thought BB over-acts/acted in Farscape. It may just be the way TPTB wanted him to play it, given he's been zapped through a wormhole and met all these weird people and seen all these freaky things, but Crichton always seemed to be a self-important "Look at me, i'm dancing crazy!!!!" type of character.

                    What troubles me is that I'm not sure how much of that was character-personality, and how much was actor-personality shining through...

                    If the latter, than Stargate would be better off without him!

                    If the former is true, and he's not an over-the-top centre-of-attention character but instead a share-the-spotlight team-player, then Lt. Col. *whatever his name will be* may be a good addition - just my personal two-cents!

                    *Sorry for all the joined-up-words*
                    I for one loved how Browder played Crichton, the sheer over the topness of the character is what made him so great. Plus when you get frelled as much as he was you´d propably becoma a little crazy yourself

                    I hope he will bring some of that energy and action to SG-1, the show could use the breath of fresh air.


                      I think TPTB just like to get us riled up. And look--it works! I would hate to see him take over a role (such as Reynolds or Feretti) originated by another actor (on the series--for those of you thinking of the movie Feretti). Maybe he'll be from one of the faceless teams and take temporary command while Carter is injured or doing some important scientific project? I have no problem with Carter in command, they just haven't given her many opportunities yet. You can't have 2 Lt. Colonels on one team.

