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Richard Dean Anderson returns in '200'

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    yeah, you don't see any other show on television doing much for the fans...i mean all the self deprication and everything is great. i loved wormhole x-treme because it shows that the writers know a lot of what the fans want or are looking out for...and thumbs up on that. and ok, if you don't like the fact that jack is coming back...then fine whatever. but there are a lot of people out there that are really exicted that he's coming back...
    My flickr photography.


      I just have one thing to say:

      Woo-hoo! RDA is coming back!
      And for five (count 'em, campers), FIVE big eps!


        Originally posted by immhotep
        But this is my point he has no place, he cant lead SG1, he cant make jokes on the priors and he cant lead the SGC, his time in SG is over; i cant see anything left for him to tie up, cept his shoeleaces as he walks out the SGC for good!
        It may surprise you but that is exactly the way I think about Vala.
        She is backstapping everybody around her, using them as her toys and now laid them a murderous ori cuckoos egg in the nest.
        There is no reason and no logic behind having her in the show. But still we must stand her for FULL TWENTY EPSIODES!
        I´m by far not such a big Jack fan as other fans. I like Jack but Daniel will be always my favourite and Jack´s return (especially if it´s only to make the shippers happy) isn´t so important to me that it would make a difference between watching and not watching (the spoilers for season 10 are much more important to me and they are on the best way to drive me away from watching) but your behaviour drives me mad. What YOU WANT is the only thing what counts it seems. If YOU DON`T LIKE a character he has no right to be in the show or do I read your posts wrong? If this is the case some clarification
        what you mean would be interesting.
        You will maybe not understand the concept but making a TV show means to make more than one person happy. And if the fans of the old Stargate are able to stand Mitchell and Vala for 20 episodes than I don´t know why you can´t stand Jack for five episodes???
        They get only a crumb of bread, you the full cake but that seems still be not enough for you.Why?
        Last edited by phoenixblue7500; 01 April 2006, 11:19 PM.


          Im not saying i dont like jack, or vala my issue is with TPTB not any fan or character.
          The issue is, that they have and succeeded in continueing SG1 without jack and made a great show with much more depth IMO than the previous 8 year, by depth i do not mean in history or actual meaning but by thier ability to adapt and for the show to adapt with a new storyline and feel, personally i think S9 was a triumph of how shows can persevere without thier leading man.
          Now the issue is that i feel they have comprimised that statement, they have basicly said to me that we want jack back because the show needs him and his old role in the show to tie up loose end and to make people happy.
          This reason does not IMO justify bringing him back for 5 episodes, and doing an atlantis crossover, it just doesnt.....

          Also this isnt about me not liking any character or plotline, i love all of stargate past, present and future; including mitchel and vala who can fill any comedic void jack has left; also i dont want the cake with cream on it all i dont want is the cake given to me when is still dough ready to be baked.
          I just believe that if you start something then you see to the end before looking back and thinking:
          'Oh wait, somethings missing, lets go back a season and find out what would have happened'

          JMO, Immhotep
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
          Stargate : Genesis |
          Original Starship DesignThread
          Sanctuary for all |
          11000! green me


            "Succeeded" is such a subjective term.

            Objectively, one could turn to the ratings to determine success. When looking at the ratings differences between Seasons Seven, Eight and Nine, one could consider this season to be less than successful - or at least less than what they expected/projected in terms of success.

            But I think that has more to do with poorly conceived plots and arcs, a lack of cohesion and competency, and a lack of TEAM - though RDA's absence is probably also a large factor in some way, shape or form.

            I'm just glad RDA's back. He's a great guy, wholly deserved his retirement, and didn't have to come back, but he did. And for that, I'm really grateful.


              Originally posted by STC
              Going through the threads it occurred to me that one way RDA could come back, still as the General they promoted him to, but also as an Ambassador.
              How about Jack as an Ambassador?? or an special ops masquerading as an Ambassador?? Then he could move around freely interact with the major characters and go off world.

              I'm speculatin' here as I'm extremely anxious to see these new episodes. I prefer any ep with RDA than the ones I've seen lately with Mitchell and the 'new team'. They are boring! HEY WRITERS!! THEY ARE BORING!!

              I've tuned out most of S9, but I have to agree that Vala has been fun to watch and has been a good addition to the cast. And as someone else mentioned earlier in the thread, the first meeting between Jack and Vala could be absolutely hilarious (if the writers let it happen). I can just see the two of them trying to outwit each other and the one upman-ship could be a riot. Of course.....Jack MUST win. ;-)
              Nope, Vala is definitely going to be the winner


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                "Succeeded" is such a subjective term.

                Objectively, one could turn to the ratings to determine success. When looking at the ratings differences between Seasons Seven, Eight and Nine, one could consider this season to be less than successful - or at least less than what they expected/projected in terms of success.

                But I think that has more to do with poorly conceived plots and arcs, a lack of cohesion and competency, and a lack of TEAM - though RDA's absence is probably also a large factor in some way, shape or form.

                I'm just glad RDA's back. He's a great guy, wholly deserved his retirement, and didn't have to come back, but he did. And for that, I'm really grateful.
                Think about much stronger competition at network channels this year than in previous years. Majority of people, casual viewers - not die hard fans - were returning to watch SG-1 episode at 11 pm after they were watching something else on network channels.


                  Originally posted by Formerhost
                  Think about much stronger competition at network channels this year than in previous years. Majority of people, casual viewers - not die hard fans - were returning to watch SG-1 episode at 11 pm after they were watching something else on network channels.
                  There are only so many people willing to return at 11 every Friday. Though it's great that BSG (you know, the show that Stargate is supposed to lead in) is bringing in these other viewers at the late hour, it's not going to be enough to sustain them. Unless they can give casual viewers a reason to keep coming back, we're always going to have this problem.

                  And we're always going to have the issue of growing competition - every year, in fact - now that the big networks have realized that there IS an audience waiting to be entertained on Friday nights.


                    Originally posted by GateAngel
                    Over on the Sony boards, someone posted that they heard that two of the episodes that RDA will be in are the same two that Michael Shanks will be taking off in July to be with his family.



                    This has led to speculation that Jack will be there to search for/rescue Daniel who is captured by the Ori.

                    This would make sense, since Jack does possess the ancient gene and he might be the only one who can operate Merlin's weapon. That would be a good story for Jack's return.

                    I just hope the don't 'do a Kirk' with him and have it so Jack deliberate has himself busted back to the rank of colonel.


                    Reading this spoilers makes me sad.
                    The logical thinking part of my brain was sure that Jack´s return for five episodes would have no influence on the shows writing. But a little part of me still hoped that









                    that it could mean that the old team spirit and maybe even the friendship between Jack and Daniel (which was always one of the most important parts of the show for me) would maybe make for some moments return.
                    But this spoilers crash this hope completly. Jack´s return will only be used for some shippy stuff and the Team will be (as all spoilers indicate) most of the time splitted in Mitchell - Teal´c (maybe with Sam when she is around) and Vala - Daniel. I know many Daniel fans seem to enjoy seeing Daniel reduced to nothing else than Valas boytoy but I hate it. I want see Daniel interacting with ALL team members not being reduced to someones plaything.
                    And having Jack searching for Daniel isn´t making me happy. Because that doesn´t mean that there have to be any scene that have actually Jack and Daniel talking which each other.

                    And before now calling me prude because I´m critisizing the Vala stuff: I´m not. I´m a fan of Firefly, were sex played a much bigger role as in Stargate and never feeled annoyed in any form by it. I just hate it when everything that has to do with sexuallity is turned into a dirty joke, as it is happening since Vala appeared in Stargate. Maybe the writers are believing they are so cool and naughty but for me they are just silly littly boys who should grow up!

                    And one last question you said that MS will be away for 2 epsiodes but so much I know he will be only appear in 16 episodes?
                    But I suppose that makes even more sense MS will not appearing in 4 episodes and that will exactly be the ones in which RDA will be in (and that would mean that MS will maybe not even be a part of episode 200!).
                    Last edited by phoenixblue7500; 02 April 2006, 01:54 AM.


                      Originally posted by immhotep
                      Im not saying i dont like jack, or vala my issue is with TPTB not any fan or character.
                      The issue is, that they have and succeeded in continueing SG1 without jack and made a great show with much more depth IMO than the previous 8 year, by depth i do not mean in history or actual meaning but by thier ability to adapt and for the show to adapt with a new storyline and feel, personally i think S9 was a triumph of how shows can persevere without thier leading man.
                      Now the issue is that i feel they have comprimised that statement, they have basicly said to me that we want jack back because the show needs him and his old role in the show to tie up loose end and to make people happy.
                      This reason does not IMO justify bringing him back for 5 episodes, and doing an atlantis crossover, it just doesnt.....

                      Also this isnt about me not liking any character or plotline, i love all of stargate past, present and future; including mitchel and vala who can fill any comedic void jack has left; also i dont want the cake with cream on it all i dont want is the cake given to me when is still dough ready to be baked.
                      I just believe that if you start something then you see to the end before looking back and thinking:
                      'Oh wait, somethings missing, lets go back a season and find out what would have happened'

                      JMO, Immhotep
                      And had you formulated your other post´s this way I have had nothing to critisize. I have often enough said that I don´t like the new feel of the show and I don´t share your opinion that Mitchell and Vala can "fill any comedic void jack has left" imo their acting style(especially the humour part) is too much following the same formula as in Farscape to fit in with Stargate (or any other show which isn´t Farscape). The only difference is that CB isn´t plaing Ayrin Sun anymore but a sex crazed version of Rygel (wasn´t there a dream episode in which Rygel was wearing a dominatrix outfit and wanted to give poor Crichton some S/M treadment? That was btw the reason why I liked Farscape a bit better than Stargate season 9. They used many clichees but turned then often enough on the head. When Stargate treading the oldest and sillist clichees as were they the greatest thing ever). But that is just my opinion (as always).

                      But I have to agree with the "I just believe that if you start something then you see to the end before looking back and thinking..." part of your post.
                      TPTB have made such a fuss about how much superiour the new Stargate is that I think they should have the guts to stick with it till the end. Either it will turn out to be a success or the experiment will fail completly. But trying to save their "all new all different" Stargate by bring in a bait (Jack) to sell their new show to the fans of the previous eight seasons is IMO cowardly.


                        Personally I really hope that TPTB while definitely being excited with bringing RDA for several episodes won't destroy what they built in season 9. I really like season 9, actually started watching SG-1 with season 9, haven't seen majority of previous 8 seasons, and I want them to continue this new direction. Let's hope Jack will be interacting with the new characters, especially with Cam and Vala as much as the old ones. It would be really good for everybody, I think.


                          Originally posted by Formerhost
                          Personally I really hope that TPTB while definitely being excited with bringing RDA for several episodes won't destroy what they built in season 9. I really like season 9, actually started watching SG-1 with season 9, haven't seen majority of previous 8 seasons, and I want them to continue this new direction. Let's hope Jack will be interacting with the new characters, especially with Cam and Vala as much as the old ones. It would be really good for everybody, I think.
                          But isn´t it unfair talking about "destroying" something if you say yourself that you haven´t seen the majority of the "previous 8 seasons"? Who knows maybe you would like what you sees.
                          But talking about unfair isn´t it unfair, too to use Stargate which was very successfull for 8 years suddenly as nothing more than soil from which a new reincarnation of Farscape can grow?


                            Originally posted by phoenixblue7500
                            But isn´t it unfair talking about "destroying" something if you say yourself that you haven´t seen the majority of the "previous 8 seasons"? Who knows maybe you would like what you sees.
                            But talking about unfair isn´t it unfair, too to use Stargate which was very successfull for 8 years suddenly as nothing more than soil from which a new reincarnation of Farscape can grow?
                            I said "majority", which means that I saw some of previous seasons episode, and with the exception of Prometheus Unbound I can't say I liked them very much... And I don't see any attempt for a new reincarnation of Farscape. Ben and Claudia are actors who were hired on the new show. It happens every time. You see actors on one show, then on another. TPTB were after Claudia even when Farscape was still on air, that is telling that they noticed how great she is and they wanted to have her on SG-1. When opportunity arose they got Ben, too. But it's still SG-1, not new reincarnation of Farscape, not with these writers... If they brought David Kemper to the writing office, we could be talking about something like this. Not now. Or ever.


                              Originally posted by Formerhost
                              I said "majority", which means that I saw some of previous seasons episode, and with the exception of Prometheus Unbound I can't say I liked them very much... And I don't see any attempt for a new reincarnation of Farscape. Ben and Claudia are actors who were hired on the new show. It happens every time. You see actors on one show, then on another. TPTB were after Claudia even when Farscape was still on air, that is telling that they noticed how great she is and they wanted to have her on SG-1. When opportunity arose they got Ben, too. But it's still SG-1, not new reincarnation of Farscape, not with these writers... If they brought David Kemper to the writing office, we could be talking about something like this. Not now. Or ever.
                              I suppose with David Kemper it would be a little lesser primitive than it´s now. But it´s doesn´t change my opinion that the Stargate writers try to capture the feel of Farscape. And that they aren´t clever enough to do it right don´t make it better for me.


                                Originally posted by phoenixblue7500
                                But isn´t it unfair talking about "destroying" something if you say yourself that you haven´t seen the majority of the "previous 8 seasons"? Who knows maybe you would like what you sees.
                                But talking about unfair isn´t it unfair, too to use Stargate which was very successfull for 8 years suddenly as nothing more than soil from which a new reincarnation of Farscape can grow?
                                Oh, you've read the spoilers mentioning
                                , have you?

                                You see we now have about three different versions of SG1 fans... those that started with SHowtime, those that started with scifi, and those that started with season 9 (perhaps coming over when it was announced that Ben Browder was joining the cast).

                                Gonna get a lot of different viewpoints, and one isn't necessarily better than the other.

