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SG-1 Complete Box Set disc broken in production, but noticed too late. How to fix?

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    SG-1 Complete Box Set disc broken in production, but noticed too late. How to fix?

    Hi there!

    Greetings from Norway, the undernourished Sci-Fi Nation.

    I have a little problem, so I am turning to the excellent Stargate community in hopes that someone can help push me in the right direction.

    I have been a long time reader of Gateworlds but did not sign up until now. (In fear of catching too many spoilers )

    I remember loving the Stargate movie from the first time I saw it when it came out and was hoping for a sequel for years. Then suddenly I heard about SG-1 and was so excited. I must admit that after watching the pilot and the next few episodes I was a bit put off by Richard Dean Anderson as the lead role, mainly due to myself being tired of MacGyver, I didn’t feel he justified the role, then.

    Fast-forward to fall 2007, the show started airing on Norwegian Television again from season 1. I started watching it every day and was sold. Richard was no longer MacGyver to me but Colonel Jack O'Neill. But realizing I couldn’t keep watching the show every day at the same hour I decided I should buy the series instead. So 1st December 2007 I ordered the Stargate SG-1 - The Complete Series Collection (2007) from Amazon US. (As the cost was more than double that price in Norway. And I had a few dvd players that were Region Free anyway.)

    I received it a few days before Christmas and started watching the show, but only made it up until the end of season 3 because the mate I was watching the show with left, so the viewing sessions sort of naturally stopped.

    Then I started watching the show again during the holidays of 2008. But didn’t get far as a few days ago I was about to start on Season 4, Volume 1, Disc 2, 5-8th episodes. The dvd player would not even enter the menu, it just kept spinning and making weird noises until it gave a no disc error. I tried another dvd player and it got me into the menu, but froze as soon as I tried to start an episode, when I tried a few more times it just ended up giving me a distorted image instead of the menu.

    I’ve tried cleaning it up nicely, but that doesn’t help. So I figured I should try and find someone that could exchange the disc, as it has been faulty since production, since it was never touched before I tried to play it the first time.

    I tried Amazon, and they told me they couldn’t help me after 30 days of purchase has passed. So I figured MGM or Fox TV would be the next to ask considering they are the manufacturers. MGM had no easy visible way for me to contact them. But I found a form on under Contact Us. I tried that but only got this reply back on mail: “Unfortunately due to the time frame we are unable to exchange the box set.” I didn’t ask to exchange the box set. I only asked for them to use some common sense and swap one of the discs. There’s 54 discs in that box set, 10 seasons, 214 episodes of 42-43minutes each. Plus the extra material. They can’t expect me to have viewed through it all in 30 days? I’ll admit I took a long break between viewing the seasons. It’s now just over a year since I purchased the box set. But people have other things to do then just watch 1 series until it’s done. It’s a marvelous series, it’s not that. I plan to buy the Atlantis full seasons box set when that is out, and I have finished watching SG-1.

    And from what I’ve read this packaging is known to destroy a lot of the discs, I have scratches on lots of the discs I had never touched before. I went through the rest to check if any more of them were faulty before I emailed anyone. And I can at least reach the menu on all of them without making any weird noises when inserted like my faulty disc (with the dvd player that wouldn’t enter the menu on my faulty disc). So I think they are ok.

    But why won’t anyone have some common sense and just offer to exchange my broken in production disc when they know it’s a widespread problem with this box set? Even if a year has passed. Are they trying to force me to download a pirated version of those episodes? I guess I’m just too used to Norwegian Customer Rights, where you have at least 2 years to reclaim goods that are faulty due to manufacturing errors, or 5 years if the product is intended to last more than 2 years.

    I’m sorry for venting a bit there. But I am a little frustrated that they all just wave me off without as much as a sorry. I mean, I could pay for the shipping costs the disc(s) if that’s the problem.

    So if you are still with me this far down. Sorry for writing a lot. But if you have any idea of whom I should contact to get my 17th disc in box set, Season 4, Volume 1, Disc 2, Episodes 5-8th swapped for a working one. Please help me out, I don’t really want to continue watching the series until I have watched those episodes.

    Best Regards,

    A Norwegian Stargate Fan.

    A lot of people have read this thread, nobody answered - I guess that means that there is no answer for your problem. I am sorry to hear that.

    The only thing I can think of - before the season boxes we had single DVDs in Germany. Maybe you can track down the one you miss in a single case so that you won't have to buy a whole season box.

    Wish you luck and hope it does not taint your enjoy of the show, because it really is a wonderful one!
    Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

    More Action Figure Theater at


      Yeah it sounds like your only option now is to buy the eposides in their original format. Look at somewhere like Ebay for the individual episode DVD's or an other online retailer for the same.

      Here's a suggested retailer in the UK, they are a good company.

      The only problem is that you may well come accross others in the set that have the same faults and need to replace them as well.


        Yeah, I have considered that it may very well be my only option. is an excellent company, and I order frequently from them, however they only have that disc on PlayTrade, which is not available outside UK I think, at least not to Norway..
        Amazon didn't have the disc in stock either.. I guess I might have to shop around to find one not too high priced on ebay or something.
        Still I find it hard to believe that they aren't willing to do something more to rectify such problems for their customers when I have read SO much about problems with this specific box set.. (I rarely bother to buy a full series box set, it's this and Firefly, but that can hardly be called a serious investment. I hope the general quality is better then my experience with this one, or I dont' see why I should bother. Also I'd be a big advocate for putting the entire series on blu-ray. But it's still a way too expensive technology with the licensing fees and all.


          Originally posted by hilandi View Post
          however they only have that disc on PlayTrade, which is not available outside UK I think, at least not to Norway..
          Don't you know anybody there? It helps to have friends all over the world - somebody once ordered a Jack figure for me (and one for herself, also ) and then sent it to me, since the company only shipped to UK.

          You never can have enough friends! Start right here at Gateworld and make some.

          Edit: I just had a look at, there is an offer for whole season 4 on single DVDs, no bids so far (and I guess this is not much chased, so there won't be any). The menu would be in German then, but I take it you watch in English anyway, right?
          Funny pictures with Stargate-Actionfigures at

          More Action Figure Theater at


            I know there have been other issues with dvd's over the years, try contacting MGM themselves.

            simply explain that you bought the box set and it has a broken disc....and...well, maybe you tell them 'i got it for christmas'
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              After seaching their site I have finally found the seemingly only way to contact them.

              Try emailing to : [email protected]


                Sorry to hear that friend! The internet shopping sites are filled with complaitn about the packaging and that it actually scratchs the crap out of the discs! One guy on amazon siad he recieved no less than 16 broken discs and others are just taking them straight from the box and putting them in plastic sleeves! Very poor choice of packaging from mgm!


                  I have the old bulky boxsets but I plan on selling them and getting this because the packaging is better and it saves alot on shelf space.

                  If you like, I could send you the DVD in its case from the old bulky boxset for free and just recycle the rest of the DVDs in that boxset.

                  I don't know if Norway uses region 2 DVDs though so you'll have to let me know.

                  Please don't give out your address over the forums. If you decide yes then PM the address to me. I will package up the DVD and send it as soon as possible.

                  You don't have to do this so I won't presure you. But its entirely your choice.

                  It is in perfect working order.

                  PS: Ignore the time imprinted on the photos. I havn't changed the clock settings because I haven't used the digitial camera in a while, lol.
                  Last edited by Billz; 11 January 2009, 06:00 AM.
                  Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                  Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                  Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                  Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                    I wouldn't at all recommend getting this boxed set. I got it as well and a lot of the disks wouldn't work. I sent it back.

                    To the original poster, contact MGM, point out all of the sites where the reviews of this box set are bad. tell them you got it for Christmas and because one can't likely get through 10 seasons in a month, ask if there is anything they can do to help you.
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

