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Sanctuary for all Role play story

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    the immortals room:

    Duncan: *watches as his lover and Adam spar with each other* This was even a better idea, us sparing in our own room.
    Jana: *smirks as she looks back at him.* mmmhmmm very good idea *blocks the next attack.*
    Adam: *ducks out of the way.* you're getting better at that move little one, but i'll still get you.
    Jana: Bring it on old man *reaches down and slowly removes her shirt so that she remains in a sports bra and a pair of shorts.*
    Duncan: That so did not help either love.. unless you're planning on being a distraction to the both of us.
    Jana: Mmm you both know that I'm already a distraction.. and i'm using that to my advantage.
    Adam: You are and you do. *smirks* let's go hand to hand instead..
    Jana: Hmmm and why... so you both can pounce me.... you're welcome to do that anytime already.
    Duncan: *walks over to the two of them as he takes the swords from their hands.* go hand to hand.. *and wipes them down with a rag before putting them down with the rest of their weapon stash.
    Jana: hmmm maybe we should...*kisses him soundly.*
    Duncan: *groans into their kiss as he deepens it.*
    Adam: And if you're gonna make out with the Highlander, we're not gonna be going hand to hand.
    The two younger immortals pull back as they are breathing heavily.
    Jana: Damn you old man... screw the fighting.. *drags both of them to the bed instead.* would rather play with you two right now.
    Duncan: Well that works. *grins.* taking care of the horny witch instead.
    Adam: Agreed.. don't think we'd get too much fighting done before it would turn into something much more fun.

    Fun to be had... scram



      Me:Well (comes out of bathroom) at least I chose the right one the second time roun.. Niko.. Helen?! (Runs after them)


        *scratches head.* where's the rest of the rp'ers *shrugs.*


          Originally posted by CKO View Post
          *scratches head.* where's the rest of the rp'ers *shrugs.*
          I'm here. Just been busy...


            I'd post now but I'm not really in a good yeah
            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
            Sig by ME!!!


              Me: (Runs up and finds them surounded by Cabal) (Attacks and kills all of the Cabal agents)
              Helen: Are you O.K. or do we need to go back to the Sanctuary?
              Me: I am fine just a few bullet holes.
              Helen: O.k. (Continues making out with Niko)
              Me: I was being sarcastic...


                Helen & Niko: *still making out and completely oblivious to everything going on*
                Henry: So, how've you been?
                Henry: *thinking* You're hot
                Kate: *as if reading his mind* You're NO help at all!!
                Henry: *swoon*
                Kate: *facepalm*
                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                Sig by ME!!!


                  Sanctuary, the immortals room:

                  Duncan: *looks at his lover as she is locked in a kiss with other lover.* We actually gonna leave our room today... hmmm.
                  Jana: *pulls back as she rests her head on Adam's shoulder.* WE should... make ourselves useful in other words.
                  Adam: Mmm yes we should... *smirks* well after the witch decides to get dressed.
                  Duncan: That might be a good idea... she does seem to like to roam our room, sky clad...
                  Jana: Nothin wrong with that... now is there.. clothes tend to be a bit evil.
                  Adam: And at the same time we just get an eyeful of your sexy body.......
                  Jana: *smirks, as she ducks into the bathroom, and pokes her head out,* I need my back washed.

                  The two Immortals look at each other and strip down as they follow their lover into the bathroom.


                  The three of them walk out of them room a few hours later and head down to the main section of the sanctuary, they have their swords across their backs.


                    *meanwhile, back in Rome*
                    Henry: that we've fought off the bad 'bout some gelato, hmm?
                    Kate: Well...I guess I could use a little ice cream...
                    Henry: Allow me. *dramatically links his arm with hers and leads her away*
                    Helen & Niko: Did we miss something
                    "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                    Sig by ME!!!




                        Originally posted by CKO View Post
                        erm...*pokes back?*

                        Nikola: Y'know, I think some gelato would do me good about you?
                        Helen: Yes, I quite agree...
                        Ashley: What? Is everyone just going to get ice cream now?!
                        Will: I guess...
                        Ashley: *shrugs* Okay!
                        Will: Yours is on me.
                        Ashley: Aww. You're so sweet *kisses his cheek*
                        Will: *blushie*
                        "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                        Sig by ME!!!


                          Kalli: Ugh *pulls self out of ditch* Does anyone know what happened? Have I just spent the last week lying in a ditch unconsious? Why has everyone gone to rome? *turns to jana in absolute rage* what do you think you're doing? You let john go? *pulls out gun and points at Jana's head* It may not kill you but t should do some serious damage...

                          I feel a very violent fight coming just to say you can use my character in your posts if you like, it's quite hard not using other peoples people Do what you will with this...


                            main room of sanctuary:

                            Jana: *growls at Kali* I'm not the boss of them... and just so you know... Druitt has been cursed instead... he has to live with the last few minutes of his victims lives.. he now see's through their eyes the helplessness that they had felt as he took their lives from them...
                            Duncan: *looks at his lover.* Why did they go to Rome anyway?
                            Jana: Dunno.. guess they wanted to explore the catacombs under the city.
                            Adam: Well they do serve their purpose... Christians also used them as their hiding places so they could have their worship services in secret.. *pauses* no matter, they were still found out.
                            Jana: Well of course they were old man... you were there.
                            Adam: Yes i was, mind you i also died there as well.. not to pleasent... they were brutual.
                            Duncan: We've all had some very painful deaths. *looks at Jana.*
                            Jana: That we have and our first death is always the most painful... well it was violent to say the least, my village was attacked and i was killed protecting my family. I came to and everyone i had ever known and loved was dead. *pauses* yet here i was alive for some reason... i didn't know what to do.. *looks at Adam,* Yet when he rode into the village, my head started to throb for some reason... i didn't know or understand.
                            Adam: I took her under my wing and became her first immortal teacher. *blushes* somewhere along the line i sorta found myself falling for her, and she with me.
                            Duncan: Jana was lucky that she had someone who found her after she become Immortal, i was bannished from my clan and wondered for three years before Connor found me and started to teach me. *looks at Jana.* the three of us have been lucky.
                            Jana: I know we have *ducks outta the way as she excutes a kick and kicks the gun out of her (Kali's) hand.* we have work to do... you can either sit here and sulk or you can help us. *walks over towards the computers and starts to read over the data.*
                            Duncan and Adam follow her as they sit down on either side of her


                              *somewhere on Easter Island*

                              Easter Island Head: Dum-dum? You bring me gum-gum?
                              John: *WTF?!?!
                              Easter Island Head: Waaaiiiit, you not Dum-dum! You bad bum-bum! You'd better run-run, or the heffalumps will get you!
                              John: ...He-heffalumps?!
                              Easter Island Head: And don't forget the woozles...they coming to get you, Bum-bum!
                              John: Stop calling me that! My name is not "Bum-bum"!
                              Easter Island Head: No, you Bum-bum. Oh, here they come-come!
                              *loud stampeding noises and screams*
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                Kalli:*Wanders over to look at pc screen* Ok, looks like we're the only ones here. I've tracked John, he's been captured and is currently beng forced to retrieve honey for a mr Winney? Ah well, it keeps him busy. *goes to retrieve gun* Don't do that again, I will shoot you. Oh wait we aren't the only ones, looks like Jack's here as well. I'm going to get him does anyone have any rum?

                                Any information on what happened to Kalli over the past week. She was found in a ditch apparently unharmed but with out any memory of her experience. NO REWARD

