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SG1 - SyFy Portal: Here's Hoping For 10 More

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    SG1 - SyFy Portal: Here's Hoping For 10 More

    From SyFy Portal:

    (Please follow the link for the complete column.)

    Here's Hoping For 10 More

    Author: Scott Nance
    Date: 11-03-2005
    Source: SyFy Portal

    I'll let you in on a little secret.

    When I first met Mike Hinman and SyFy Portal, I was the scifi columnist for another website, and I had just written a piece in I which criticized SyFy's Genre Awards.

    In response, I received my share of brickbats and hate mail from a variety of directions--but not from Mike himself. Although we agreed to disagree on the matter, Mike conceded I made some good points and thought the column was well-written.

    After that, we struck up an online acquaintance in which we'd chat on various message boards and such. From the beginning, I was impressed by Mike's even-handedness and thoughtfulness.

    So about a year ago, when I was shopping for a new home for ER&RL, Mike was the first one I contacted. I was thrilled when he jumped at the chance to host the column. He promised me free reign, going so far as inviting me to continue to disagree with him or the site.

    A year later, I had yet to write such a column. Until today. Today, as we like to say here in the nation's capital, I rise in opposition to my friend, the gentleman from Florida, to point out how deeply misguided he was in his recent essay, "Eight Was Enough."

    Mike's basic thesis was simply that "Stargate SG-1" would have been better off if it had ended with its eighth year, rather than continuing into its current ninth and planned tenth seasons.

    I wholeheartedly disagree. Like Star Trek, if carefully nurtured and well-crafted, SG-1 is a concept and a franchise that can last, theoretically, in perpetuity. Oh, okay, maybe not that long, but for a good long time--longer than even the currently envisioned 10 seasons.

    **snippity doo-dah**

    Don't believe me? The SciFi Channel's decision to renew the series for an unprecedented tenth year was not made out of sentimentality. TV programming decisions are not so emotionally based. No, the call for renewal came simply because "Stargate SG-1" continues to enjoy good, solid ratings. Fans persist in tuning in on a regular basis. The fans are still watching, still having fun--as the numbers suggest. So why stop now?.

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    Exactly. This article, IMO, hits the nail directly on its head. Sg-1 is still entertaining people, and it could have a lot of seasons left to it. Yeah, there may be more cast changes at some point in the future; that happens when shows go this long. But as long as its stories remain fresh and enjoyable, I know I'll tune in.
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