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Trading the old packaging for the new

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    Trading the old packaging for the new

    Hi, um, not got long otherwise I would have spent an hour searching for this. Anyway.

    I've got all the volumes, but for the SG-1 ones, they're the normal single-disc cases, six cases, per box set... and frankly, a single season of sg-1 seems to take as much space as the entire series of Prison Break that I have.

    I know that they have been repackaged, but I don't want to have to go spend loads of money and spend more on listing fees trying [and failing] to sell the old ones on ebay, when I can just spend no more than £20 on getting 10 6-disc dvd cases and then putting labels in them. The part I want though, is getting the properly printed sleaves if I do do this... that, and a replacement disc for one of the volumes.

    And downloading the sleaves from the 'net and printed them off myself smacks of doing the piracy thing.

    What options do I have for say, getting in touch with a distributor and doing a straight trade of each season, whether its the sleaves, sleaves and cases, or sleaves/cases/dvd's.

    When SG-1 takes up 1 full shelf and half another, while I have, on one shelf, Babylon 5 (1-5, Movies), Battlestar Galactica, Family (1-3/stewie untold/Stars specials 1+2) Firefly+serenity, Heroes season 1, Prison Break 1-4 set, Red Versus Blue season 1-8 dvd set and robot chicken (1-3+star wars specials)

    well, you get the idea.

    Hmm, just noticed, I don't have the star wars films at all, but I do have the parodies of.... hmm.

    Anyway, yeah, I wanna get the SG-1 season 1-10 6-disc-case sleaves, is there a thing I can go do for trading in the old or something?


    I don't think that you can get the sleaves from the distributor?


      I have the series box set and it takes up 1/5 of my shelf (my shelf is about 5 feet long)

