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What Kind Of Weapons Do We Need For Wraith.

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    Originally posted by Wass
    Wraith weapons stun people they don’t kill people, the last thing you want to do is stun a wraith and take your eyes off him for minute next thing you know he will be feeding upon you.
    Didnt somebody say somethin in s1 about wraith weapons having another function so you can kill rather than stun?



      Christ look at that beast, it'd solve alot of problems.
      Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


        Originally posted by Wass
        How about Bio-weapon like the ones Hoffans developed with our help I know it was not designed to be weapon but it evolved into one. We have enemy we cannot negotiate peaceful solutions with. If we don’t kill them they will certainly kill us.
        Some kind of bio-weapon would be cool.. or just put that poison crap inside some bullets or dart guns or something like that... hm.... what i would really want to see is an energy weapon that is built into the P-90.. so when they run out of bullets just hit a switch and it will become an energy weapon.. kind of like the ones that SG1 has for the kull warriors.....
        I am JJ, the Supreme Commander of the Furling Fleet!!!!


          Originally posted by _Anubis
          Yeah I wonder if now the reinforcements have arrived, they brought zats with them. I hope so because I always wondered why they don't use the zats. I thought that the zats have become standard SG-unit weapon when they go off world
          Cause there are legal reasons for keeping SG-1 and Atlantis seperate.
          Anything not in the movie couldn't be used early in Atlantis becuase of copyright or something.
          That's why Teal'c and Carter(who should really have been doing the research in Antarctica) aren't in Rising.
          Daniel and Jack were in the movie, so they can be used to help establish Atlantis without problem.

          zats are an SG-1 creation, so porting them to Atlantis is counter productive.

          also, let's invent/steal a new ray gun, hey. Zats are cool, but they've been around since SG-1 S2


            bring on the Lantian hand based weapon I say.

            Anyways, the reason why they only have p90s and berettas were because they're standard sg issue and they really didn't know what exactly to expect in pegasus. Hence when Everett and co arrived from earth they brought with them a crapload of high calibre guns and the railguns to boot... I'm sure once theres a zpm on both ends they'll be able to order all sorts of crap from the SGC... maybe Rodney could decorate his new home in Atlantis with ikea crap


              Originally posted by Iguana775
              The Holy Hand Grenade.
              Sheppard used a similiar one in The Defiant One and it didn't kill the Wraith.


                Originally posted by greytop
                Sheppard used a similiar one in The Defiant One and it didn't kill the Wraith.

                That wasnt THE Holy Hand gernade, it was just A hand gernade. That seems counter productive for the wraith, who cant feed on dead people...

                As for my oppinion to the weapon the Atlantis team needs, I think that they could go with a few ZPM/Durracel-powered really huge 'Zats, or take away the instructions away and de-assemble all the Ikea furniture, and throw allen wrenches at the Wraith until their minds explode from not being able to figure out how to put their armchairs together. That'll work.
                JACKSON: ...I mean isn't that why we're doing this, all of this? The Stargate program, the budget? Isn't it so we can go and meet new races, gather advanced technology and possibly learn about ourselves in the process?
                VALA: Oh, come on! you do it to meet women.
                MITCHELL: She has a point, sir.
                : I've been thinking I need to get out on an offworld mission or two.
                Get FireFox! Browse with Tabs!
                Stargate Omega, Now a vBulletin!
                Mmm... Green...


                  Since Atlantis did get help from the SGC, (earth),...
                  they should have brought some of the Zats used to fight Anubis's Kull never know.

                  "We'll keep the light on for you."


                    Originally posted by swifty
                    dont you need to consider that sg teams are supposed to scout ahead and stuff, and taking these overly powerful guns kind of limits there mobility a little, at least with there p90's they can run, turn, take a shot and keep on runnin
                    I agree, but with these weapons the SG teams would be able to stand their ground in many situations we've seen, screaming "GET SOME!!! , GET SOME BABY!!!"

                    And the XM8 carbine and XM29 OICW are designed to be extremely light. The XM8 is 5.7 lbs
                    P90 is 6.0 lbs

                    really the XM8 is superior is everyway, and if there really was a stargate I'd imagine they would use prototype high tech weapons like these.


                      You know forget what I said earlier. I know what and who they need.

                      [spoiler]I'll probably blow your head cleeeeean off...... punk[/spoilers]

                      And unlike that desert eagle posted you'll actually be able to shoot more than one Wraith with this thing before they eat your face while you're frantically trying to clear a jam.

                      Seriously though the .44 magnum revolver was originally concieved for killing elephants and other large potentially dangerous animals in a package more easily carried than a bulky rifle. I don't see any reason not to strap every atlantis team member with a .44 if it looks like they might be heading into Wraith country.

                      If inspector Callahan can lead an SG team more's the better.


                        Originally posted by WraithSteve
                        really the XM8 is superior is everyway, and if there really was a stargate I'd imagine they would use prototype high tech weapons like these.
                        Actually, the last thing you want to do is take a prototype weapon into the field unless you really have to. Doesn't matter how well it works on the drawing board on the range, there could still be flaws that show up in the field and you don't want to find out what they are when there's a hungry Wraith trying to swallow your soul.

                        The weapon developed for use against kull warriors wouldn't work...Well, it might work, but it doesn't work on anything else apart from kull warriors;
                        it's designed to neutralise the energy of the res device that keeps the kull alive, even though it should be dead already, so a human is completely unaffected
                        Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                        - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                          Originally posted by Ouroboros
                          You know forget what I said earlier. I know what and who they need.

                          [spoiler]I'll probably blow your head cleeeeean off...... punk[/spoilers]

                          And unlike that desert eagle posted you'll actually be able to shoot more than one Wraith with this thing before they eat your face while you're frantically trying to clear a jam.

                          Seriously though the .44 magnum revolver was originally concieved for killing elephants and other large potentially dangerous animals in a package more easily carried than a bulky rifle. I don't see any reason not to strap every atlantis team member with a .44 if it looks like they might be heading into Wraith country.

                          If inspector Callahan can lead an SG team more's the better.
                          What about the most powerful revolver today Smith & Wesson Model 500.

                          "Smith & Wesson Model 500."

                          Seriously that gun is efin ridiculous!!

                          Also last time I checked the desert eagle actually does match the punching power of the magnum .44 but I'm sure it dosen't beat the S&W model 500!!!

                          oh and here's a picture of a USAS-12 automatic shotgun with 50 round drum.
                          which would pound a wraith into powder in about 9 seconds.

                          "USAS-12 automatic shotgun"


                            It'd be nice to see some ancient handheld weaponry, I could image the silver rifles which shoot blue energy blasts

                            As for XM8, maybe but they've still got theirs other tradition weaponry but look how handy that would be. Sharpshooter when ya wanna take some out before going in. Assault rifle when you've got a few coming out at ya and automatic when they're being surround.

                            It's like the ideal weapon!
                            Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                              Originally posted by WraithSteve
                              oh and here's a picture of a USAS-12 automatic shotgun with 50 round drum.
                              which would pound a wraith into powder in about 9 seconds.
                              That's actually a 20 round drum and would probably be empty in rather less than 9 seconds. I don't know that buckshot would necessarily be the way to deal with the Wraith; if their bodies are resistant to impact trauma - and they seem to be that, as well as havign the rapid healing - you'd want bigger rounds, not more.

                              All academic anyway, since all weapons will be precisely as effective as the plot demands; no more, no less.
                              Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                              - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                                Originally posted by greytop
                                Sheppard used a similiar one in The Defiant One and it didn't kill the Wraith.
                                well i personally wouldnt have called it a holy one, more along the lines of a wraith one
                                Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon

