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Episode Order

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    Episode Order

    I'm a newbie fan to SG-1 and after spending 30 minutes searching and reading threads have a question: what is the correct order of episodes? The order they are on the DVDs or the order listed here?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hmm... I never noticed any difference with the order on the DVDs and the order that gateworld lists the episodes. I don't have them near me to check, but I'd watch them in order of the DVDs if there is a difference.


      I'm watching in the order the DVDs have them but still wonder why they aren't the same.


        Originally posted by JJMitchell View Post
        The order they are on the DVDs or the order listed here?
        Depends on what region DVDs you are watching. Where do you live?

        Region 1 DVDs can be watched straight through with no continuity problems, even if the order is slightly different on season 1 (however, early pressings of season 8 contained only a severely shortened version of the episode 'Threads' by mistake). However, region 2 has the season 8 order badly screwed up.
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          I'm talking season 1 here.


            Originally posted by JJMitchell View Post
            I'm talking season 1 here.
            In that case, either episode order will do the job. Me, I just watch them in DVD order.
            Twitter / YouTube / Twitch


              Yeah, some of the eps on the season 1 set for Region 1 are out of order. From what I remember (don't have the box in front of me) they have it like this:

              disc 2:

              Broca Divide
              Brief Candle
              Cold Lazarus
              The First Commandment
              Thor's Hammer

              disc 3:

              Torment of Tantalus
              Fire and Water
              The Nox

              disc 4:

              Cor Ai
              Tin Man

              The order of eps on discs 1 and 5 are correct. I have no idea why they put them in this order. Every single authoritative episode guide I've seen (including the one here) has them listed correctly. I think they also got a couple of eps out of order on the season 2 (region 1) set as well but I'm not exactly sure.

              I agree they can be watched straight through without any continuity problems, but I found it a bit weird myself when I first bought it. I'm pretty picky so I usually end up watching them in the correct order instead, lol


                I was watching the "Profile on Brad Wright" that's one of the extras on the Season 9 dvd's and I think I figured out why the episodes seem out of order on the R1 Season 1 box set... they are in the same order as the original episode numbers. During the BW profile, they showed some shots of season 1 script covers. Broca Divde was episode 104, First Commandment 105, Brief Candle 106... then The Nox was episode 112 right before ep. 113 Hathor. The rest pretty much followed in the order that's on that box set. It probably was not the order in which the episodes were shot (I believe Showtime aired them in order of production, and SciFi would as well - or used to, anyway), but it was how they were originally numbered.

