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    Originally posted by s09119 View Post
    So how are they getting out of the jumper bay...?
    The same way they put them in, with the crane thing. I think if they do put 302's in a jumper bay it's probably just to store them when they aren't needed. There doesn't seem to be a proper hanger to keep them in so the jumper bay would have to do.
    "At least my heroes exist. If this was a Trek convention, you’d be all dressed up like a Klingon."


      Put the 302's out on the piers. It looks like there's a long enough strip that could be used as a runway to serve hundreds of 302's. The beaming tech would come in handy in the event of an emergency. You could put the beaming tech in a pj and then have it hovering above the city a little bit, still inside the shield. Beam the pilots to their 302's.

      Best Stargate quote:
      Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
      Green is your friend.


        Ever think of vertical launch rails? Based on what we've seen of the 302s, and what I know about rocketry, their thrust is greater than their weight just like the F-15. They can just rail-launch quicker because they don't need as much time to accelerate assuming the INERTIAL (NOT mass) dampeners work on the whole ship and not just the pilots.
        When the time comes to utilize Earth's best weaponry against an ailen threat. The weapon that will ultimately prove to be Earth's best will be the Zatnikitel


          Ive got one-Beam the 302 into space


            Beaming in within Atlantis would make their lives too easy.

            Easy lives don't make good TV.


            They could put a runway on one of the piers.

            <<<I have watched you play with those who would play GOD<<<

            A Random but Cool Quote:
            If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.
            - Bertrand Russell


              Atlantis does have F-302's!!!
              When Atlantis was working with Michael in Allies, the Wraith dart was escorted by 2 302's. They may have been from the Daedalus, but what is to say that they don't keep some on one of the piers??

