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Atlantis: Only floats?

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    Who's to say it landed... Could have been built there... Or maybe the area was a large lake which has since dried out and overgrown with vegitation.


      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      Who's to say it landed... Could have been built there... Or maybe the area was a large lake which has since dried out and overgrown with vegitation.
      You know why TPTB focus on landing on water rather than land? Because of a little folk tale we have...

      Over 11,000 years ago there existed an island nation located in the middle of the Atlantic ocean populated by a noble and powerful race. The people of this land possessed great wealth thanks to the natural resources found throughout their island. The island was a center for trade and commerce. The rulers of this land held sway over the people and land of their own island and well into Europe and Africa.

      This was the island of Atlantis.

      Atlantis was the domain of Poseidon, god of the sea. When Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito, he created a dwelling at the top of a hill near the middle of the island and surrounded the dwelling with rings of water and land to protect her.

      For generations the Atlanteans lived simple, virtuous lives. But slowly they began to change. Greed and power began to corrupt them. When Zeus saw the immorality of the Atlanteans he gathered the other gods to determine a suitable punishment.
      ...who's to say it did not land? Just because TPTB use this myth does not mean that the most advanced city in the universe created by the most advanced race will break if we land on a field with it .

      Where was it built? On water ? Don't tell me it was built on ice
      Last edited by Integrabyte; 22 October 2007, 01:47 AM.


        Originally posted by wise one View Post
        its possible, but water or ice sounds quite more easy to land than a hard part of land since if not landed properly it might cause strain on other arms of atlantis and break causing alot of damage to atlantis.

        its possible that it might have legs to keep it upright but that much wieght on them would likely to break
        I don't know, ice is a really hard substance that could do wonders if you tried to land on it.

        I guess I'd need a timeline but I always assumed when the ancients lived in antartica it was before it froze over. Or maybe not. In SG-1 with O'Neill and Carter found the second gate in the glacier.

        Its interesting to think about, Wikipedia has an entry on it but I can't verify what it says.
        Geral Corasjo


          Originally posted by Lord batchi ball View Post
          That city was a example of what happens when you put the city on land.

          It gets destroyed.
          Uh, what?
          No it's not.
          It's am example of a city that's been ignored and not taken care of for ten thousand years.
          **** falls apart if you don't keep with the fixing.


            Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
            You know why TPTB focus on landing on water rather than land? Because of a little folk tale we have...

            ...who's to say it did not land? Just because TPTB use this myth does not mean that the most advanced city in the universe created by the most advanced race will break if we land on a field with it .

            Where was it built? On water ? Don't tell me it was built on ice
            Pretty sure the Isle was named Atlas, not Atlantis.

            The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


              But the question is, why was 'The Tower' on land to begin with? I have to presume the ancients left it on the land.


                Id say its made for h2o landing.
                It looks pretty much like a boat to me, and yeah, alot of weight would go to the legs.
                The puddle_jumpers looks like 50 precent submarines. Its named "Atlantis".
                I think it looks good on the surface. The shield looks like a bouble on the water. I dont think the city fits in space.
                I think it should stay on the surface
                Puddle Jumpers


                  Maybe it doesn't go on land as much because of the stress on take offs and landings. Plus the ground is not always as stable as it should be (earthquakes).


                    Originally posted by Konrad9 View Post
                    Uh, what?
                    No it's not.
                    It's am example of a city that's been ignored and not taken care of for ten thousand years.
                    **** falls apart if you don't keep with the fixing.

                    Yes it is

                    It is a example of what happens when you put a heavy object on soil.

                    than it rains Then it sinks into the soil and corrodes and thus is destroyed.


                      When Atlantis is in the water its weight is supported much better than it would be if on land. It seems unlikley that it has any 'legs' to land on as the weight put on them would be simply massive, and they would probably sink into the ground or break off or something. The Ancients probably had the technology to land the city on land (or ice) as we saw it on the ground in Antartica. It is probably beyond the capabilities of the current Atlantis expedition to land the city on anything except water
                      judging by Sheppards rather rough landing in Lifeline.


                        Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                        ...what about the city in The TOWER? It landed on ....LAND!!! Go figure .
                        True but it looks like it sunk in and not a little but a lot. We know the middle goes straight through which means that I think the best bet if they wanted to land would be to build a support platform to dock with which would complement the city. And where are the building facilities for these cities I know destroyed by the Wraith but still.


                          Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                          I'm going to say it's supposed to be on water/ice only based on that the Asurans had their version on water aswell. The added problem with Land is that things can grow over the city like in 'the tower'.
                          As shown in the rising, it seems that when city ships are on land they are on a platform.


                            and look at the Nox, they mad their cilty float. in the air.
                            the anchients really lack dramatic flair, or imagination, or they just like it that

                            and it's possible thatal the dirt got accumulated over the city during the long perid of time it wasn't tended.
                            And city ships can clearly land on land:

                            ELLIS: Has Doctor McKay located your new home yet?

                            WEIR: Yes. M12-578. It’s the closest non-populated habitable planet with a large ocean. He’s a bit nervous about trying to land on solid ground.

                            notice the complete lack of any references to outposts, all it needs is flat terrain, it WILL sink, but it will not be significant enough to imobilise the city and prevent it taking off, unless some idiot landed it in a bog

                            platforms are just there to stabilise the city, and i'm prety sure think the inertial dampeners could do something to lessen the city's load should it land on land. pardon the pun.


                              I think the city could be landed on land. The city ship from Tower didn't look like that area was ever a lake or other body of water.

