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simple reason asgard ships are better than lantian ships

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    Like I said, most are assuming the Aurora's have no ZPM's, huge assumption. Asuran's had ZPM's to spare = like we use AA batteries. Only way we can explain to some extent the uber piss poor performance of the Asuran Aurora's are if they had no ZPM's.

    Beam weapons vs drones: What was Ancients last line of defense? Exactly.

    Most advanced and effective weapons:

    1) Beam weapons
    2) Drones
    3) Ion Cannons (different ranges, and specs).... so forth.

    Scientific to back me up? This is a sci-FICTION show. All I need to back me up is what is shown on screen. It completely backs me up: White shields=superior.


      Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
      Color coding=better shields was explained quite well by somebody else. If I see the thread I will bump it up.

      But as examples: Atlantis shield color, Asuran satellite shield color, Ori shield color, Daedalus class ships, O'Neills. = white (best) or somethimes bluish/white (second best).

      Obivously the producer is back tracking to explain the plot holes (massive ones at that). WTH couldn't the Aurora's fire dozens of drones at once? Drone fire from the planet??? No weapons platforms over Asuras???

      Explaination: Otherwise the attack would not have succeded. Only way the attack to succeed was: 10+ Daedalus class ships would be needed to shred those Aurora's OR 10+ Ori ships. If they introduced the Ori fleets: Both the Asurans and Wraith would have been destroyed easily.

      Does anybody believe that machines are incapable of building other machines? WTH, the Asurans would build Aurora's to strictly to specs (far better than the Ancients could). Hell, if the MW Replicators got hold of a O'Neill, and started building them, they could do better than the Asgard. ETC.

      Intelligent machines will always build better machines than their fleshy counterparts. That is simple logic.

      Obviously the Ancient Aurora's can't scratch Asgard shield strength. White color=most advanced shields, what don't you get about that? Ancient Aurora's shield color is equivalent to Beslinker class vessles.

      If the Ancients were capable of equipping Atlantis like shields to their warships they would have. Obviously they couldn't. The war with the Wraith lasted many many years...

      Hopefully, Weir has strapped on a ZPM. Otherwise, that Aurora would truly be pathetic.
      The colors mean nothing. Its just the fact that Asgard technology is associated with the color blue and Goa'uld is associated with yellow and Asgard technology happens to be better. Anything beyond that is speculation and can't be proven. Feel free to try but you'll get the same answer everytime which will be..."LMAO speculation try again"...

      Maybe the Asurans didn't have all the ancient knowledge? Thats the best explanation. Unless you're saying Joe Mallozzi is wrong?
      Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


        Joe is trying to come up with explanations for the massive plot holes.

        I expect nothing more.

        LOL. This is hardly Asgard related. Ori shields=white. Atlantis shields=white. Asuran satellite shields=white. And as you know, these shields are UBER.

        BTW have you looked the Daedalus class shields in BAMSR'd, ALWAYS WHITE.
        Last edited by JSPuddlejumper; 20 January 2008, 11:52 AM.


          Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
          Joe is trying to come up with explanations for the massive plot holes.

          I expect nothing more.

          LOL. This is hardly Asgard related. Ori shields=white. Atlantis shields=white. Asuran satellite shields=white. And as you know, these shields are UBER.
          That is still speculation. Its not fact. It could just be a coincidence. Sometimes Atlantis and asgard shields look blue.


            Erm... Atlantis' shields are blue.



              It would be a MASSIVE coincidence! And in each case, white shields = shield strength is uber powerful.

              So many different 'races'. Ancients with Atlantis city ships , Ori with their warships, Asgard with their O'Neills, Asurans with their satellite weapon (infinite shields).

              Now IF the Ori ships, Asuran satellite had different color shields, your point would be valid.

              In a couple of occasions, Atlantis shields had a bluish-white looks, same went for the Daedalus class, and O'Neills. But generally, they have been white. Shields upgrades? Possible CGI hiccups.
              Classic example of CGI hiccups: Star Trek and massive fleet battles, almost no ships had shields.


                Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                Joe is trying to come up with explanations for the massive plot holes.

                I expect nothing more.

                LOL. This is hardly Asgard related. Ori shields=white. Atlantis shields=white. Asuran satellite shields=white. And as you know, these shields are UBER.

                BTW have you looked the Daedalus class shields in BAMSR'd, ALWAYS WHITE.
                I'll take Joe's word over your BS.

                Well done you've managed to list ships with apparent white shields, although Deadalus class ships have always had blue shields. Too bad it PROVES (proves being the key word here) nothing.
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post

                  It would be a MASSIVE coincidence! And in each case, white shields = shield strength is uber powerful.

                  So many different 'races'. Ancients with Atlantis city ships , Ori with their warships, Asgard with their O'Neills, Asurans with their satellite weapon (infinite shields).

                  Now IF the Ori ships, Asuran satellite had different color shields, your point would be valid.

                  In a couple of occasions, Atlantis shields had a bluish-white looks, same went for the Daedalus class, and O'Neills. But generally, they have been white. Shields upgrades? Possible CGI hiccups.
                  Classic example of CGI hiccups: Star Trek and massive fleet battles, almost no ships had shields.
                  Or all of these races are related. Meaning they all have similar shields.


                    I think the shields straight is related to the light spectrum wavelength.
                    So the higher the scale of colors the shield is the stronger it gets?
                    Just a theory, could be something completely different.
                    There's a pic in the tags that shows the light spectrum wavelength




                      Originally posted by tainor View Post
                      I think the shields straight is related to the light spectrum wavelength.
                      So the higher the scale of colors the shield is the stronger it gets?
                      Just a theory, could be something completely different.
                      There's a pic in the tags that shows the light spectrum wavelength

                      Yes that is where people get it from but idk how they could relate it to shield strength. All it determines is the wavelength the shields are. It doesnt determine how powerful the shields are. Also I would love to see purple shields. Or green shields. It would be something new and cool.


                        Believe what you will. Truth is the truth.

                        Hell, some fools believe the earth is 6000 years old.


                          Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                          Believe what you will. Truth is the truth.

                          Hell, some fools believe the earth is 6000 years old.
                          Wow that was totally random. No the earth is only 600 years old. They are such liars. LoL j/k. What are you replying to.


                            Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                            Believe what you will. Truth is the truth.

                            Hell, some fools believe the earth is 6000 years old.
                            Lets not turn this into an evolutionist vs creationist argument thread. Although it's interesting you mention that as I was reading about that earlier today.

                            And on the subject of the first point, I agree.
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              Originally posted by !!?? View Post
                              Yes that is where people get it from but idk how they could relate it to shield strength. All it determines is the wavelength the shields are. It doesn't determine how powerful the shields are. Also I would love to see purple shields. Or green shields. It would be something new and cool.
                              Well I don't know, but up until now the writers seem to be using the same scale ie.
                              Go'uld shields-Orange being the weakest, then orange-red for Beliskner Asgard mothership, Orange-red for Aurora Lantean warship,Red for Traveler's ships, blue for Asgard O'Neill warship, Blue-ish white for Tau'ri, Blue-ish white for Atlantis, white for Ori, white for the satellite weapon that Asurans had. This works on the spectrum light wavelength for now.

                              Maybe the color has noting to do with the shields in reality, but it's the excuse that the writers use for shield straight.
                              Until we have some more info on what determines the color of shields, we can only speculate what makes them stronger or weaker?

                              It all may very be just a crystal that can change the color of the shields like in a lightsaber, each crystal can make a different color blade(green,blue,purple,red,yellow)

                              BTW I would also love to see some green,violet,purple shields bit of variety
                              (Can someone say Furling ships )

                              Last edited by tainor; 20 January 2008, 02:28 PM.



                                Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                                I am batting a 100% so far about what the Asgard tech would to the Aurora's far before BAMSR'd. As I said previously many times: The Asgard upgraded Daedalus class battleships OWN'd Aurora's, and they will again and again. This is without Asgard generator or ZPM to max out their shields!
                                Yes those imaginary scenes where the asgard beams are impacting the Aurora shields, i have no recollection of that. And those seemingly fantastic scenes where the Auroras in all their glory are fighting the new 304s and the 304 come out victorious. Though me and everyone else here has never seen those scenes, well except you of course, i guess we have nothing to believe but these hypothetical situations that are backed up with no evidence.

                                Beams on Auora's, Atlantis like shields? LOL. Techno possibilities (both very highly unlikely for the Ancients). The Asgard already have the beams, and in AoT, it showed that the Asgard were far closer to Atlantis like city shields on their regular ships than the Ancients ever were.
                                So the Asgard make a return in AoT, if they do you are spoiling it for a lot of us.

                                BAMSR'd proved to most that the Asgard would have owned the Ancients in war.
                                How so? Their hit and run tactics? Or ships that are still to be determined in strength in comparison to a real Aurora with real Ancients on it?

                                The Ancient's were good at one thing: RETREAT, hide, do nothing. AoT proved it again. Ancients are closer to Nox in that sense.

                                Creating a black holes cannot be used as a weapon? LOL. Can you imagine the insane damage and destruction a black hole would do to a solar system and surrending systems??? Complete devastating in a short amount of time.
                                he means creating a black hole out of nothing, no mass to implode.

                                The Asgard could make any sun become a black hole.
                                And subsequently SG1 did the same in Exodus.

                                Lantean satellite did take forever to charge (like the Ori satellite). I do not think a 'proper' powersource would make that much of a difference, it is how the weapon was constructed. Asuran's had nearly infinite ZPM's, and could create things far far faster than the Ancients or any biological being could ever do...and they were taken out pretty easily as well (like the Ancients).
                                Then give me an exact time on how long it took to charge the sattelite or a greater than or less than timing.

                                Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                                Color coding=better shields was explained quite well by somebody else. If I see the thread I will bump it up.

                                But as examples: Atlantis shield color, Asuran satellite shield color, Ori shield color, Daedalus class ships, O'Neills. = white (best) or somethimes bluish/white (second best).
                                Well considering that shields arent made of light, color coding would be completely void. All real life research into shields use plasma as the shield substance, and different atoms glow different colors giving absolutely no indication of shield strength.

                                Obivously the producer is back tracking to explain the plot holes (massive ones at that). WTH couldn't the Aurora's fire dozens of drones at once? Drone fire from the planet??? No weapons platforms over Asuras???
                                Planetary defenses would be powered by the ZPM, Rodney took over the ZPMs when he entered the city, hence no fire coming from the surface. Aurora's firing drones, i dont know possibly only a few dozen can be controlled at a time without ZPMs, im not going to pretend i know something that i cant possibly know.

                                Explaination: Otherwise the attack would not have succeded. Only way the attack to succeed was: 10+ Daedalus class ships would be needed to shred those Aurora's OR 10+ Ori ships. If they introduced the Ori fleets: Both the Asurans and Wraith would have been destroyed easily.
                                I'm not even going to pretend i understand that scrambled bunch of relevant sounding words.

                                Does anybody believe that machines are incapable of building other machines? WTH, the Asurans would build Aurora's to strictly to specs (far better than the Ancients could). Hell, if the MW Replicators got hold of a O'Neill, and started building them, they could do better than the Asgard. ETC.
                                Apparently the Ancients didn't give them everything in the specs or their ships wouldnt be less than the originals.

                                Obviously the Ancient Aurora's can't scratch Asgard shield strength. White color=most advanced shields, what don't you get about that? Ancient Aurora's shield color is equivalent to Beslinker class vessles.
                                And color is IRRELEVANT. Especially since we still have not seen a fully operational Aurora in pristine conditions put under identical battle conditions as an Oniell there is no possible way to determine who is better or worse.

                                Hopefully, Weir has strapped on a ZPM. Otherwise, that Aurora would truly be pathetic.
                                That said with such confidence with no evidence.

                                Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                                Like I said, most are assuming the Aurora's have no ZPM's, huge assumption. Asuran's had ZPM's to spare = like we use AA batteries. Only way we can explain to some extent the uber piss poor performance of the Asuran Aurora's are if they had no ZPM's.
                                If they didnt care about the ZPMs the TMC replicators could have made off with a bunch. And damnit, why do you have to be so arrogant for? The Asuran Aurora's are not these sh*tty ships, they do adequate damage, hold out decently when damaged and out numbered. They are respectable ships.

                                Beam weapons vs drones: What was Ancients last line of defense? Exactly
                                Drones do well against specific targets, one with flawed shield designs and ones with no shields.

                                Most advanced and effective weapons:

                                1) Beam weapons
                                2) Drones
                                3) Ion Cannons (different ranges, and specs).... so forth.
                                Thats a list of most powerful weapons and #1 is variable so it can fit anywhere on the list. The most advanced is drones because the technology in side the drones and the command chair to fire it has the most advanced technology. As seen in Lost city the drones took out more than 30 ships in less time it would have taken a 304 to fire at each one individually, of course it has limitations such as if a shield is designed to keep the drone out then its almost useless. Beam weapons are a safe choice because they work on everything, drawback is that its not definite one shot kills all, and a single turret cant target multiple ships and fire at both at the same time.

                                Scientific to back me up? This is a sci-FICTION show. All I need to back me up is what is shown on screen. It completely backs me up: White shields=superior.
                                And science fiction tries to draw from science fact, and science fact is that lasers don't make up shields because it is just light, so color means nothing its just there to please the fans.

                                Originally posted by JSPuddlejumper View Post
                                Believe what you will. Truth is the truth.

                                Hell, some fools believe the earth is 6000 years old.
                                You like to piss people off dont you this wasn't going religious. And i hope you hold to the truth is truth, especially when you are confronted with something that is contrary to your beliefs. But i figure you can't handle the truth yourself considering you can't accept what Mallozzi is saying.

                                Question to everybody else (mostly buba and the "veteran" members of GW): doesnt jspuddlejumper remind you of entreri?
                                Their white flags are no match to our guns!!

