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Stuffed toys..

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    Stuffed toys..

    I've seen them from other shows like The Simpsons and Poke'mon

    here's a pic

    Imagine ones for stargate, they could make almost every character; General hammond, teal'c, apophis ( with the gold cap and his weird smile and eyebrows ), various other system lords, as well as aliens like the Asgard and the Nox

    Imo, they would sell really well, does anyone else??

    As usual, I think the problem with this idea would be the lack of interest from non-fans. Stargate just isn't as well known as the likes of Star Trek, Star Wars etc, and the fact that Stargate sounds so similar doesn't help; non-sci-fi fans paint all "Star ____" franchises with the same brush of distain.

    However, the idea of a cuddly Ronan Dex is an oddly amusing one. Or how about a Furling?!
    Coming soon to Syfy and DVD... hopefully!


      I don't really see stuffed Stargate toys selling well. Stuffed people always sort of creep me out... something taxidermic about that.

      "Let's not be too quick to exclude the possibility that the woman might be, uh... what is the clinical term? Nuts?" -- Rodney McKay, PhD

      What does Cat have to say today?


        C`mon who wouldn't just die for a Thor plushie, or even a Stargate/DHD/Ship pillow plushie? Personally I think it would be a great idea to make a plushie of the gate itself, and when you squeeze it, the chevrons would blink or something... Of course if you wanted it to be a functional pillow than it would have to be an active gate.


          The furlings would be perfect for that. XD

          I'd also like a stuffy Apophis... You can squeeze him & he'll announce: "BOW TO YOUR GOD, SHOL'VA!" IT WOULD BE AWESOME. XDDD


            I have a stuffed Selmak, and Selmak, being a complete tart besides being a fangrrrrl has insisted that she go to a con and get autographed. Fortunately the con admins decide to allow Sel and me under one tix.


            This is Selmak, hungover at a con.

            Selmak.Org ~ A website dedicated to a Snarky Symbiote & Her Boy Toys.
            Sel's Memorial to Don Davis.

