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Let's write a Spn story - three words at a time...

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    advice from him

    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


      how to end
      The cake is a lie!


        What happened recently...
        Suddenly the sky darkened. A strong wind blew the door to the log cabin open and an old man dressed like Elvis Presley stepped outside. He was holding a platter of hamburgers and had a big smile on his face when he beckoned them towards the cabin.

        "Dean, Sam... lunch?"

        Grinning widely Dean reached for one. "Got a beer?"

        "Dean!" Sam admonished.

        "We have to figure out first what's going on with this guy. He could be a shapeshifter," Castiel seconded Sam's warning.

        "Alright, but what about the food?" Dean asked. "I can't waste this perfect opportunity to chow down a juicy hamburger. It's well past my usual lunch time."

        Dean even gave a 'puppy-dog' look in Sam's direction. Sam tried to stop a grin and said, 'Later." He turned to Castiel and they went after 'Elvis' who was still smiling, holding his plate of burgers.

        "Drop the act. What is your real intention behind all this... Lucifer!" Sam demanded, knocking the plate from the old man's hands.

        "I'm not the Devil, Sam."

        "Yeah, right," Sam protested. "Then who the hell are you? Why bring us out here?"

        The old man shrugged. "I thought that you would have guessed by now who I am." He smirked and raised a burger from the platter, beckoning Dean.

        "Come on, Dean, I know you want to have a little nibble."

        The old man's eyes flashed with black as he stepped closer and the platter of burgers transformed into a bunch of fierce locusts that swarmed at Castiel, Sam and Dean. They all took off into the bushes and attempted to lose the swarm. 'Elvis' just laughed.

        "Run, but you can't hide from my minions. They have your scent, and they are going to find you wherever you try to hide."

        "Jerk," Dean muttered as the three ran through the woods.

        "Who the heck was that? And why didn't he kill us?" asked Sam, looking at Castiel. The angel tried for a moment to look back but he was stopped by a swarm of bees as they encircled the three guys.

        "We are in big trouble," sighed Castiel. "These are not normal bees, these are Enochian which means we need a spell that works against killer bee jinxes, and those are not easy to perform. I need chewing-gum, a belt-buckle, some moss and angel blood - mine."

        (Both) Sam and Dean grabbed a knife and proceeded to poke Castiel with it.

        "Hey, not so fast! Find us a place to safely perform this dangerous deed! You two are going to help me, so hurry and find the stuff we need before these bees get eve more aggressive."

        The boys then walked to a moss-covered tree with a huge trunk. They started to scrape some moss off the tree and put a defence against the swarming bees. Castiel then got a small vial that would soon be filled with blood and the angel was not too happy about it. But the bees approached faster than was biologically possible and formed a black, threatening circle around the three.

        Castiel took the knife himself and drew it across his palm, muttering an Aramaic incantation, and soon the spell began to have an effect that wasn't quite what they'd expected.

        "Dammit, we forgot to bring umbrellas," muttered Dean as exploding bee-bits rained down and inflamed their clothes. The three of them started to run towards a creek close by. They started to extinguish their smoldering jackets.

        "Are they gone?" Sam asked, looking up at the sky that was turning a strange and very disturbing purple tone.

        "Oh crap," Dean muttered as he saw the silhouette of 'Elvis' approaching them.

        "Can't stay away from my pets," 'Elvis' sneered.

        Dean shrugged. "You started sending killer bees after us, so why don't you tell us what you want, chuckles?"

        "If you insist. You have to try and understand that I need you. I really do, guys. Especially you Sam because you are the only one who can solve all my problems. I am certain that Sam is tall and has perfect hair, just what else does he..."

        Dean interrupts him. "What the hell does Sam's hair have to do with you following us around like a lost puppy?"

        "Well," Elvis said, stepping closer to the two Winchesters. "There is this convention in Las Vegas that I really want to attend and I can't get a ticket. I found this..."

        Elvis was cut by Dean who wasn't too amused that they fought over Sam's hair instead of just being straight with them. "We're leaving you to deal with your problem, you weird psycho. Beam us out, Cas, we are going to Bobby's and get some advice from him how to end

        these weird encounters

        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


          . Cas nodded and
          The cake is a lie!


            touched his fingers

            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


              with the foreheads
              The cake is a lie!


                . A blinding light

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  enveloped all three
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    and within seconds

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      they found themselves
                      The cake is a lie!


                        in Bobby's kitchen.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Bobby, who was
                          The cake is a lie!


                            wearing an apron

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              and baking some
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                chocolate chip cookies.

                                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on

