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    SG1: Continuum - TV Guide Online: Stargate: Continuum Premieres on the USS Midway:

    With many thanks to Ellen for the heads up!

    From TV Guide Online:

    Fireside Chats from Hollywood

    From Comic Con 2008, Stargate: Continuum Premieres on the USS Midway

    It's 1:30 am and I need to go to bed, but I wanted to tell you about a rare treat Comic-Con fans had tonight. Stargate: Continuum was premiered on the flight deck of the USS Midway aircraft carrier which is docked at the harbor and is a museum.

    It was way cool to walk among planes on the flight deck and I wanted to share pics with you, but the photos from the camera are too big and I don't have time or energy to downsize them.


    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
    Morjana's Blog Twitter


      SG1: Continuum - Publishers Weekly Blog: Comic Con: Star-STUDded Day:

      From Publishers Weekly, Barbara Bey's blog, 'Beyond Her Book,' updated for July 25, 2008:

      (Please follow the link for the complete blog update. Video of RDA at the site.)

      Comic Con: Star-STUDded Day

      Then on to a Red Carpet event on the USS Midway for Stargate: Continuum. I've got to tell you that standing behind a velvet rope for a couple of hours with other press is no picnic physically, but when Richard Dean Anderson arrived, it was all worth it.

      When he got to us, I managed to stutter out a question (please, I've been crazy about him since MacGyver and he has only gotten better looking). The video is below (compliments of Marjorie) and I asked him about his experience on the Simpsons episode when he was kidnapped by Marge's sisters who ran his MacGyver fan club. I even got a hug! And yes, I squealed, as you'll see on the video.

      The rest of the cast was there and I got lots of pictures that I'll be posting on Flickr.

      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
      Morjana's Blog Twitter


        Richard Dean Anderson interviewed by Barbara Vey (1 min 23 sec)

        Video at

        He talks about Family Guy, etc.


          Stargate / Sanctuary - Amanda Tapping - The Windsor Star:

          From The Windsor Star (Ontario, Canada):

          (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

          TV stars whine & dine in anticipation of fall

          Alex Strachan, Canwest News Service

          Published: Saturday, July 26, 2008

          [NOTE: Article is in regards to the TCA event in Beverly Hills, CA.]

          BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. -


          B.C.'s Amanda Tapping, fresh off a plane from Vancouver and the set of her new sci-fi thriller Sanctuary, chatted pleasantly with a coterie of onlookers and well-wishers, before taking time to kibitz with a reporter from home and comment about how weird it all seemed -- like a Stargate-inspired out-of-body experience. Sure, Tapping said, Vancouver is an industry town -- but nothing like this.

          The so-called Oasis Fountain in the outdoor atrium of the Beverly Hilton hotel was no longer a fountain on this cool, clear Southern California evening, but rather a roundhouse bar, complete with sparkling-clear champagne and wine glasses piled into neat, chest-high pyramids while all around, whisky and tequila flowed freely. As darkness fell, the bar became a sea of celebrities, all chattering about their TV projects, trying to find safety in numbers, away from the prying glare of the media, the paparazzi with their flashing bulbs and hordes of reporters with their tape recorders.


          Moments later, Tapping took a step away from it all, laughed easily and said, "I find this bizarre. The whole -- bzzst-bzzst-bzzst-bzzst-bzzst!" -- she imitated the paparazzi with their flashes and hyperactive motor drives -- "is weird. I don't mean to kick the industry, but there's a crazy self-importance that I just find bizarre. We're not saving people, we're not curing cancer. We're making TV. Let's put it in perspective. We're really freaking lucky to do what we do for a living, and get paid for it."

          Spoken like a true Canadian, eh?


          © The Windsor Star 2008

          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
          Morjana's Blog Twitter


            SG1 - RDA - Minneapolis Star Tribune: Talk the Walk:

            From the Minneapolis Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN):

            (Please follow the link for the complete article.)

            Talk the Walk

            Marion Ross, Tippi Hedren and Loni Anderson are the first inductees into the Minnesota Walk of Fame. So tell us: Who else deserves a star on Hennepin Avenue?

            Last update: July 26, 2008 - 4:16 PM

            On Monday, Marion Ross, the mom on TV's "Happy Days," will become the first inductee in Minnesota's Walk of Fame on Hennepin Avenue in downtown Minneapolis. Tippi Hedren, who starred in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds," and Loni Anderson of "WKRP in Cincinnati" fame, also will be honored this summer.


            Here are some other names to consider: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sinclair Lewis, Garrison Keillor, Charles Schulz, Tyrone Guthrie, August Wilson, Dudley Riggs, Jessica Lange, Winona Ryder, Vince Vaughn, Richard Dean Anderson, Louie Anderson, the Coen Brothers, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis, Terry Gilliam, Mike Todd, Richard Widmark, Jane Russell, Dorothy Benham, Gretchen Carlson, Cheryl Tiegs, Leo Kottke, Wanda Gag, Vince Flynn, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Harry Reasoner, Dave Moore and, gasp, Sid Hartman.

            Whom would you name to the Minnesota Walk of Fame? Please send your suggestions and comments (include your name and the city in which you live), to write [at], and we'll publish them soon.

            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              SG1: Continuum - Film School Rejects: VIDEO:

              From Film School Rejects:

              On Thursday night at Comic-Con, the cast and crew of the Stargate television series debuted their new film Stargate: Continuum on the U.S.S. Midway. Film School Rejects was on the press line to ask the daunting questions of the stars, covering everything from Teal’c’s new hair style to Richard Dean Anderson’s favorite kind of cake.

              Check out the footage below, featuring interviews with Martin Wood, Brad Wright, Amanda Tapping, Richard Dean Anderson, Christopher Judge, Ben Browder, Jewel Staite and Cliff Simon. It’s a nice glimpse for fans to see the lighthearted side of the Stargate team.

              (They asked RDA the cake question!)

              Screen prints from the video:

              The cake question...

              Lemon cake...

              Cinnamon scones...

              Cinnamon scones...with icing!
              Last edited by morjana; 26 July 2008, 02:54 PM.

              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                SGA - Movie Web: Video: Jewel Staite Interview at Comic Con '08:


                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                Morjana's Blog Twitter


                  SGA - Movie Web: Video: Robert Picardo Interview at Comic Con:


                  SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                  SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                  Morjana's Blog Twitter


                    Eureka Season Two Marathon Sunday July 28 and Tuesday July 29 - Rothery, Doig and Shanks:

                    The SciFi Channel has schedule an Eureka season two marathon for Sunday, July 28 -- there's another one scheduled for Tuesday July 29.

                    Here's the schedule for today:

                    09:00A PHOENIX RISING
                    10:00A TRY, TRY AGAIN
                    11:00A UNPREDICTABLE
                    12:00P DUCK, DUCK GOOSE
                    1:00P NOCHE DE SUENOS
                    2:00P FAMILY REUNION
                    3:00P E-MC...?
                    4:00P SIGHT UNSEEN
                    5:00P GOD IS IN THE DETAILS - Teryl Rothery guest stars
                    6:00P MANEATER - Lexa Doig guest stars

                    The Tuesday schedule:

                    08:00A PHOENIX RISING
                    09:00A TRY, TRY AGAIN
                    10:00A UNPREDICTABLE
                    11:00A GAMES PEOPLE PLAY
                    12:00P DUCK, DUCK GOOSE
                    1:00P NOCHE DE SUENOS
                    2:00P FAMILY REUNION
                    3:00P E-MC...?
                    4:00P SIGHT UNSEEN
                    5:00P GOD IS IN THE DETAILS
                    6:00P MANEATER
                    7:00P ALL THAT GLITTERS - Michael Shanks guest stars
                    8:00P A NIGHT AT GLOBAL DYNAMICS

                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      SG1 - Ben Browder - Knoxville News Sentinel: Comic Con EW Party:


                      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                      Morjana's Blog Twitter


                        SGA - Movie Web: VIDEO: Joe Flanigan Interview at Comic Con:


                        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                        Morjana's Blog Twitter


                          Sanctuary - Multipleverses: Video from Comic Con Panel:


                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                          Morjana's Blog Twitter


                            SG1: Continuum - More Videos From Continuum Red Carpet - Ben Browder and Michael Shanks:


                            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                            Morjana's Blog Twitter


                              Originally posted by morjana View Post
                              Eureka Season Two Marathon Sunday July 28 and Tuesday July 29 - Rothery, Doig and Shanks:

                              The SciFi Channel has schedule an Eureka season two marathon for Sunday, July 28 -- there's another one scheduled for Tuesday July 29.

                              Here's the schedule for today:

                              09:00A PHOENIX RISING
                              10:00A TRY, TRY AGAIN
                              11:00A UNPREDICTABLE
                              12:00P DUCK, DUCK GOOSE
                              1:00P NOCHE DE SUENOS
                              2:00P FAMILY REUNION
                              3:00P E-MC...?
                              4:00P SIGHT UNSEEN
                              5:00P GOD IS IN THE DETAILS - Teryl Rothery guest stars
                              6:00P MANEATER - Lexa Doig guest stars

                              The Tuesday schedule:

                              08:00A PHOENIX RISING
                              09:00A TRY, TRY AGAIN
                              10:00A UNPREDICTABLE
                              11:00A GAMES PEOPLE PLAY
                              12:00P DUCK, DUCK GOOSE
                              1:00P NOCHE DE SUENOS
                              2:00P FAMILY REUNION
                              3:00P E-MC...?
                              4:00P SIGHT UNSEEN
                              5:00P GOD IS IN THE DETAILS
                              6:00P MANEATER
                              7:00P ALL THAT GLITTERS - Michael Shanks guest stars
                              8:00P A NIGHT AT GLOBAL DYNAMICS
                              Have been watching these episodes today, and have noticed several other actors from SG1 and SGA in supporting parts.

                              Colin Cunningham (Major Davis) in the episode where everyone is having similar dreams (plays a doctor).
                              Martin Christopher (Major Marks from SG1, SGA, and AoT) in the same episode about dreams (plays a doctor)
                              David Nykl (Dr. Zelenka) in the one about very strange weather.

                              And in the latter episode, I'm not totally sure, but there's a scene where there's a cabin by a pond/lake, and I thought for a moment that was Jack's cabin. Must watch again on Tuesday to see if I was imagining it.


                                Stargate Atlantis - The SciFi Guys: David Hewlett Audio Interview Part 1 Wed July30:


                                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                                Morjana's Blog Twitter

