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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Off-World (RPG Thread)

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    Michael: *telepathically back* If he;'s scared, he'll look for somewhere to hide, probably somewhere enclosed. I'd come and help but Day's somewhat panicking here

    *terrified, Kit curls up more in the rollercoaster car, which is stopped at the top of a drop. The sudden movement and even more sudden stop have spooked him greatly and he just wants to go home now and cuddle his toys and get hugs from his human Aunties. He whimpers in distress*
    If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


      *The rollercoaster car Kit is hiding in tosses him around as it negotiates its track. Kit is thoroughly unhappy. Suddenly the car grinds to a halt, high above the walkway. TW and the search party are down below.*


        Bullseye: *starts searching through Wraithworld, shouting for Kit now that the rides have powered down*

        Orb: *stays close behind Bullseye, shouting as well. It would be immediately obvious to other Wraith from multiple clues that she was a personal worshipper, but neither of them were about to take any chances*

        (OOC: going to eat lunch now)


          *A wraithworld employee is searching the rides s instructed. He grumbled at the disgruntled visitors who have to wait for rides to re-open. But he doesn't really care. He's looking for the toddler who may be lost. Having been ordered to walk the rollercoaster track to search for the toddler. He spies the stopped train in the middle of the course. He carefully negotiates the steep ladders and walkways until he reaches the train. He hears whimpering and crying. The employee carefully approaches to see Kit curled into a tight bll and crying. The employee broadcasts to his supervisor.*

          TW: I think they found Kit. I just got a telepathic message from Wraithworld. *Looks around, and then spies the stopped rollercoaster train high over head. A wraithworld employee is at the train.* He's up there, in that rollercoaster train. *Points to the rollercoaster stopped high above them.*

          OOC: Off to the city for a couple hours. wont be back for a bit. Will resume when i return.


            Azrael: *To Michael* It's fine, stay and take care of your worshipper. *To the group* Try looking for enclosed hiding places.

            KM: *Foolish as it may seem in hindsight, has walked in the opposite direction to Azrael to cover more ground.*

            *They both shout for Kit as well.*

            (((ooc: Pretend this post is ^ 1 )))


              Bullseye: *sees the commotion at the roller coaster and, having never seen a roller coaster in real life, starts to climb the support structures in an effort to reach the stopped car*

              Orb: *telepathically sends Bullseye a picture of a likely line and platform with stairs that will be a more conventional way to reach the roller coaster car, especially because she won't be scaling the coaster like that*

              Bullseye: *jumps down and lets Orb lead him to the ride's entrance, thankful to have a Tau'ri worshipper who can act as an ambassador in unfamiliar, Tau'ri-inspired places. It is a useful alliance in many ways. Finding the entrance, he jumps to the front of the line, ignoring any irritated customers, and fearlessly starts up the stairs to the stopped roller coaster car*

              Orb: *stops about half way up the stairs and waits*


                *DS is thoroughly confused by all the hectic around her, even though the noise from the rollercoasters has stopped, it still feels crowded and noisy to her. The tension is almost too much for her as her worries alternate between Kit, while thinking of her own son, and being surrounded by unknown Wraith*

                *Tommy has his arm around her and tries to comfort her. As he sees Bullseye climbing up the rollercoaster he holds his breath*


                  Fifth: I do love Inertia based rides such as these. *to no one in particular*

                  Joann: right, well you have fun then. *<hates "inertia" based rides*

                  Fifth: Orb, where was the last place you saw Kit? Perhaps I can be of assistance?


                    Orb: *waves down to Joann and Fifth from where she is still perched on the stairs, not as fearless as Bullseye at climbing* Would you believe it was clear back at Deveareax? He got into the ductwork and is believed to be somewhere in this park. Bullseye is going to talk with the employee up there. *points up at Bullseye and the park employee by the stopped roller coaster car*


                      Fifth: I shall find him. *is looking worried, he has grown quite fond of the little guy. Pulls out a little box made of Replicator blocks he had hidden in his pocket, it immediately springs to life taking to its spider form before it vanishes into the duct work. He deftly and efficiently produced two more in rapid succession*

                      Betua: I wish I had pocket Robot slaves.

                      Joanna: Don't worry, orb, his replicators will find Kit's location. they won't be able to get him, but at least we will know where he is. *Climbs up a bit, but is not nearly as agile as Bullseye (or any wraith for that matter)*


                        Orb: Oh, thanks so much, if Kit gets in the servicing wiring, it could be disastrous! We are hoping he is just stuck in the roller coaster car up here.

                        Bullseye: *glances briefly down with interest as the robots go forth and nods to Joanna, Betua, and Fifth*


                          *The Wraithworld employee is trying to coax Kit out from his spot. Bullseye comes up the stairs. *

                          Wraithworld Employee: Hey there. You know this child? He's hiding on the floor of the rollercoaster. It's a miracle he didn't get thrown out.

                          *The wraithworld employee steps aside to allow Bullseye in to see if maybe he can coax Kit out of the rollercoaster.*


                            Bullseye: *nods to the Wraithworld employee* Thanks for your help. *reaches in for the little Wraith toddler whose telepathic presence is Kit's and sends him telepathic reassurance* Kit?


                              *Kit looks up terrified. Seeing Bullseye he jumps up and hugs the wraith viciously, crying again*
                              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                                Bullseye: *telepathically lets the search party know that Kit is safe. He sits in the roller coaster car and hugs Kit, tucking him in his coat before climbing back down so that Kit can't see the height. He starts back down the stairs.*

                                Orb:*backs down the stairs, glad that she didn't climb up all the way*

