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Ask Cheyenne Mountain! (MMORPG)

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    I have read thatyou are going to try and keep the game up to date with the here’s the problem in Aus we have not yet got s9 of stargate or s2 of Atlantis and we have always been a season or 2 behind the US and this isn’t going to change before the game comes out so if you are going to try this synergy between the TV show and the game will they be that major they ‘’spoil’’ the story of the show?


      Originally posted by Icemancmd
      I dont think they care about the .00001% of people like you who dont have an OS.
      I do have an OS, I just don't feel like paying for something roughly equivalent but less performant, stable, and badly programmed, which helps a monopoly further. But, the true question is, what's your point? There will be a Windows client no matter what, so why are you trolling? I don't ask them to remove anything you'll have, I'm just asking for 3% of personal computers (and not .00001). Compare 3% of computers mostly deprived of MMOs to the Windows market which is overloaded by tons of MMO (with 50% for WoW, and the rest is shared). I think developping a MMO for Linux may be more profitable given the need and desire of the community (not your community) to finally have a native MMORPG.

      So, all in all, it's a thread aimed at the developers, I'm not asking your opinion, I don't even know why you're reacting since it doesn't affect you and it's not your problem at all, but that's a pretty common behavior (which I saw on many MMO forums) when someone dares, ho what heresy!, to ask for the support of an OS which is much more used than you think. Of course, the Linux desktop usage in the US is, afaik, very low. But luckily, there are other countries, and most people I know with computers are running Linux almost exclusively (and I do), here. Even my mother runs Debian.

      Back to the thread for Cheyenne Entertainment developers, I'd just like to point out that even if it requires a bit more work at the beginning, using a compatible layer which abstracts either D3D and OpenGL would allow Mac Users (OpenGL only, just like Linux, and Macs market share is going to boost thanks to the switch to Intel) *and* Linux users (and Linux *is* making serious in-roads in the customers market everywhere. Don't forget the asian market, they are the biggest MMO players, with South Korea at the top, and they may switch massively to Linux following their conflicts with Microsoft) to play Stargate: Worlds. The goal for a product is to reach the most people, isn't it?

      All-in-all, it would not be much more work to have the same client build on different target OSes (Windows, OSX, Linux): it would "just" require an accelerated 3D abstraction library. Or go 100% OpenGL, I don't know... Anyway, I am well aware of the matter (being myself in the computer science field), it is definetly feasable, and it would really be nice.

      And oh, true Stargate fans don't run Windows. Do you think the SGC or the Odyssey run Windows?


        Originally posted by Magnet
        Easy one: will you provide a native Linux client? That would be great. (and it's the only way for many of us who don't buy operating systems to play, playing through WINE is a hustle). Thanks
        I remember reading something about DirectX on the website of BigWorld Technology, where they are licensing stuff from.

        For BigWorld's FAQ: "Currently Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, DirectX 8.1. No OpenGL or software rendering support. Hardware T&L is supported on video cards where available."

        Which leads to my question. BigWorld says DirectX 8.1. Now, That's a little dated. Will the engine be getting a few upgrades for DirectX 9, or is there any chance of supporting the newer, even more advanced features of DirectX 10? That would limit it to Vista, but make huge leaps in graphics quality.


          Originally posted by Mio
          I remember reading something about DirectX on the website of BigWorld Technology, where they are licensing stuff from.

          For BigWorld's FAQ: "Currently Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, DirectX 8.1. No OpenGL or software rendering support. Hardware T&L is supported on video cards where available."

          Which leads to my question. BigWorld says DirectX 8.1. Now, That's a little dated. Will the engine be getting a few upgrades for DirectX 9, or is there any chance of supporting the newer, even more advanced features of DirectX 10? That would limit it to Vista, but make huge leaps in graphics quality.
          Thanks for your answer. At least it makes things clear, even if there was very little chance (however the game still being in early development, they could have chosen another 3D engine with OpenGL support).


            in the game will you be able to go to the pegesis galaxy to alantis and lets say take alantis back to earth?


              I havent played an MMORPG but from what I can ascertain most or all servers are run by the developers (can someone correct me on this?). Will we able to host our own servers? and if so can we also have offline servers on a LAN?.

              How many SG teams can visit a newly obtained gate adress at a time? It's just not the same if you are exploring a world, supposedly making first contact and there are already 20 teams there.

              Can we choose to play the game on the same timeline as the show?

              Can you play as a replicater? The ability to consume the environment to create more blocks to substitute into yourself in order to become larger and more complex would very cool.

              Will control of tokra characters be shared between two players? This would certainly make playing tokra interesting.

              Will scientists beable to conduct research on obtained technology and develop new technologies of thier own design? If not what will thier role be?

              Will you beable to hack or manipulate the function of ships/computers in covert missions?

              Will time travel be implented and how so?

              Will we be able to change servers under the guise of travelling between alternate realities?

              What earth nations will be included? Paticularily will Australia be playable?

              Will any planets have an Iris? if so can we be killed by failing to integrate?


                when is this being released

                that is all
                "only two things are infinate the universe and human stupidity and im not sure about the universe"

                -albert einstein


                  will the player be able to command a space ship like in star trek bridge commander
                  also, will you be able to incorperate any stargate alliance ellaments into stargate worlds?
                  C. Edmund


                    My question is as follows? Will the game capture the essence of 9 years of adventures and open the universe to the gamers? It's is one of the most beloved and true Sci-Fi adventures ever concieved. Your task as game designers will be to give me (us) the feeling of actually being a part of an SG team. So will you be able to make a persistant universe that meets and exceeds the Stargate universe? Just a suggestion. I would not make SG-1 playable as charactors. instead I would make them Advanced NPC's that your SGC/SG charactor is capable of interacting with. making the whole experience more real.


                      When are you gonna need beta testers? Where do I sign up for Beta testing? Will this require high amount of pc resources?


                        Originally posted by Glugory
                        You probably won't answer this, but for every decent TV show to video game conversion there are about 20 really crappy conversions. I don't think a good TV to MMORPG even exists yet. Similarly, we've seen how terrible Movie to MMORPG's can be (I'm looking at YOU Star Wars Galaxies).
                        So are you guys going to ACTUALLY try, or is this going to end up like Star Wars Galaxies (awesome idea, crappy execution)?

                        Note: The fact that you guys even acknowledge what Gateworld is, let alone answer questions from people on their forums is a big plus in my "hmm, will this game suck, or will it actually be good"-o-meter.

                        I can answer this one! Not only do we plan to try to achieve what no other MMORPG has done, but we intend to succeed. The team inside the Mountain realize that there are many MMORPGs out there but the most successful are currently based on fantasy or lands that did not originate in a movie or TV Series. We want to give the Stargate fans what they want, that is, a place to LIVE inside the Stargate universe. We don't just want to create a game environment set against familiar backdrops using the indiginous lingo. We want you to feel that you ARE THERE. Stargate is one of the best SciFi shows of all time for a REASON - it resonates with all the humans watching it and we'd like to take that next step and give you the chance to participate as well.

                        One of the smartest things the Dev Team has done, in my opinion, is to get the incredible talent of Chris Klug as our Creative Director. The man cares about Stargate, players, and games like no other I've met before. He not only "gets it" but he wants to develop the game the same way he's appreciating the series - with tons of self-deprecating humour, honour, and integrity. We care about Stargate because we deeply care about the characters, we can relate to them and their dilemmas and their side-dramas and their sacrifice.

                        Not only are the majority of CME staff Stargate fans, but they are constantly comparing impressions and ideas about the show. I just spent a week on a business trip with a dozen of the design team at the GDC and the topic of conversation invariably wound up on some aspect of Stargate. Not the game. The show.

                        The show is what brought you here, and may well be what brings you to enter Stargate Worlds. What keeps you there needs to be the same.

                        We get it.

                        And we LOVE it.

                        ~ Katie Postma
                        Lead Community Manager
                        Stargate Worlds
                        Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment
                        Stargate Worlds Community Website


                          Originally posted by Magnet
                          Easy one: will you provide a native Linux client? That would be great. (and it's the only way for many of us who don't buy operating systems to play, playing through WINE is a hustle). Thanks
                          Originally posted by Icemancmd
                          I dont think they care about the .00001% of people like you who dont have an OS.
                          I'll answer you both at the same time.

                          Easy answer is, we intend to develop Stargate Worlds for as many platforms and OS's as possible. Intermediate answer is, we'll have to wait and see.

                          We understand that no two Stargate or MMO fans are alike. Neither are their gaming systems of choice. So ultimately, we would like to give accessibility to the game to as many fans as we can! To do this, however, may take time.

                          The Stargate Worlds game is currently being developed for PCs with Windows OS. Intentions, however, are to get as many OS and platforms into Stargate Worlds as possible.

                          Don't count out Linux too soon. Many of the devs <3 Linux.

                          ~ Katie Postma
                          Lead Community Manager
                          Stargate Worlds
                          Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment
                          Stargate Worlds Community Website


                            Originally posted by Steel Jester
                            I think I know the answer, but I am going to ask anyway.

                            Will there be a monthly fee or will it be free?

                            Thanks for your time.

                            The pricing model has not yet been determined, and we aren't prepared to rule anything out until it is. Right now we're going to concentrate on development and then when the game nears launch, we'll examine the pricing of similar games and create our own based on industry standards.

                            We do want the game to be as accessible to as many Stargate fans as possible... to that end we will do everything we can to feed our kids while we open the Gate for you.

                            ~ Katie Postma
                            Lead Community Manager
                            Stargate Worlds
                            Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment
                            Stargate Worlds Community Website


                              Originally posted by tofuchef
                              Hi, as noted that its not only a shooting game but expedition as well. will there be major discoveries?
                              "Well, 'expedition' game might be a little inaccurate, as that word implies a voyage of discovery, such as Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe. We're not doing anything quite as grand. However, the archeologists and scientists in the game will be called upon to unravel 'mysteries' both large and small as they play. Some of these 'mysteries' will be solveable by one person; others will need many people, and are designed for a Guild to tackle. These challenges will not be helped by foreknowledge. What this means is that having one character solving the mystery when they encounter it will not help someone else to solve the mystery when they encounter it at a later time, as each instance of the mystery will have a different solution. As to how we're doing that, well, that would be telling . . .

                              "The short answer is that we intend to have the problem solving nature of discovery, research and experimentation to be an important part in play."

                              ~ Chris Klug,
                              Creative Director
                              Stargate Worlds
                              Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment
                              Stargate Worlds Community Website


                                Originally posted by White Knight
                                What kind of gameplay features does Stargate World have that other MMORPGs don't have, aside from use of the Stargate lisence? e.g. Do you have a unique combat system? A unique style of economy?
                                "Stargate Worlds is going to feature a number of systems that are going to be unique to MMORPGs. The biggest is the fact that our combat system is going to be focused on ranged, tactical play instead of the traditional MMO, in-your-face style of combat. This is going to affect our play fields and how players are use to interacting in these games. Combat will be swift and deadly and we are going to implement a number of systems to help train the players through their leveling advancement so they are prepared for the type of combat we want to showcase. There are a couple of other systems we have in mind that may or may not make it in to the game that are quite unique. One of the systems I’m pushing for very heavily is what we’ve dubbed, internally, as an Overmind system. The gameworld is aware of your actions in the world and the designers have the ability to shape certain activities in the world based upon actions the players are making within the world. An example would be that as the players complete the noobie quests in the world where they research weapons systems, everyone's weapons slowly grow in power and the research area where they turn in the quests morphs so the players see the research progress as more and more players contribute their time. Think of the recent WoW event where the players on the server worked together to accomplish a goal – but instead this system is expressed from level 1 to CAP."

                                ~ Jason Bucher,
                                Senior Game Engineer
                                Stargate Worlds
                                Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment
                                Stargate Worlds Community Website

