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    Originally posted by prion View Post
    Fantastic to hear "Beast" is finally coming out, and "Human Target" sounds like it's gonna be the place to act for SG alum
    I am excited to get to see 'Beast' when it comes out. David only mentioned it two years ago on his blog and then we get bits and pieces here and there and everywhere!

    It's just a shame it didn't come out when SGA was on the air (other than syndication) as I think the SGA fanbase would have come out it major support of the movie like they did with David Hewlett's "A Dog's Breakfast" and Paul McGillions "See Grace Fly". The fanbase is still there, it's just going to be harder to get the word out and I get the sense that "The Beast of Bottemless Lake" is going to be a really good movie to watch!

    And if Human Target is going to be a place for SG alum, then I'm definitely going to be checking it out!


      David Nykl Blog Updates

      January 14, 2010

      It's 2010. It is now, officially, the Future. Just this morning I came outside and my car was levitating. People were flying around with jet-packs, going to their white dome-shaped office towers. It all happened so suddenly. The future has arrived. Welcome to it.
      Actually, it looks pretty much the same outside as it did before the future arrived. The only difference is the Olympic parking restrictions throughout our neighbourhood and the funky new East Van sign. It`s pretty cool. (the sign, not the traffic chaos). Funny how a gang logo has become public art. I used to see that cross spray painted onto walls or as faded tattoos.
      Teh interweb says January 20th will be my Human Target episode. It`s the one on the plane. Drop everything, tune in, then write a letter to the producers saying I should be a regular character. (I love you guys...)
      We had a cast and crew screening of Beast of Bottomless Lake last weekend and it was great! I had forgotten much about how the story holds together and have never seen how pretty it looks and how great it sounds. Kudos to Kennedy and Craig. Good work guys. Now, I hope it gets out there and people get a chance to see it. I think it`s a great film.

      And hey - what luck - filmed a spot for some company yesterday. So coming soon to a living room near you: a jingle I think you may remember from the eighties (those of you who remember the eighties).
      Talk again soon...
      posted by Dr Z at 3:17 PM on 14-Jan-2010


        January 25 2010

        excerpt: His entry contains some shameless self-promotion


        ...and the future is clean...

        ...And full of round buildings.
        Science World, aka the old BC Pavillion, is getting a full scrub for the upcoming games. Now there's a window washer's version of rubik's cube.



          February 16 2010

          Hey Bonjour y'all. I thought that par ce que we were criticized for not having enough francais in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games I thought I would endeavor to set things right and go pratique my francais in Paris. I know. I know. It's tough. It's a sacrifice, but I'll do it in the name of bilingualism.
          Turns out I'll be going to the Sci Fi Show in Paris this weekend as a last minute guest addition. Crazy, what? It's just part and parcel of this high flying celebrity lifestyle. I'm looking forward to it very much, if only to get out of this five-ring circus called Vancouver 2010 for the weekend.
          The commercial is on TV! Compare it to the original which aired back in the eighties. Fun fun.
          Hope you guys are doing well, look forward to seeing you in France!


            Yea, another blog update!

            March 24, 2010
            At least once a month! I could at least make the effort, you'd think. Poor, underserviced blog.
            I've been away. And I've not been nearly as "mobile" as my internet/cell phone service provider have led me to believe I'd be. Interconnected world? Sure, if there's time. And a signal. Finding a signal...
            And now: rehearsals. Head down for a bit. It's springtime. Time to get busy.

            David included a link to some theater he is doing!



              David Nykl Updates his Blog once again!

              April 17, 2010

              The show's opened. That's where I've been, in a black box on the corner of Hemlock and 12th.Come on out if you're in the 'hood. Refuge of Lies, Wed-Sat at 8. Theatre's always at eight, as Roy Cohn once said. .Have you heard of Ron Mueck? I saw his exhibit in Melbourne and it's quite awesome..One more day till day off. Have a great weekend, folks, enjoy spring!.



                May 29th 2010


                Yikes. It's not looking good in the gulf. The idea that this leak is unstoppable is scary. What would McKay and Zelenka do? They should call. I have underwater experience...
                .Some good news/bad news on the convention front this week: I was tentatively slated for Gatecon in Vancouver in July, but a theatre job in Europe has come up and I will have to miss Gatecon this time around. Regrets about that - I wish I would've known sooner. Nonetheless, since I'll be in Prague, I'll be stopping in to some events in Europe notably the London Comicon, and events in Chotebor (CZ) and Budapest! . Stop in if you're in the neighborhood!



                  June 20, 2010


                  Ready for summer? You've probably already had it for a while, depending on where you are, but it certainly has not been in evidence in this little corner of the planet for weeks it seems.
                  Got some photos done (thanks,F) got some writing done, got some electrical work done, and have been reading plenty. On the menu: farces; and some tragedies -- just like any other Tuesday.
                  Hey look what I found while exploring playgrounds last week: a Stargate funded play structure deep in East Vancouver.
                  Who said they were heartless...
                  Looking for ward to Chotebor, Budapest, and London. See you soon!

                  Really really nice headshot of David!



                    August 2, 2010

                    Tropical Europe

                    [Image]It's hot. Too hot. So hot as a matter of fact, that you don't even have to cook your dinner before eating it. It's already pre-cooked!
                    How hungry are you...?
                    Back home after a month overseas. And I missed the Beast's grand entrance into the world. Drat! Sounds like it went of well despite my absence. Might be a lesson in there somewhere. Also missed Gatecon, so regrets to any of you who were coming out here to stop by - I'm going to try putting something together on this side of the Atlantic later this year - it's been too long, right?....
                    It was tremendous seeing everyone again in Chotebor - thank you all for putting together such a fine show. You know who you are. And thanks for the souvenirs. And hey - also Budapest - you guys were great. Thanks for the barbecue!\

                    One more: anyone recognize this place?...
                    If you ever go, remember that you can canoe around the whole lake, despite the extremely low-clearance bridges. Just crouch down as low as you can go in the boat. Handy travel tip..Hope your summers' are going well. It was great seeing many of you again. You guys are the best.
                    posted by Dr Z at 2:29 PM on 2-Aug-2010



                      September 10, 2010
                      Voodoo, Beasts, and Hot chicks

                      [Image]Hi whole wide world. How's your Friday doing?
                      Lookit this - cool huh - brand new little movie: Voodoo. And we're going to be at the Vancouver International Film Festival. That'll be cool. Might finally meet Terry David Mulligan. (He still around?..)
                      There's also Vcon coming the first few days of October, which is also cool -and offers more than just a Convention - it'll be the first screening of The Beast in the Lower Mainland. Come on down. Ask Craig March why he keeps getting cast as donut eating cops. He'll be there in all his cuteness. If the shoe fits Craig...
                      Other bits and pieces floating around: a web thingy called "Hot Chicks Who Kill People", which, apart from what the title subtly alludes to, is about an eighteenth century pastor who must come to terms with his.... aww, nevermind. It's something to do with stilettos. All manner of them. I'm not sure what it's going to be - ask Mike Davies about that. It was a fun shoot. What else? Um, BCLotto commercial tomorrow (big big big big big big or something like that), a bit of voice work (anyone guess which radio ad? - hint - it's on Vancouver radio stations right now), that, and a whole stack of dishes.
                      Work work. Talk soon.
                      posted by Dr Z at 10:27 PM on 10-Sep-2010



                        And David has blogged again in less than a week!

                        September 15, 2010

                        "Oh yeah, and..."

                        This. I forgot to mention this in my last post. London artist Martin Firrell. He has a compelling argument. Check out this - A great interview with excellent questions.
                        Another almost today. Geez. How many times do you need to circle the lamp, Mr Moth...
                        posted by Dr Z at 2:06 PM on 15-Sep-2010



                          September 30, 2010


                          "Fringe, Season 3 Ep 7'

                          Fringe! Season three. This was a fun shoot. Do you ever watch the show? I Just watched most of season one to catch up with these folks. What a cool show.
                          On location, downtown eastside.

                          [Image]Watch where you park on set. And it's not the towing you need to be afraid of.
                          [Image]And finally, a little Arcade Fire at the end of the day. If you get a chance to see them live it's well worth it. Check out this video!
                          posted by Dr Z at 2:11 PM on 30-Sep-2010
                          Last edited by Rosehawk; 04 October 2010, 08:28 PM.



                            Oh snap, he's going to be on Fringe? Will be cool to see him. Wonder what gruesome thing will happen. Probably will have flashbacks of him as Zelenka though, good times, good times. Could you post links to those specific blog posts?


                              Originally posted by jmoz View Post
                              Oh snap, he's going to be on Fringe? Will be cool to see him. Wonder what gruesome thing will happen. Probably will have flashbacks of him as Zelenka though, good times, good times. Could you post links to those specific blog posts?
                              Oh crap! I forgot to post the link! I'll go edit my post above. Sorry about that.



                                Wow, David's Blogged again...he's so on a roll....

                                I love the Scooby-Dooby-Do pic!

                                October 5, 2010

                                "The Beast of Bottomless Lake debuts at #1 in the charts!"
                                Now if I could only find that chart I could show you.

                                The Beast released in grand style at Saturday's VCon (thanks folks!) The buzz is growing and the little indie that could is beginning to pick up steam! The Express picked us up, then even the mothercorp! . Thanks especially to those of you who came up to see it! You know exactly who you are.

                                posted by Dr Z at 1:17 AM on 5-Oct-2010



