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Most annoying Tech

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    Most annoying Tech

    I'm sure many of you have watched Stargate and found some really annoying "cop-out" tech that the writers use to develop a storyline, but makes you sit there and say WTF? Here's a post to acknowledge all those infamous plot devices that make you say WTF!
    Here's a couple of my favorites:
    Wormhole drive-
    Well, after 10 seasons of SG1, 5 seasons of Atlantis, you never heard one inkling of something like this being possible. Suddenly, we're placed in a dire situation where we gotta get somewhere quick, and oh the ancients were working on a technology like this for thousands of years, but never figured it out. We're gonna make it work in 20 min, not show you any of it, and save the day.
    Atanik armband-
    Ok, a device that makes you a superhero for a day but then develop an immunity to it. Why not just cycle through SG teams once it wears off of one? Tauri 1, Goauld 0. By the time all 20 or so SG teams rack up the enemy kills, the war would be over in about a week.
    Asgard Core-
    Although a little off topic, the Asgards mass suicide was a cop-out on it's own. The Tauri getting all the tech they could ever want... priceless. Included in this series of upgrades was an Asgard Core capable of matter conversion that can make anything into anything. Now if you had technology this powerful, why wouldn't the asgard be able to defeat the replicators easier, or prolong their lives. The capability of converting matter into anything you desire would give you incredible power. The Tauri (or asgard if they didn't blow themselves up) could start mass producing anything they wanted. Hell, replicator at your doorstep? Mass produce an army of replicators designed to attack other replicators. Need an asgard beam weapon on the Odyssey to take out the Ori? Why not use the matter converter and get 20 of them. Throw in a couple ZPMs while your at it for the power requirements. You could even make some robots to install them for you!
    So, there's mine, lets here all of yours!

    i only remember two things:

    Wormhole drive on atlantis (sucks - it was only there after they lost hyperdrive....and we never saw it in action (no CGI for it -.-))

    phasing technology: The tolans had it, merlin used it to hide his "anti-ascended" weapon, but why, if it was so powerfull (and usefull) where they (Tollans) destroyed by the goauld? they could have hidden themselfes out of phase....(i only don't like this technology because it was never used to the fullest of it's potential, otherwise it think it was pretty cool

    greetings LAX


      Actually the ancient did make the wormhole drive work for themselves, it was just to dangerous to use , which to me one reason why us humans are so successfully, we do not run from dangerous technology we fly straight through it and keep on going. The ancient probably did not want to blow their chance of ascension just to test a new technology which had fifty percent chance of destroying you.

      The biggest problem with the wormhole drive was that it was suppose to be impossible because the wormhole would rip to pieces any matter that enter it and that why people bodies are disassemble before they are sent through the wormhole and then reassemble by the other Stargate at the end.


        a wormholedrive is ONLY usefull on long distances. why? i mean, why waste alot of power from ZPM's on something you can achieve in a longer time but without wasting said sick amount of power.

        we could stick one on the oddy and travel to the destiny however. seeing the nature of a wormhole, distance does not matter.

        the asgard death wasnt a cropout. it wasnt sudden: from about the very point that we met them, they already said they were dying. the only thing i cannot comprehend is their cloning problem. just take some human eggcells, add some asgard DNA, take a seedcell, have it have asgard DNA (done easily with one of the DNA resequencers lying around). and then make them combine, tadaa, new asgard. new memory. new individual. hell, sufficient reproduction of this kind will wipe away all the trouble in the asgard genome( very fast, unless the asgard are not only clones of themselves but also of eachother)


          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          a wormholedrive is ONLY usefull on long distances. why? i mean, why waste alot of power from ZPM's on something you can achieve in a longer time but without wasting said sick amount of power.

          we could stick one on the oddy and travel to the destiny however. seeing the nature of a wormhole, distance does not matter.

          the asgard death wasnt a cropout. it wasnt sudden: from about the very point that we met them, they already said they were dying. the only thing i cannot comprehend is their cloning problem. just take some human eggcells, add some asgard DNA, take a seedcell, have it have asgard DNA (done easily with one of the DNA resequencers lying around). and then make them combine, tadaa, new asgard. new memory. new individual. hell, sufficient reproduction of this kind will wipe away all the trouble in the asgard genome( very fast, unless the asgard are not only clones of themselves but also of eachother)
          it has been clearly stated they are clones of clones of clones, and from each other. atleast thats what i remember, andno i cant check, im only 16 and dont own all dvdboxes...

          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


            I do not think their problem was recreating a body which would be able to reproduce. Their problem is that they wanting a body which could be to reproduce and be able to handle all their knowledge, a single Asgard would have gained and experiences over millennium that they have live in cloned bodies. It seem they needed to combine their clone body brains DNA, with the old pre cloning body reproduction dna and produce a viable lifeform which could maintain it own reproduction and expand the population. Their was also the problem the old Asgard DNA could of been heavily damage in the voyage to the milkyway.

            The thing is the above should not of been that difficult. Even with our knowledge we are begining to get the stage of repairing and recreating DNA.

            We can already recreate a virus from scratch using normal chemicals which make up DNA and even recreate our viruses from (they cannot reproduce or evolve yet through, but it only a matter of time) rebuilding the current Asgard body from scratch with new chemicals should not of been that difficult for 30,000 year old.
            I just think that despite all their technology, the Asgard were very primitive in their understanding of genetics and were probably not that far ahead from earth levels.


              the asgard had an enemy for so long hey had to pull there resources to defend, but I think there problem lies even deeper.

              They could have cloned new bodies from the Asgard ancestors, but then they could not have all the capabilities they have now. that is the problem the asgard faced. But there must be more then that, for we are rather far with genetics, it is safe to assume they are even further seen there 10000+ years of recorded history.

              but the imcapability to reproduce I think is max only a few thousand years old


              Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                the asgard thing is quite annoying. There were 2 ways they could of saved themselves (that i know of).
                They could of either made asgard form replicators with blank memories and but put their memories in until they figured out how to fix it.
                Also SG-1 could of gone to their homeworld with the time jumper and gone back in time got the DNA of a few pre-cloned asgard and clone them. Surely for the first few clones the asgard could reproduce. They'd be fine!
                The Asgard shouldn't of died if they were so clever.
                the wormhole drive was a last-minute stupid invention.
                Most things are there for an episode and then forgotten.


                  which is rubbish. i rather think they have been staring at it for too much time and were too buisy preserving themselves, not their race


                    TBH I think the Ancients could have solved the Asgard problem fairly easily, just make them a new body. Hell the Asgard themselves should have been able to save themselves they had 30,000 year old Asgard...just clone those and use an Ancient resequencer to enhance its brain to handle an Asgard consciousness.
                    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                      the asgard couldve lived on as computer entities if needed


                        It's ok, I heard that in Jurassic Park 4, the SGC gives Asgard DNA to billionaire John Hammond of InGen (who is actually Gen. George Hammond's brother) who makes a theme park of cloned Asgard.... that goes terribly wrong.


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          the asgard couldve lived on as computer entities if needed
                          Yep. Put themselves into a virtual world like the Ancients did in Aurora and continue to work on a solution.
                          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                            who sais they havent?

                            there is still a posibility they all uploaded there minds into the asgard core just before they blew up the planet.

                            I sure hope that turns out to be it


                            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                              Originally posted by Laxian of Earth View Post
                              phasing technology: The tolans had it, merlin used it to hide his "anti-ascended" weapon, but why, if it was so powerfull (and usefull) where they (Tollans) destroyed by the goauld? they could have hidden themselfes out of phase....(i only don't like this technology because it was never used to the fullest of it's potential, otherwise it think it was pretty cool
                              Actually, I think that Tollan phasing technology was different from Merlin's "phasing" technology. Tollan phasing technology appears to operate by altering the properties of the object through which the user is attempting to "phase," whereas Merlin's device works by pulling a person (and objects) into "another dimension."
                              "From East Middle School. Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here, come join me."
                              - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; Best Character Introduction Ever.

                              "And can we lose the ten thousand year old dead plants?!"
                              - Stargate: Atlantis (1x03) "Hide and Seek"

                              "Hammerheads do not load/unload units immediately – they must descend to ground level first. Initial experiments involving jump-jetting infantry into the Hammerhead’s cargo compartment met with unfortunate results."
                              - Command&Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Hammerhead Unit Spotlight

