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    Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
    Lol! Hash brownies...don't even wanna know your idea of a breakfast.
    Hey, I'm harmless. My idea of breakfast is a gallon of coffee.


      Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
      Actually, you'd written 'spherical planet'. If the adjective hadn't been so choice, it wouldn't have been half as funny BTW, from another outing, I fondly remember three pairs of eyes sliding toward Beckett... The good doctor still hasn't recovered.

      Mind you, the blooper to end them all probably was mine, if I say so myself. According to Sally, Tom couldn't stop giggling for two days. In the final draft of Trial By Fire Dr Kelly ordered 'hash brownies' for breakfast. Honestly, the stuff they serve in the SGC commissary...
      I remember reading that and thinking it was too late and that it had already gone to print, and emailing Sabine (actually, I was just so amazed that I'd gotten through the entire draft and couldn't find one single damned typo, that I latched onto hashed brownies like the Holy Grail), trying not to crack up laughing.

      The thing that really amazes me is that in relation to my writing, Sabine *remembers* it was spherical planet. Given all the other doozy stuff I've lobbed in her direction, that's just plan spooky




        Originally posted by sonny1 View Post
        The thing that really amazes me is that in relation to my writing, Sabine *remembers* it was spherical planet.
        Like I said, you see them so rarely...


          Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
          Actually, you'd written 'spherical planet'. If the adjective hadn't been so choice, it wouldn't have been half as funny BTW, from another outing, I fondly remember three pairs of eyes sliding toward Beckett... The good doctor still hasn't recovered.

          Mind you, the blooper to end them all probably was mine, if I say so myself. According to Sally, Tom couldn't stop giggling for two days. In the final draft of Trial By Fire Dr Kelly ordered 'hash brownies' for breakfast. Honestly, the stuff they serve in the SGC commissary...
          A 'spherical' planet?? LMAO!!! Now why am I having nightmares of referring to every planet as spherical during my presentations now??

          Hash Brownies...hhmm..maybe we can find you some in Vancouver.


            Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
            Actually, you'd written 'spherical planet'. If the adjective hadn't been so choice, it wouldn't have been half as funny BTW, from another outing, I fondly remember three pairs of eyes sliding toward Beckett... The good doctor still hasn't recovered.

            Mind you, the blooper to end them all probably was mine, if I say so myself. According to Sally, Tom couldn't stop giggling for two days. In the final draft of Trial By Fire Dr Kelly ordered 'hash brownies' for breakfast. Honestly, the stuff they serve in the SGC commissary...
            Well, hey.. who says planets *have* to be spherical, eh? Nobody told Terry Pratchett that...

            Originally posted by sonny1 View Post
            The thing that really amazes me is that in relation to my writing, Sabine *remembers* it was spherical planet. Given all the other doozy stuff I've lobbed in her direction, that's just plan spooky

            Really? Plan spooky?


              The Stargate: Atlantis short story “Course Corrections” by Elizabeth Christianson just came out in issue # 15 of Stargate SG-1/Atlantis The Official Magazine.

              Great little story, Beth! The character interactions are fun and your military knowledge really adds to the feeling of authenticity. (For example, I’ve never heard the phrase “light-bird” before but I understood it perfectly as soon as I read it.) All of the references worked great (“Inventory control?” )!

              Looking forward to more of your work soon!


                Man, I go to Boston for a couple of days, and this place starts jumping again.

                Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
                BTW, from another outing, I fondly remember three pairs of eyes sliding toward Beckett... The good doctor still hasn't recovered.
                Umm ... I think that one might have been my doing. It wasn't my worst offense to date, though; that belongs to this choice phrase, which I'll have to go dig out of the line edit for Exo... <hold music plays while Beth searches her flash drive> Aha, here we go.

                "Along with Sheppard and Sergeant Alderman, Stackhouse had his weapon slung over his protective suit, an odd sight in and of itself."

                To which Sabine commented: "LOLOL Yep. It sure as hell is an odd sight to see poor old Stackhouse, strapping lad that he is, staggering along with the gun, Sheppard, and the sergeant slung over his wetsuit…"

                Thanks very much, folks -- I'll be here all week. The line eventually became "Like Sheppard and Sergeant Alderman, Stackhouse had his weapon slung over his protective suit, an odd sight in and of itself."

                The things we put our editors through ...


                  Originally posted by Cinc1 View Post
                  The Stargate: Atlantis short story “Course Corrections” by Elizabeth Christianson just came out in issue # 15 of Stargate SG-1/Atlantis The Official Magazine.

                  Great little story, Beth! The character interactions are fun and your military knowledge really adds to the feeling of authenticity. (For example, I’ve never heard the phrase “light-bird” before but I understood it perfectly as soon as I read it.) All of the references worked great (“Inventory control?” )!

                  Looking forward to more of your work soon!
                  Thanks so much! I owe you big time just for posting; it's the first confirmation I've had that the story did in fact end up in the new issue. Like I said before, we're always last to know these things. Now I need to prod the magazine editors again to tell me how to get my hands on a copy of the thing. I'd hate to have to start stalking the local comic book store.

                  (Hmm... did the magazine crew spell my last name wrong? <checks Wiki page> Sigh...)

                  For anyone who's not sure what Cinc's referring to, "light bird" is slang for lieutenant colonel -- in the U.S. military, a full colonel's rank insignia is an eagle, so they're called full-birds or bird colonels. Of course, those aforementioned light birds wear oak leaf insignia, not birds of any feather.


                    Originally posted by Elizabeth Christensen View Post
                    (Hmm... did the magazine crew spell my last name wrong? <checks Wiki page> Sigh...)
                    Sorry to be the one to break the news. I just double checked to make sure it wasn’t my error – the magazine did indeed misspell your last name as “Christianson” instead of Christensen.


                      Originally posted by Elizabeth Christensen View Post
                      Umm ... I think that one might have been my doing. It wasn't my worst offense to date, though; that belongs to this choice phrase, which I'll have to go dig out of the line edit for Exo... <hold music plays while Beth searches her flash drive> Aha, here we go.

                      "Along with Sheppard and Sergeant Alderman, Stackhouse had his weapon slung over his protective suit, an odd sight in and of itself."

                      To which Sabine commented: "LOLOL Yep. It sure as hell is an odd sight to see poor old Stackhouse, strapping lad that he is, staggering along with the gun, Sheppard, and the sergeant slung over his wetsuit…"

                      Thanks very much, folks -- I'll be here all week. The line eventually became "Like Sheppard and Sergeant Alderman, Stackhouse had his weapon slung over his protective suit, an odd sight in and of itself."

                      The things we put our editors through ...
                      Oh man. You just made me laugh so hard I nearly cried! And then I had to explain to my husband just what was so darn funny and he ended up kinda sitting there with a tolerant smile and that increasingly familiar look on his face that says, "Honey, I love you but I sure as heck don't understand you!"

                      He found the glitch funny but obviously it's not laugh out loud hilarious unless you're a sad grammar geek like me.

                      Hey, if it's any consolation (though this hardly compares to your gem above), I just posted a fanfic this week and somehow had a minor brain spasm and didn't notice that I'd written "with baited breath" until some kind reviewer pointed out that that would probably smell a bit fishy...


                        Hey Sabine.........

                        Are you still doing autographs and pixs at the Vancouver Con? Someone mentioned something that Creation won't let you autogrpah books or have pixs taken with your fans.

                        BTW, I still owe you a drink. Can't remember what the heck for though. But its on my list of Con obligations to be fulfilled.......


                          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                          Hey Sabine.........

                          Are you still doing autographs and pixs at the Vancouver Con? Someone mentioned something that Creation won't let you autogrpah books or have pixs taken with your fans.

                          BTW, I still owe you a drink. Can't remember what the heck for though. But its on my list of Con obligations to be fulfilled.......
                          Someone seems to be having a well-developed fantasy life Don't worry, all that stuff is on as advertised.

                          As I recall that was more or less a for-the-heck-of-it drink (these hyphens are dedicated to Sonny <eg>), to which I responded with a counter-invite. That, too, is still on

                          As for the hash brownies and in the words of a former president (I paraphrase), "I didn't swallow."

                          Originally posted by Elizabeth Christensen
                          The things we put our editors through ...
                          Yeah, but that's what fills the editor's life with joy...

                          Alipeeps, I see your "baited breath" and raise you "space-fairing races" and things "baring fruit"--both from a guy who adamantly refused to correct these Personally, I just love those naked satsumas...


                            Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
                            Someone seems to be having a well-developed fantasy life Don't worry, all that stuff is on as advertised.

                            As I recall that was more or less a for-the-heck-of-it drink (these hyphens are dedicated to Sonny <eg>), to which I responded with a counter-invite. That, too, is still on

                            As for the hash brownies and in the words of a former president (I paraphrase), "I didn't swallow."

                            Yeah, but that's what fills the editor's life with joy...

                            Alipeeps, I see your "baited breath" and raise you "space-fairing races" and things "baring fruit"--both from a guy who adamantly refused to correct these Personally, I just love those naked satsumas...
                            Well, it wasn't my imagination at work, so don't blame me. I am glad to hear everything is a still a go for Vancouver. SQUEEE!!!!

                            OMG!! you guys are cracking me up with these bloopers. Keep them coming!!


                              Originally posted by Sabine Bauer View Post
                              Alipeeps, I see your "baited breath" and raise you "space-fairing races" and things "baring fruit"--both from a guy who adamantly refused to correct these Personally, I just love those naked satsumas...
                              Well, I know they *call* the ride Space Mountain but I didn't think it actually went into orbit...

                              Wanna know one I keep coming across recently that makes me laugh/worries me cos people don't seem to realise it's wrong?... "chalk full"


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Wanna know one I keep coming across recently that makes me laugh/worries me cos people don't seem to realise it's wrong?... "chalk full"
                                ::snicker:: Right. I'm assuming that's a neologism to describe the intestines of the wolf in Little Red Ridinghood, after he'd eaten all that chalk to smoothen his voice... which actually makes you wonder what the Brothers Grimm could have achieved with a bottle of helium, but that's a different story

                                And to continue with the, uh, digestive theme, here's another one--gotta be one of my all-time favorites--from an unusually... inspired... Harry Potter fanfic:

                                "Get your lazy ass down to the kitchen, boy!" bowelled Uncle Vernon.

                                I don't know about you, but the thought of Uncle Vernon bowelling just scares the crap out of me... oops, silly metaphor...

