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'New' Fresh 'enemy' for Season 5?

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    Originally posted by wise one View Post
    like a fat arse ship and that needs huge amounts of geothermal energy from planets and once its finished it leaves the planet dead or exploded, and it eats 10 planets every hundred years beacuse it needs the energy to power their something..and there nothing no one can do and now its positioning itself over atlantis's planet

    some crap like that..yeh i think i went overbaord with that one
    Soo... in other words... Galactus?


      gotta be the furlings please?

      i also remember they were planning to introduce the original inhabitants of pegasus as a next pwnage enemy

      or asuran tech level cylon types!
      Last edited by General Burro; 12 January 2008, 11:04 PM.


        I like the warrior-race idea for a new enemy. When you guys were talking about amor. I suddenly thought of the Predator movie and the Anubis' Kull warriors. Wouldn't it be great to see an army of warriors simillar to the Kull storming Atlantis?

        The Kull warriors were cool but we only saw them fight individually or in pairs. Also SG-1 develop the weapon to fight them so quickly. Wouldn't it be cool for them to be a threat for more than one season.

        Following the idea. The new enemy is travelling their scouts are alerted to the Pegasus Galaxy by the explosion of the Asuran Homeworld. Initially they send out small strike teams eventually a couple of small ships and soon a mothership that puts the hiveships to shame
        Stargate Revival Please!


          Agreeing that the Genii would be fun as a more central villain, but is there any actual need to give them Wraith level technology?

          Say a hardline military faction of the Genii have an underground SGC somewhere in Pegasus. They oppose the changes Ladon is making to the Genii system, starting to phase back the military rule in favour of a more democratic system and getting all pally with the Atlantis Expedition.

          Maybe even Kolya could lead it?

          Anyway, they make hit-and-run attacks against Ladonist Genii outposts; attack through the gate at night, take everything worth having and setting a nuke before 'gating out again.

          Ladon asks for Atlantis' help, is initially refused. When the Genii faction start trying to jump Atlantis teams as well; trying to gain control of the Ancient and Tau'ri technology, Atlantis starts trying to fight the Genii.

          I think it would lead to a better kind of conflict that could go on without needing to resolve it before everybody dies (a la Asurans). The Genii couldn't attack Atlantis itself (although they could take advantage of another event, like in The Storm.) and Atlantis couldn't just send its bad-ass ships round to kill the Genii, because they don't know where their base of operations is.

          Maybe I just like the Genii too much...
          Last edited by Zafuel; 13 January 2008, 09:17 AM.


            i got an idea: they will tap of energy of ascended beings and at the end of the season they will go to far on one of their bases and actually use all the energy from three ascended beings, and than the ascended beings will destroy the facility(not the whole bad guy faction)


              Would it not be Micheals super-irratus soldier?

              they were only in for one episode and they didnt build on that, mebes he'll take advantage of the wraith civil war and get a hive or cruiser so that the little beasties can go walkies.. and kill


                Kolya would make a great Genii enemy but I think Shepard took him permanently out of the equation in Season 3.

                Technology was one of the main advantages that threaten our heroes before but now they have the most advance ships in PG so they have almost total space superiority; however on the ground there are still four member teams with P-90s. So maybe take a more up close and personal approach SG teams vs Advance supersoldiers like: the Kull, or Michael's Irratus Soldiers. Hard to kill difficult to fight add that with some more infantry tech like stun bombs, instant forcefield cages, personal shields, personal cloaking devices. Lets see Shepard handle enemy soldiers with that kind of fire power with his P 90.
                Stargate Revival Please!


                  Perhaps some completely alien enemy. that or an extremely advanced looking human enemy (with better technology, not some Genii ripoff like the Travelers). Perhaps an enemy form a neighboring galaxy.
                  Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                  ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                  encounter on the strange journey.


                  2 Cor. 10:3-5
                  3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                  4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                  5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                    how are travelers a genii ripoff?


                      What ever they do i want the next bad guys to be smart an inversion of roles would be awsome where we are the arogant hi tech ones and get our asses kicked badly one time because of it


                      Currently recruiting new staff


                        Originally posted by General Burro View Post
                        gotta be the furlings please?
                        Time to kill some teddy bears-perhaps a distant relative of the Ewoks


                          Originally posted by ijffdrie View Post
                          how are travelers a genii ripoff?
                          I read this somewhere can't remember exactly where. The Genii were a dark horse who could go either hero or villian to make things more interesting but they didn't have tech to make a big enough impact. The travellers are simillar but they have tech. Like in the recent episode, BNAMSR the Genii could not join the fleet to help Sg-1 against the replicators fleet but the travellers could and did.
                          Stargate Revival Please!


                            so are the free jaffa if i may remind you


                              As McKay put it the Genii have technology 40 years behind Earths excluding all of the classified stuff-AKA Cold War Era

                              To me the Travellers were never that threatning compared to the Genii unless you John Sheppard considering Larrin Ties him up, tortures him and threatons a airlock release and he still comes back for more. The Genii being a Dark Horse-Possibly, but not the Travellers.


                                Originally posted by Argosy View Post
                                All they would need to do is just write in a lost sect of the Genii Confederacy that went into hiding before the defeat of the Lantean’s.

                                They are the only unified race of humans in Pegasus that makes extensive use of espionage & spec op teams besides…well us.

                                If they have been in hiding for 10,000+ years increasing in technological skill for that whole span of time then they most likely would have surpassed us by now.

                                Perhaps they were just waiting for the eventual downfall of the Wraith before they asserted them selves again.

                                That’s just my idea of what I would like to see since the Genii were the most interesting bad guys I have seen on SGA thus far.

                                They were an enormous pain in our back side with 1940/50’s tech…It would be insane what they could do with technology that exceeds ours by a couple thousand years using there current mo/doctrine of deceit and covert ops.
                                The Genii are not a pain in the ass, the daedalus could wiped out the genii homeworld and problem resolved, but the SGA are too nice with them.

