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The "no YES or NO" Spn Q&A game

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    Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
    What do you think Dean and Sam's favorite films are (a genre or individual titles)?
    I like to stick to canon, so I'm gonna go with what we know from the show. Dean's sort of going two ways - in Monster Movie he admitted that his favorite film to become reality would be Porky's II (did I spell that right?), on the one hand he's a big fan of the horror genre. Remember, in The Benders he was discussing the merits of different Godzilla versions with the kids who watched the guy getting pulled under the truck, and in Changing Channels he knew the names of the different actors who played the Incredible Hulk. It's harder to pick something for Sam, but based on Fallen Idols I'd say his favorite film is Gandhi. No seriously, I could see him watch biographical and historical movies, being the geek he is.

    Do you want to see the brothers swap bodies with each other?

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      Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

      Do you want to see the brothers swap bodies with each other?
      Easy answer, I would LOVE to see that!

      If the boys could go back in time and change just one past event, do you think there is ONE specific change they could make that would make everyone's lives better (everyone including, but not restricted to: Sam, Dean, John, Mary, Bobby, Jo, Ellen)?


        Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
        If the boys could go back in time and change just one past event, do you think there is ONE specific change they could make that would make everyone's lives better (everyone including, but not restricted to: Sam, Dean, John, Mary, Bobby, Jo, Ellen)?
        The first thought that popped into my mind was to say 'Not let Mary die', but that wouldn't solve the problem, would it? On the contrary, Sam would have grown up a normal kid, with no weapons to defend himself against Yellow Eyes' evil influence once he set his plan into motion. So all the heartbreak for the family would just have been pushed back to a later date.

        I guess for Mary to have a shot at the 'normal' life she was craving, and for Sam and Dean to not become hunters, they would have to make sure YE never laid eyes on Mary, never knew she existed. From what Lucifer said, Sam was the only one who could succeed in raising him, so if he hadn't been a part of the 'special children' pool the whole Apocalypse could have been averted.

        S 5 spoiler, especially 5.13.
        Now that Anna was killed off as well, are you unhappy with TPTB's decision to have all the female recurring characters bite the bullet this seasont?

        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


          You know, until someone posted it on the thread for this episode, I hadn't realised that was the case! I like a character or don't like a character, and don't notice the percentage of male/female characters. And for some strange reason, I didn't think of Anna as a truly recurring character. I know that doesn't make sense, she was probably in as many episodes as Jo, but I just thought of her as having one little character arc that was concluded already when she was taken away in her last episode. Also, while I liked her in her first two eps, I was pretty 'meh' about her afterwards. Especially after turning to the Dark Side in this one. Ellen was the only female character I was really attached to in this show.

          Seems like the more time that passes, the more in-demand Jeffrey Dean Morgan becomes. Are you ok with the possibility that they'll never be able to get him on SPN again? Or do you think his return in some form has become unnecessary with the way the plots have worked out (that they're well past his part in the story anyway)?


            Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
            Seems like the more time that passes, the more in-demand Jeffrey Dean Morgan becomes. Are you ok with the possibility that they'll never be able to get him on SPN again? Or do you think his return in some form has become unnecessary with the way the plots have worked out (that they're well past his part in the story anyway)?
            Concerning your answer to stars question: same here! I didn't even realise that fact.

            I am OK with this, though I'd really love to see them together again. The loss of their father became a major character part for Sam and Dean, and they dealt with that. Bringing JDM back, just because he is such an awesome actor wouldn't really bring the story forward, though I guess he would fit into
            that heaven episode.
            . Maybe we'll get a heart-wrenching "walk into the dusk" in the very last episode of season 10

            Since we are already deep in S5: are you happy with the way the season turns out so far?
            The cake is a lie!


              Originally posted by iolanda View Post
              Since we are already deep in S5: are you happy with the way the season turns out so far?
              Actually, I am. I really enjoy the mad twists they've put on this Apocalypse. I was expecting tons of carnage and drama, which would have gone stale very quickly, so the comic relief - combined with the great character moments - was a welcome surprise. I know some people feel that the storyline doesn't advance fast enough, but I believe they're saving that for the last quarter of the season. It's hard to keep the excitement going over 20+ episodes, so I don't mind the slow build-up. And they add a piece to the puzzle every week. The main complaint I have is the fact that Dean seems to have become invulnerable. (spoilered because I've said this so often before)
              No matter how far or into what he's thrown, or gets beaten to a pulp by demons, he just gets up and walks away. I know that suspension of disbelief is essential to this show, but this is taking it too far. Who knows, though, there may be an explanation later in the season - actually, I almost expected (5.13 spoiler)
              Michael to say something to Dean as he healed him, that he'd been doing it on a regular basis since the beginning of the Apocalypse.

              This is such a great question, I'll just slightly rephrase it to let it stand: Has S5 met your expectations so far?

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                This is such a great question, I'll just slightly rephrase it to let it stand: Has S5 met your expectations so far?
                You've listed my pet peeve as well up there, but that's because I am such a die-hard DeanGirl and WhumpGirl!

                This is a hard one for me to answer. I don't know EXACTLY what I was expecting, since this is the first season that I have watched the show live in first-run. It's hard for me waiting each week to see what's going to happen when for the first 4 season, I was able to watch 4-6 episodes a night! But I think I agree with you that they can't move the story ahead too fast or it kind of deadens you to the drama. You need the comic breaks. Plus, it's what drew me to the show in the first place. I can't think of any show I've gotten obsessed with that didn't have a healthy dose of humour (why I can't stand BSG), and Supernatural is one of the best in this regard.

                So, short story long, yeah, I think they've done really well this season. Mainly because I can't see where they're going, and that is really cool. Shows amazing creativity....of course, I could watch Jensen sit on screen and read the phone book and probably be just as happy!

                Anyone else? iolanda, want to answer your own question? I'd love to hear what more people think of this season.


                  Okay, I can try


                  Over all I really loved this season. It had some AWESOME Episodes like "The End", "AAH" or the "Song" and some scenes I just purely love ("Spirit in the sky scene" in GGYA, Knight Rider in CC). There is just one thing that bugs me, and already did during the run of the first 10 episodes and this is that there were too many "funny" eps in a row, I also miss the presence of the apocalypse. It is kinda there, but what is Lucifer waiting for? What is he doing all the time? I expect, that we will get some answers in the later part of season and I don't mind a slow build up but it is a little bit too slow at the moment.

                  That said: I thoroughly enjoyed every episode so far, the only one which was pretty meh was "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester".

                  More S5:

                  Do you think, that Dean will say "Yes"?
                  The cake is a lie!


                    Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                    More S5:

                    Do you think, that Dean will say "Yes"?
                    I actually do, but under what circumstances, Ihave no idea.

                    Did someone else get you to start watching SPN, or did you find it by yourself?


                      Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
                      Did someone else get you to start watching SPN, or did you find it by yourself?
                      It was recommended to me by two GW friends in whose taste I have the utmost confidence - which is the only reason I even gave it a try. I usually don't do horror or gore AT ALL. Luckily S1-3 were still available full length on YT at the time, so I randomly dipped in and happend to find Folsom Prison Blues. Nuff said. Was hooked before the end credits rolled. I never thought I would be able to find a show to fill the hole left behind by SGA's cancellation, but boy was I wrong. And those two friends I mentioned earlier have my undying gratitude for steering me in the right direction.

                      If you could guest star in any part in any ep, who would you like to be?

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        If you could guest star in any part in any ep, who would you like to be?
                        Ellen, in Good God, Y'all. Because 1) too weird to play a male role 2) Ellen is by far my favourite female role in the series and 3) she had a lot to do in that episode...and a lot of scenes with Jensen!

                        Same question?


                          It's not really a Yes/No question, but

                          Anna in Heaven and Hell

                          Chuck in the Monster ateotb. The writer doesn't need to be a guy, right? I am not sure about all the girls, I just wouldn't fit to be one of them, but Chuck has just the right amount of crazyness I'd like!

                          Speaking of: do you like the "breaking the forth wall"- aspect of some of the episodes?
                          The cake is a lie!


                            Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                            It's not really a Yes/No question, but

                            Anna in Heaven and Hell
                            Who wouldn't!!!

                            Speaking of: do you like the "breaking the forth wall"- aspect of some of the episodes?
                            I do. I totally adore the way they poke fun at themselves and the fans. And as far as I'm concerned, they haven't gone over the top or overused it. Yet.

                            Similar question, do you like crossovers? We haven't had one for Spn yet, but can you think of a show where it would work?

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              Similar question, do you like crossovers? We haven't had one for Spn yet, but can you think of a show where it would work?
                              I like crossovers, when they are done well, but I have difficulties picturing one with Supernatural. I guess the only realistic way is the one they already did in "Changing Channels", a real crossover would put the other series into the same 'verse as SPN and that would throw quite a bunch of mythology into the other series. But that aside: I'd really love to see a crossover with House, MD. I recently read two short FFs where Sam and Dean are confronted with House and I'd love to see that in real.

                              So, Sam and Dean are living quite an unusual life. Would you like to see an episode when they are forced to life a normal picket fence (maybe because they need money or because they had to go into hiding)? And I don't mean it like we saw it in "It's a terrible Life" or "What Is and What Should Never Be" but our Sam and our Dean in the normal SPN timeline.
                              The cake is a lie!


                                Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                                So, Sam and Dean are living quite an unusual life. Would you like to see an episode when they are forced to life a normal picket fence (maybe because they need money or because they had to go into hiding)? And I don't mean it like we saw it in "It's a terrible Life" or "What Is and What Should Never Be" but our Sam and our Dean in the normal SPN timeline.
                                That would be AWESOME! I thought it was hilarious just watching Dean try and mow a lawn and Sam (S5 spoiler)
                                trying to handle one family breakfast!
                                Imagine if they really had to try and blend into everyday suburban life for an extended period of time! First of all, can they cook? Besides mac and cheese, Spagheittios, and cold cereal?

                                Not trying to cop out again, I seriously want to know what someone else thinks on this, so same question.

