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    SGA - SciFi Wire: Picardo Goes Dark In Sensored:

    From SciFi Wire::

    (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

    12:00 AM, 20-MAY-08

    Picardo Goes Dark In Sensored

    Longtime SF actor Robert Picardo (Stargate Atlantis) told SCI FI Wire that he takes on a darker persona in the forthcoming horror movie Sensored, in which he plays Wade Mixon, a seemingly normal children's-book illustrator who's hiding a terrible secret within his suburban ranch house.

    Speaking during a press preview for Atlantis' upcoming fifth season in Vancouver, Canada, last week, Picardo said that his character is "your neighbor down the block who seems kind of like Mr. Rogers, who is torturing someone in the basement. Or maybe he's not. You don't know whether I'm a CIA deprogrammer or whether I think I'm a CIA deprogrammer."


    --John Sullivan

    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
    Morjana's Blog Twitter


      SGA - Total Scifi: Jason Momoa: Dex appeal:

      From Total SciFi:

      (Please follow the link for the complete interview. No info about season five in this interview.)

      Posted on Tuesday 20 May 2008

      Jason Momoa: Dex appeal

      Hawaiian actor Jason Momoa appeared in lifeguard drama Baywatch before landing the role of Satedan warrior Ronon Dex in Stargate Atlantis. With the fourth season about to be released on DVD, Momoa spoke to Bryan Cairns about fighting and leaving his shirt on.


      As the big muscle on the show, do you have to work hard to keep that physique?

      JM: "No, it is too hard. Before the season starts, what I try to do is climb, get in shape, and ride a bike. Once we start rolling, everything dissipates so by the end of the year, I am all ugggh. Until they come in and say, “Ummm, you are supposed to be the bulk of the show!” - then I would go to the gym…It is a good thing I don’t have to take my shirt off. I am so excited to wear clothes. I hate taking my shirt off [laughs]"

      Stargate Atlantis: Series 4 Vol. 1 is released on region 2 DVD on 2 June 2008, and Region 1 DVD box set on July 8 2008.

      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
      Morjana's Blog Twitter


        SG1 - RDA - Silicon Alley Insider: More MacGyver Episodes Online:

        From the Silicon Alley Insider:

        (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

        CBS Pulls Five More Old Shows From Vault, Throws Them Online

        Vasanth Sridharan | May 20, 2008 10:44 AM

        Got a hankering to watch a prime-time soap opera online, but “Desperate Housewives” just doesn’t do it for you? Head over to, which is now serving up episodes of "Beverly Hills 90210."

        CBS has added select seasons from five old shows to and the “CBS Audience Network” which includes AOL (TWX), CNET, Joost, VideoEgg, Slide, RockYou and a couple hundred others. In addition to the saga of the Brandon and Brenda Walsh, you can also catch up on "The Love Boat", "Twin Peaks", "Family Ties", and "Perry Mason". CBS also added seasons to three series that they already had online: "MacGyver", "The Twilight Zone", and "Hawaii Five-O".



        The link for "MacGyver:"

        And ALL seven seasons are online.

        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
        Morjana's Blog Twitter


          Originally posted by morjana View Post
          SG1 - RDA - Silicon Alley Insider: More MacGyver Episodes Online:

          From the Silicon Alley Insider:

          (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

          CBS Pulls Five More Old Shows From Vault, Throws Them Online

          Vasanth Sridharan | May 20, 2008 10:44 AM

          Got a hankering to watch a prime-time soap opera online, but “Desperate Housewives” just doesn’t do it for you? Head over to, which is now serving up episodes of "Beverly Hills 90210."

          CBS has added select seasons from five old shows to and the “CBS Audience Network” which includes AOL (TWX), CNET, Joost, VideoEgg, Slide, RockYou and a couple hundred others. In addition to the saga of the Brandon and Brenda Walsh, you can also catch up on "The Love Boat", "Twin Peaks", "Family Ties", and "Perry Mason". CBS also added seasons to three series that they already had online: "MacGyver", "The Twilight Zone", and "Hawaii Five-O".



          The link for "MacGyver:"

          And ALL seven seasons are online.
          Not for people outwith the US.


            SG1 - Cliff Simon - SciFi Chick: Motor City Con Report:

            From The SciFi Chick:


            Angela, The SciFi Chick, attended Motor City Con last weekend in Detroit. Guest actors included Cliff Simon (SG1's Ba'al), Anthony Montgomery (ST: Enterprise), Avery Brooks (ST: DS9), Walter Koenig (ST: TOS), Billy Dee Williams (Star Wars), Margot Kidder (Superman) and Eric Estrada (CHIPS).

            The SciFi Chick has a convention report and some very lovely photos at the site.

            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              SG1/SGA - Creation: New Jersey Con Nov 7-9 '08 - Momoa/Smith:

              From a Creation Entertainment e-mail announcement:



              Stargate and Stargate Atlantis Convention

              The fun of an Official STARGATE SG-1/ATLANTIS CONVENTION comes back to New Jersey on November 7-9, 2008 and you're invited to join us and our first two announced guests: JASON MOMOA (STARGATE: ATLANTIS’ Ronon Dex) and KAVAN SMITH (STARGATE ATLANTIS' Major Evan Lorne).

              We're in CHERRY HILL, a suburb of Philadelphia, this time around.

              Make your plans now to come as all types of tickets (including low priced general admission) are available today!


              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
              Morjana's Blog Twitter



                News on Michaels new movie!!!



                Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                  Originally posted by Suebsg9 View Post
                  Great news!


                    SG1 - Ben Browder - The Acorn:

                    From The Acorn (Agoura Hills, CA):


                    [Please follow the link for the complete article.]

                    Against doctor's orders

                    Oaks Christian pole-vaulter Lauren Radke battles Graves' disease, but
                    it hasn't slowed her down one bit

                    By Thomas Gase

                    If Lauren Radke's doctor is reading this, then she just got busted. If
                    not, trouble remains for Radke's pole-vaulting competition.

                    Radke, an Oaks Christian senior, was diagnosed with Graves' disease
                    during March 2005. The disease is an autoimmune disorder that involves
                    overactivity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).


                    In the past year, much to Radke's surprise, she also started getting
                    support from Oaks Christian parent and "Farscape" actor, Ben Browder.

                    "It's been nice to get some help this year," Radke said. "(Browder)
                    has a daughter in the eighth grade, so he started volunteering this
                    year. At first I didn't expect him to know anything about the sport,
                    but as time has gone by he's helped me a lot, and I'm finally starting
                    to trust that he knows what he's doing."


                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      SG1 - Claudia Black - UK Convention June 13-15 '08:

                      From Claudia Black Online:


                      (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

                      Claudia Black will be a guest star at Chevron 7 Stargate Convention
                      from 13th to 15th of June, 2008.


                      Chevron 7 Stargate Convention site:


                      Chevron 7 Guests

                      Our current guests for this event include: Michael Shanks "Dr. Daniel
                      Jackson", Don S. Davis "George Hammond", Gary Jones "Chief Mst Sgt.
                      Walter Harriman", Claudia Black "Vala Mal Doran", Tony Amendola
                      "Master Bra'Tac", & Carmen Argenziano "Jacob Carter / Selmak".
                      More guests to be announced shortly! And please remember all guests
                      appear subject to work commitments.


                      "The Park Inn", Northampton

                      Please follow the link above for additional information.

                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                      Morjana's Blog Twitter


                        SG1 - Tony Amendola - TimeGate May 23-26 '08 Atlanta, GA:

                        From TimeGate:


                        TimeGate '08 :: May 23 - 26, 2008 :: Holiday Inn Select :: Atlanta, GA


                        * Tony Amendola ("Master Bra'tac", Stargate SG-1)
                        * John Levene ("Sergeant Benton", Doctor Who)
                        * Dr. Kevin Grazier (science advisor for Battlestar Galactica and Eureka)
                        * Lars Pearson (Doctor Who author and publisher, Mad Norwegian Press)
                        * Christa Dickson (Buffy and Angel author)
                        * Louis Robinson (former Doctor Who film editor)
                        * Jana Oliver (fantasy / paranormal author)
                        * NEW! David Harmer (Game designer)
                        * The Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
                        * The Might Rassilon Art Players
                        * Hyperdrive

                        Virtual Guest:

                        * Elizabeth Christensen (author, Stargate Atlantis novels)—read our
                        exclusive interview with Elizabeth here!


                        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                        Morjana's Blog Twitter


                          SGA - Stargate Planet - Director David Winning Interview:

                          From Stargate Planet:






                          A brief excerpt:

                          Interview with David Winning

                          Stargate-Planet, May 2008

                          David Winning was a director of Stargate Atlantis’ first season episodes. We’re grateful that he’s willing to answer a few career related questions for our German website visitors.

                 Your Atlantis episode “Childhood’s end” won three awards for “Best direction”. What do think does make this episode and your direction special?

                          DW: Childhood's End ultimately is a story about compassion and understanding. Sheppard and his team crashland on a planet where the inhabitants are all children; no one lives past the age of 25. Our heroes soon learn the disturbing reason. The series presents some interesting dilemmas and political choices for the fans; how much interference is too much in a new culture -- and what is the real purpose of the SG teams exploration. I loved working with the kids obviously, that was a major fun part of the show. Cleo and Casta played by Jessica Amlee and Sam Charles were both amazing and pretty experienced for their age. But I think the most challenging part was just creating this whole forest village that the kids lived in. With amazing support from a great effects team (to add the actual treehouses) and also the art direction and set decoration was incredible. That village went on forever; just wish we’d had the time to shoot it completely and show it off. Perhaps the movie version. I think it’s always fun to be in on the ground floor of a series because everyone was finding their way. Childhood was such an early episode for Atlantis, that it was fascinating watching the characters being formed by a talented cast. I really liked playing with the tension in the group as Aries starts to get more manic and defensive. There developed sort of an evil quality to the villagers amidst the innocence of youth. Episode trivia: Three scenes were removed; both just for time. I tend to overshoot stuff so quite often because of the confines of episodic some material will have to go. I’m remembering one scene involved Teyla questioning a pregnant villager about the origins of the sacrifice – just a short scene that I liked but it got trimmed. Also the team’s arrival in the forest village was a long steadicam tracking shot through the winding path of the village and showing all the kids coming out of hiding to greet the group. Sad to see this go as it really showed off the expanse of the encampment. In the present cut the group just arrives at the shrine as the rope ladder is thrown down. Also a short argument scene between Keras and Aries in the treehouse, just before they confer with the team about their decision.


                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                          Morjana's Blog Twitter


                            SG1/SGA - SciFi Channel Memorial Day Movie Marathon:

                            The SciFi Channel's Memorial Day Movie Marathon runs from 9am on May 23 through 5:30 am on May 25. In several of the movies, there are actors who have guest starred on Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis, including:

                            Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York - May 23 at 3pm

                            Filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada, film co-stars include:
                            Michael Ironside (SG1's Crusade), Eric Breker (SG1's Col. Reynolds), Zak Santiago (SG1's Evolution, Parts 1 & 2), Robert Moloney (SG1's 2001 and SGA's upcoming Ghost in the Machine), Matthew Bennett (SG1's Point of No Return, Icon and Ethon), Andrew Kavadas (a jaffa in several SG1 episodes), Kevin McNulty (SG1's Dr. Warner), William MacDonald (SGA's Grace Under Pressure), Tom Heaton (SG1's Fragile Balance), Louis Chirillo (SG1's Citizen Joe) and Rob Morton (SG1's Seth).

                            MELTDOWN: DAYS OF DESTRUCTION
                            - May 23 at 5pm

                            Filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada, film co-stars include:
                            Vincent Gale (SG1's Nightwalkers), Venus Terzo (SG1's Frozen), Greg Anderson ( an Ori Prior in several SG1 episodes and Ark of Truth), Bill Dow (Dr. Lee from SG1 and SGA), Patricia Drake (SG1's Fallout), David Quinlan (SGA's The Return, Part 1 and Echoes), Dee Jay Jackson (SG1's Lost City, Part 1), (Bruno Verdoni (SG1's Camelot and Flesh and Blood), Derek Hamilton (SG1's Affinity), and Keith Gordey (SG1's Prodigy).

                            SOLAR ATTACK - May 23 at 7pm

                            Filmed in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, film co-stars include:
                            Mark Dacascos (SGA's Reunion and upcoming Broken Ties), Stephen McHattie (okay, so he hasn't guest starred on Stargate as yet -- but he should - awesome actor), and Louis Gossett Jr. (SG1's Gerak).

                            SCORCHER - May 23 at 9pm

                            Film co-stars include: Mark Dacascos

                            EPICENTER - May 24 at 3am

                            Film co-stars include: Katie Stuart (SG1's Cassandra), Mark Holden (SG1's Deadman Switch), Collin Lawrence (SG1's Major Warren), Hiro Kanagawa (SG1's Full Alert), Rob Lee (SG1's Col. Pierce), Michael Rogers (SG1's The Gamekeeper, Affinity, Company of Thieves), Dale Wilson (SG1's Smoke and Mirrors and Stargate: Infinity), and Mark Gibbon (SG1's holographic Thor and M'Zel and SGA's The Tower).

                            INTERCEPTOR FORCE 2 - May 24 at 11am

                            Film co-stars include: Roger R. Cross (SG1's Capt. Connor)

                            QUEEN OF THE DAMNED - May 25 at 1pm

                            Film co-stars include: Claudia Black

                            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                            Morjana's Blog Twitter


                              Beau Bridges


                              Beau Bridges among latest pilot castings
                              Meagen Fay, Jay Harrington, several more also tapped
                              By Nellie Andreeva

                              Beau Bridges and Meagen Fay have joined ABC's untitled Kristin Newman comedy pilot.

                              The untitled Kristin Newman project centers on a thirtysomething woman (Alyssa Milano) who tries to break free of her overbearing and dysfunctional family, friends and boss.

                              Bridges will play her divorced father, and Fay will play his new fiancee. Fay, recurring on "How I Met Your Mother," is repped by SMS and Main Title.


                                Beau Bridges

                                Beau Bridges on TMZ site


                                video of Beau entitled "That's One Way to Burn Bridges"

                                Haven't watched it myself yet due to connection speed.

