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SG-1 Complete Series Collectors

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    SG-1 Complete Series Collectors

    I hope some one from gate world or producers who ever reads this. Who ever designed the box set they released (the one with the big stargate on front of the box) should be taken out back and beaten with an ugly stick.

    No matter how hard you try it is way to easy to scratch the disc up pulling them out of there sleeves. Now I have all ready had to replace a few of the disk once. Now I'm again going to have to replace a few more because of this problem. At this point I'm probably going to chunk it in the trash and start over and try and get the thin pack.

    If any of the producer or any one from gate worlds is reading this can you pass a message along to the folks at MGM or who ever does DVDs. Tell them to quite being %$@$!^^ and put out another box set better designed, or better yet put out the one they put out for the guys in Region 2. I don't don't know why all these frigen shows give Region 2 the best box sets but give region one complete crap.

    Any way if some one could that message across. Now if you will excuse me Im going to go dump 300 dollars down frigen drain to get season 1-10 again to replace the crappy box set the put out.

    (yes I am angry about this in case you haven't figured this out. Stargate SG-1 is my all time favorit show and I can't even watch it any more cause the crappy disc getting scratched up.)

    why don't you try writing MGM and tell them your issues. you stand a better chance of getting a reply than through here.

    I would, however, temper your words and write them nicely. They tend to respond better to that than being yelled at. (not that i don't understand your frustration, but the folks you want to fix this aren't the ones that designed the box pack, not their fault)
    Where in the World is George Hammond?


