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"Stargate Worlds" MMORPG Discussion Thread

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    We'll see if MGM actually follows through with this. It may sound great....but the downfall is I bet they charge a monthly fee like they do Ultima Online, and EverQuest....and you fork out 40...50....even 60 bucks for the game up front. Seems like they dumped Stargate The Alliance to allow room for this. They could have made a killing on both.


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      Site to open March 1st


        This sounds freakin rad. Can't wait to paly as a Solider and Pwn some Gaffa.
        "When the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro."-Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

        Baltar for President.


          Originally posted by youngtusk87
          This sounds freakin rad. Can't wait to paly as a Solider and Pwn some Gaffa.
          Heres hoping its better than Star Wars Galaxies.
          I'm proud to be an American.

          "...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust."


            I must admit I'm kinda looking forward to this. An exploration,adventuring and combat and tactical and diplomacy are all very much part of the ethos of the Stargate universe. For me a straight forward FPS kinda missed the point in some respects. Yes nice to go round and shoot Guauld but what about the other parts that make up the stargate universe? I love the idea of perhaps being able to make up SG teams and maybe work in raid style larger groups of teams for harder missions. The idea that when you land on any planet you may not know what you are gonna get, if they will be friendly and who they are allied to. In a straight forward FPS pretty much wherever you land will be hostile otherwise what would you have to shoot at. So I love the new dimensions a MMO will bring.

            Might also eventually tempt me away from WOW...
            Last edited by BritAngie; 31 January 2006, 10:58 PM.


              Originally posted by Frunk
              Like i said in some other forum, they need to make it a MMOFPS, because MMORPG'S with guns rarely make you get an adrenaline rush while your clicking away at NPC sand rat to get a Staff weapon of +5 explosion damage, while PVP MMOFPS are alot more challenging.

              Ah but when sand rat's 2 dozen 10ft big brothers come around and jump you whilst you click away at said sand rat then it gets far more interesting.....

              I wonder in terms of weapons there will be a choice- like having sniper type weapons? Generally stuff like staff weapons and the like are vey much going to be like wands or staves in other games. As for PVP= not sure that will work as well for everyone. I'm on wow and a PVE server.I've lost count of the number of people who have come over from pvp servers because they were fed up with ganking. Plus it's not going to appeal to those who are into the adventuring part and the archaeology bits and wotnot. It's going to be a hard balance to strike.

              One thing though is they are going to lose out commercially in some respects because it's most likely to be pc only so those with consoles could be left empty handed. Which makes MGM cancelling the other game a strange move as they'd have made money from that area.


                I have a feeling this is a fetal attempt to let us forget about Stargate Alliance.

                Not that I'm not happy with this...I'm looking forward to a Stargate-related game, in any form.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1



                  B*******! They take away our FPS, and then replace it with a pay-by-monthly MMORPG!? BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Gorram MGM!

                  Always just thinking about could of released BOTH!

                  Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


                    Lets see, they just announced it, so it'll be at least 18-24 months before we see anything of substance (game models, system descriptions, etc). Probably 36-48 months until we see a beta test, which will last 3-6 months. So we should see this game on the shelves sometime in mid to late 2009.

                    I'm interested but skeptical, considering the production company has no previous work to look at.
                    Jarnin's Law of StarGate:

                    1. As a StarGate discussion grows longer, the probability of someone mentioning the Furlings approaches one.


                      I'm really excited about this!

                      SGtA never really excited me, it looked OK but I was with-holding judgement until the game was released. Some things about it were worrying though (the Haaken for one, the ultimate bad-guy we'll never mention again)

                      Stargate Worlds on the otherhand seems like a brilliant idea. The whole point of the Stargate is that it connects multiple worlds, squads of SG characters running around exploring the galaxy, fighting enemies and oppossing players for control of resources, technologies and artifacts. Unlike SGtA which seemed to be trying to fit everything from Stargate into a short 20 hour game, a MMO would allow you to visit old plot threads without it seeming contrived. Plus the ability to affect the game world sounds exciting

                      From the way the developpers are talking I don't think this game will exactly an RPG - I think it'll be an FPS where the players earn points from successful missions which can be used to improve abilities and requistion new equipment.
                      Back at Home base (the SGC for the good guys), players spend points (do I want to improve my first aid or requistion a zat), interact with other players, get missions (quests), then they travel to one of dozens of Worlds (each an instanced map of varying size) and carry out those missions. A mission is probably much closer to something like Battlefield than a traditional MMORPG. As the team gets more successful they increase in rank and are given more important missions
                      Question is if the only way to access planets is by getting the right mission or are some worlds open for players to access whenever they want (I'd bet the Alpha site falls into this category)

                      Atlantis could even be an expansion pack


                        I can tell you one thing, this game will definately have to be extremely comprehensive considering that it will span not only individual planets but also multiple galaxies. There will have to be technology research, home planets, planetary missions, comprehensive ship building (choose a chassis and add stuff to it), previously undiscovered gate addresses, technology backwards engineering, weapons design, combat, armour design, armour hybridation, weapon hybridation, power ranking (your planet/yourself)


                          I'm not sure if someone pointed that out already (didn't take the time to read through all of the pages). But did anyone of you think of the possibility that they'll screw up as they did with "The Alliance"?

                          I mean that a company who's policy is to kill all possible concurence instead of making their own product better can't convince me. To me it looks like they are not eager to make an outstanding piece of work but rather something common to make some more profit.

                          Perhaps some of you have kept an eye on the several SG-mods that have been created and those which were shut down by MGM.

                          And as pointed out earlier in this topic it's harder to make a good MMORPG than a 'normal' Ego-Shooter. An MMORPG for Stargate has so much potential. But I think they wont even closely cover this potential.

                          But hey. That's my opinion
                          I really hope I'm totally wrong!


                            Even though I love Stargate, I cant see this pulling me away from World of Warcraft.


                              I wonder if there are any issues with Perception though, if they had the license to make Stargate based games, depending on the wording, MGM signing with a new company might be an issue. And I doubt Perception will be in the mood to just 'let it go', considering they continued work for how many months after MGM signed a new secret deal, and drove themselves financially into the ground.
                              "For now, you are in need of food and rest, and I am in need of armor"


                                GW should probably have a downloads section or something for when it's released.
                                Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon

