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Flanigan, Tapping and Wood...OH MY! an ongoing blog of an SGA set visit

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    Flanigan, Tapping and Wood...OH MY! an ongoing blog of an SGA set visit

    Flanigan, Tapping and Wood...OH MY! an ongoing blog of someone on the SGA set. bookmark and check back

    Cool, thanks!

    Could this be this year's Get In The Gate winner? Seems like it's usually the season finale before those pop up.
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      Originally posted by Darren View Post
      Cool, thanks!

      Could this be this year's Get In The Gate winner? Seems like it's usually the season finale before those pop up.
      Don't think so. The contest is just winding up? Unless you mean last year's winner? Well, they've only got two months left!

      UPDATE: Nope, this person got a winning bid (yikes, must have cost a pretty penny!) - backtrack the blog to
      Last edited by prion; 03 August 2007, 04:58 AM.


        From the Atlantimentary blog, the continuation of a set visit [won in an auction] that the author began last month:

        Wednesday, September 5, 2007

        Crafting of Gate Services

        (Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are photos at the site.)

        Sorry for the delay in's been a busy few weeks but I'm back now and there is so much more to talk about. So, where was I? Ah, yes, I've now been properly outfitted for my trip to Atlantis...umbrella and all!

        Leaving the safety of the make-up trailer and plunging into the elements of a warm, damp summer's day, we made our way to the set of Atlantis where filming had been occurring for several hours. Waiting for the red light above the entrance to the stage to extinguish signaling the end of a scene's filming, we entered the building. When I say building, a more appropriate description would be that of a large plane hanger or Costco-sized warehouse. There are several buildings that call themselves home to the different sets of Atlantis. On this particular day of filming it is the main Atlantis set we were heading to - the location of the Gate, Weir's office, the infirmary, Rodney's lab, etc.


        End Blog...more to come!


        Wednesday, September 5, 2007

        Crafting of Gate Services Part 2

        (Please follow the link for the complete blog update. There are additional photos at the site, includine one of the author posing with actor Kavan Smith [Major Evan Lorne].)

        As we moved through the Atlantis set, our hostess, Brigitte, provided little tidbits of Atlantimation (my word for information about the Atlantis set and crew). We were quickly introduced to different members of the film crew. Thankfully, no post-introduction test was administer as I'd have failed miserably. I'm terrible with remembering names. Heck, some of my good friends can attest to my inability to recall a name upon introduction. I've tried repeating someones name after being introduced to no avail. I now have learned to just politely ask a person to remind me when I forget...but I digress...again.


        End Blog

        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
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          SGA - Atlantimentary: Set Visit Report - Continuation:

          (This blogger won a set visit to SGA - last season - and provided set reports. Another blog report was just posted yesterday.)

          From Atlantimentary:

          (Please follow the link for the complete blog update. Photos at the site.)

          Thursday, June 5, 2008

          The Journey Continues

 has been quite a long time since I've last posted. Life has a way of slipping by if you don't pay attention! Now, where did I leave off...oh yes, Kavan! Um, and what a place to leave, after meeting w/Kavan. We were introduced to David Nykl , (Dr. Zelenka) who was also a fabulously generous person with his time. We took several pictures and talked for quite a while until it was time for him to return to work - darn work!


          We returned to the Atlantis gate during a break in filming. I believe they were changing the set for the next scene. And to our wonderful surprise, we were introduced to Amanda Tapping! Anyone who has met Amanda, knows how much of a truly genuine human being she is and how gracious and kind she is with her time as well....


          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
          Morjana's Blog Twitter

