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4th Stargate SG-1 Novel coming out

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    4th Stargate SG-1 Novel coming out

    Alas, not available in NOrth America

    Dear Stargate SG-1 fan,

    It's been a while since we last wrote to you announcing a new book, but I
    can now reveal that book 4 in the new series of Stargate SG-1 novels is
    being published on 18 April.

    Entitled "City of the Gods", it is written by Sonny Whitelaw and follows the
    team as they encounter an Aztec culture on an unstable, tectonically active
    moon. As Jack would say, that spells earthquakes, lots of 'em... Join the
    team for a ringside seat at the end of the world!
    For more information, visit

    By the way, some of you have written to ask if this is the sequel to "A
    Matter of Honor (part 1)". It is not, but I'm pleased to say that part 2
    (title still to be determined!) should be available this summer.

    Where to find it?

    In the UK, Waterstone's and Ottakar's continue to carry Stargate SG-1 novels
    in their "core stock" which means you should be able to find it in virtually
    any of their branches. have also done a pretty good job of stocking the books,
    although occasionally they fail to keep up with demand and one of the titles
    will go out of stock. This means you see the message, "usually dispatched
    within 4 to 6 weeks", but generally they restock the books within 3-4 days.

    Or you can order it from our website -
    Our P&P charges are very low, customer service is excellent and we never run
    out of stock! You can also pre-order the latest book now, and we will do
    everything we can to ship it on 18 April.

    Hope you enjoy the new book.

    Please let us know what you think of any of the books - feedback is always

    Very best regards,
    Stargate SG-1 Novels
    [email protected]

    STARGATE SG-1 ™ & © 1997-2005 MGM Television Entertainment Inc./MGM Global
    Holdings Inc. STARGATE SG-1 is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios
    Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    From a Stargate Novels e-mail update:

    Dear Stargate SG-1 fan,

    It's been a while since we last wrote to you announcing a new book, but I can now reveal that book 4 in the new series of Stargate SG-1 novels is being published on 18 April.

    Entitled "City of the Gods", it is written by Sonny Whitelaw and
    follows the team as they encounter an Aztec culture on an unstable, tectonically active moon. As Jack would say, that spells earthquakes, lots of 'em... Join the team for a ringside seat at the end of the world! For more information, visit

    By the way, some of you have written to ask if this is the sequel to "A Matter of Honor (part 1)". It is not, but I'm pleased to say that part 2 (title still to be determined!) should be available this summer.

    Where to find it?

    In the UK, Waterstone's and Ottakar's continue to carry Stargate SG-1
    novels in their "core stock" which means you should be able to find it in virtually any of their branches. have also done a pretty good job of stocking the books,
    although occasionally they fail to keep up with demand and one of the
    titles will go out of stock. This means you see the message, "usually
    dispatched within 4 to 6 weeks", but generally they restock the books within 3-4 days.

    Or you can order it from our website -
    Our P&P charges are very low, customer service is excellent and we
    never run out of stock! You can also pre-order the latest book now, and we will do everything we can to ship it on 18 April.

    Hope you enjoy the new book.

    Please let us know what you think of any of the books - feedback is

    Very best regards,
    Stargate SG-1 Novels
    [email protected]




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      yeah thats pretty much what he posted:

      This one looks really good, I wonder if it'll be better than MOH, im excited!
      Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon

