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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Off-World (RPG Thread)

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    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post

    DS: What about the fake transmissions, we needn't transmit a picture, only speech, don't we? So someone will have to act as Wraith Queen?

    Tommy: That could work. Once our computer has processed the voice patterns of Moana and her ally we can simulate them.
    *Boris's hive - the bridge*

    Bullseye: If video transmissions are being sent and the queens are rigid in their nonverbal mannerisms like they usually are, I can easily send out video feed if needed. I have an audio-visual program that works by mapping our speakers' faces to those of other speakers. Most likely, the queens will be speaking to one another. Orb and DS, based on overheard worshipper conversations, I am confident you can act as Wraith Queens: just imitate the worst managers you have worked for on Earth and you will be fine.

    Orb: I don't know about you, DS, but I can picture that.

    I hope this makes you smile when you read it.


      *Bellatrix's hive*

      Bellatrix: *starts pacing back and forth in front of the screen* I don't know if there is a problem, I was hoping you could tell me if there is one. If I remember this correctly there was a lone dart boarding your ship hours ago and I need to know how that influences our plans.

      *Boris's hive - the bridge*

      *DS snorts with suppressed laughter at Bullseye's comment*

      DS: I just need to think of some of my superiors.

      Rhys: Believe me, Bullseye, she doesn't even need to imitate a manager, she can behave like a Wraith Queen all by herself just fine. You should see and hear her when she tells me to sort my laundry.



        *Moana's Hive*
        "There is none.. Merely an old servant of mine who was spieing on them. I had thought he escaped me, turned traitor.. but he came back." Clearly, she was confident that he had not been converted in the meantime, after thoroughly searching his mind. "He is here, and no account need be made of him. One less to kill."

        *Elsewhere on Moana's Hive*
        Three to go.. The other had been placed near to the control room, where he'd lingered while, bluntly put, he'd been irritating one of the Navigator's to high heaven, taunting the lower-ranking male..


          *Boris's hive - the bridge*

          Orb: *laughs* You wouldn’t want all those black clothes turning everything else gray, would you?

          Bullseye: If the clothes all turned gray, you would not need to sort them any more. *straightens up* More transmissions!


            Sorry, just posting so I can subscribe, don't mind me


              *Bellatrix's hive*

              *Bellatrix listens to Moana's explanation with a frozen expression. Things were progressing far too slowly for her taste*

              Bellatrix: It is reassuring to hear not every Wraith abandons our traditional ways for this farce of a lifestyle. Are you willing to share intel he might have gathered about our enemy?

              *Boris's hive - the bridge*

              Rhys *turning to DS* See? Bullseye has a good point. Sorting laundry is absolutely useless.

              DS: Only if you wish your worshipper to wear unsexy, muddy-grey clothes.

              Tommy: *listening intently to the queens' transmissions* Apparently Moana thinks Jasper has returned to her services.


                *Aboard Moana's Hive*
                Moana: Indeed.. He requires further.. interogation, but I will open up a communication link when I have anything that can be of any use to our plan.

                *Aboard Boris' Hive*
                Phineas tilted his head a little as he listened with the others to the transmissions. "His skill in deception must be great, if he can perhaps fool her.. or fool us, depending. His intentions are unknown to either side, his actions fogged. Only he really knows what he is doing." A slight shrug followed as he casually adjusted the cuffs of his coat. He..was surprisingly unconcerned over the possiblity that Jasper had been playing them all along. Why was that? Because he knew full well that if he had decieved them, hell in a handbasket wouldn't stop his worshipper finding a way to make him pay. He smirked a little as the thought came to mind, before focussing his attention once more.

                *Aboard Moana's Hive*
                Two more devices to plant left.. Then, to just escape after ruining her plans a little more. Oh, how simple it sounded!


                  *Boris's hive - the bridge*

                  Bullseye: *disappointed after reviewing all of the recorded transmissions* We've learned nothing about what happened to our cruiser.


                    *Bellatrix's hive*

                    *with a curt nod Bellatrix ends the transmission and looks out of the window of her bridge deep in thought*

                    *Boris's hive - the bridge*

                    Rhys *growling slightly at the last sentence of Phineas* I hope he does know what he's doing. *DS walks over to him and puts her hand on his arm*

                    DS: I guess we have to trust him. He must have a plan.

                    *Tommy sighs disappointed*
                    Tommy: You're right, Bullseye. Apparently the two queens had nothing to do with the diappearance of the cruiser and they didn't notice anything, at least nothing of worth to us. But on the good side we have collected anough data to send convincing fake transmissions.


                      *Boris's hive - the bridge*

                      Orb: What could have happened to the cruiser and why didn't they mention it?

                      Bullseye: I don't know. *looks at Tommy to see if he has a theory* Even if they are not holding our cruiser captive, Jasper is now on board Moana's ship. We still can't blast them out of the sky.

                      Orb: Moana mentioned interrogating him. Is there anything we can ask the queens or do to buy Jasper more time? Tying up Moana means more time for Jasper to carry out his plan.
                      Last edited by WraithTech; 03 August 2010, 03:47 PM.


                        I'm really stuck and apparently my muse has gone on summer vacation. It's hard to wrap my head around the story atm.


                          IV has a good thing going with Jasper, which is the central theme of the plot, and then Tommy can get our cruiser back. It will be fine.


                            *Boris's hive - the bridge*

                            *Suddenly the bridge is plunged into deep darkness and a faint shudder runs through the floor. For a few seconds it's pitch-dark before with a distant whining noise the emergency generators come to live and the computer terminals come back to life – but not all of them. The light is dim but at least the worshippers can now see again what's going on*

                            DS: Huh? What was that?

                            Tommy: *checking his terminal* Energy was cut off. Oh, dang! Scanners don't work, neither internal nor external. We're blind!

                            Rhys: Could we have been boarded by an enemy team without noticing?

                            Tommy: Very unlikely, the scanner would have picked up something before. If I had to guess someone went to the main reactor and unplugged most of our systems.

                            To make life a bit more interesting.


                              *Boris's hive - the bridge*

                              Bullseye: Who would have done something like that? *stands up* No matter, I can fix it.

                              Orb: That means leaving the bridge!

                              Bullseye: Yes. Someone has to check it out and I can also fix whatever is wrong. It will be fine: I am very well-armed. *flashes a pointy-toothed grin and pulls out a wraith tech stun pistol, just one of many weapons he carries, and gives Orb a quick, reassuring hug*


                                *Boris's hive - the bridge*

                                Tommy: Maybe it's one our regular crew members who had to leave the safety of the lab and got under Moana's influence.

                                DS: Be careful, Bullseye!

                                Rhys: I could accompany you, two Wraith are better than one.

                                DS: Says who?

