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Stargate SG-1 Cancelled

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    I transcribed this for SPOILME....

    has up a brief interview with Robert C Cooper about the end of SG1

    “We’ve treated the last three years – six, seven and eight – as though they were the last years. We fully suspected that the series would be over after each of those years, and we wrote to them. I mean, we wrote what we thought were endings and nobody seemed to notice, so we just kept making the show and to be honest with you, I personally got a little tired of writing endings. And I think as a collective, the story department, we were wrapping up stories all the time and working on Atlantis, actually, really energized us and realized- made us realize how much fun it can be to start something new, to begin something again, and starting opening doors instead of closing them.”



      Originally posted by prion
      I transcribed this for SPOILME....

      has up a brief interview with Robert C Cooper about the end of SG1

      “We’ve treated the last three years – six, seven and eight – as though they were the last years. We fully suspected that the series would be over after each of those years, and we wrote to them. I mean, we wrote what we thought were endings and nobody seemed to notice, so we just kept making the show and to be honest with you, I personally got a little tired of writing endings. And I think as a collective, the story department, we were wrapping up stories all the time and working on Atlantis, actually, really energized us and realized- made us realize how much fun it can be to start something new, to begin something again, and starting opening doors instead of closing them.”


      Hmmm. So, sounds like they basically downed tools when it came to SG-1 then…!


      WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


        This is insane and sad. I really hope the show will be moved to another Network.
        As for SG-1 Movies, I prefer Stargate 2. At the end MGM or should i say SONY Entertainment/Sony Pictures/MGM will decide the fate of SG-1, and ultimately the fate of Stargate. They have enaugh money to do whatever they want.


          What the...
          I certainly hope they won't stop SG-1!!! That just would be sooooo unfair!
          Because America isn't the only country where people are fan of Stargate.
          People from other countries don't have Sci-Fi channel and will not have a say in this!! (I myself live in Holland and are a big fan )
          So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed along with all my friends, and hope that Stargate SG-1 lives on... for a very long time!!!

          Oh for crying out loud!!


            That Cooper bit is a repeat.


              Originally posted by prion
              I transcribed this for SPOILME....


              has up a brief interview with Robert C Cooper about the end of SG1

              “We’ve treated the last three years – six, seven and eight – as though they were the last years. We fully suspected that the series would be over after each of those years, and we wrote to them. I mean, we wrote what we thought were endings and nobody seemed to notice, so we just kept making the show and to be honest with you, I personally got a little tired of writing endings. And I think as a collective, the story department, we were wrapping up stories all the time and working on Atlantis, actually, really energized us and realized- made us realize how much fun it can be to start something new, to begin something again, and starting opening doors instead of closing them.”

              I think that's one of the really annoying things about this whole situation. For the first time in what - 5 years? - this wasn't supposed to be the last season. Then for the first time, it actually is... I really do they should have one more season to finish it all up properly. At this point, it's going to be a couple of episodes that they've had to squeeze a rushed ending into, trying to tie up all the loose ends they've opened up cos they thought it wouldn't be the last season!!


                Originally posted by stephsupermom
                Has a show that has been cancelled by a network ever been "uncancelled"?

                I mean could the SciFi channel change its mimd?

                Also has anyone put the HypaSpace thing up. I would love to see the actors reactions. (From an earliet post someone mentioned it)

                The last one I know of is family guy, but I do not think that it will happen to stargate. The more I read the more I am convinced of a mini series or movie to end the show.


                  Why does it have to be a US channel? Would it not be possible for Sky One to pick it up? Just a thought as it's one of their biggest shows...

                  A friend also suggested that if every Stargate fan donated $50, we could effectively raise enough to set up our own TV network lol. The 2million fans that watch it every Friday that actually get counted, thats $100,000,000 right there. Then there's the other numerous millions of people who watch it as well who aren't monitored. I think if all US fans donated $50, we'd raise well over $500,000,000?

                  Anyone think it would be possible? I'd do anything to save it.


                    Originally posted by generalgater
                    Why does it have to be a US channel? Would it not be possible for Sky One to pick it up? Just a thought as it's one of their biggest shows...

                    A friend also suggested that if every Stargate fan donated $50, we could effectively raise enough to set up our own TV network lol. The 2million fans that watch it every Friday that actually get counted, thats $100,000,000 right there. Then there's the other numerous millions of people who watch it as well who aren't monitored. I think if all US fans donated $50, we'd raise well over $500,000,000?

                    Anyone think it would be possible? I'd do anything to save it.

                    Sorry but that idea is a bit lofty and unpractical.


                      Originally posted by Anubistraveler
                      The last one I know of is family guy, but I do not think that it will happen to stargate. The more I read the more I am convinced of a mini series or movie to end the show.
                      Futurama now too


                        There's probably all sorts of legal red tape that would stop us doing that. Around how much does it cost to make the show anyway? Does anyone know?

                        I'd probably still do it though, lol, sure 50 quid isn't that much for a bit more SG1!!


                          Originally posted by Serebii
                          Futurama now too

                          I did not hear that....its coming back, When?


                            The 4400 was renewed, after being cancelled, so why not SG-1
                            One says: "The hope dies last".


                              I know that there is apperently bad rating this seasion for sg-1 but if you look across over here in ireland and the rest of Europe Session 10 has not yet been previewed but still 1000's of people are downloading the episodes online. the fact Sg-1 has not done as well in the Us is no way an indication that Sg-1 is loseing its cult status across the world. there has still been no anouncement made when the new series of atlantis and SG-1 are to preview however there are still a large number of irish stargate chat rooms discussing the new session. viva la Stargate SG-1


                                Originally posted by adts
                                The 4400 was renewed, after being cancelled, so why not SG-1
                                One says: "The hope dies last".
                                When was 4400 Cancelled?

