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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Off-World (RPG Thread)

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    *Boris's hive*

    Orb: DS, you have mentioned these Hippies before… Bullseye, I would like to meet Ellia sometime after this commotion is over and try some of her legendary biscuits.

    Bullseye makes a face because he refuses to eat any solid foods and only drinks water from time to time. He sees and nods back to Phineas and is soon lightly nudged by Orb.

    Bullseye: Jasper, Phineas, *gestures toward each to indicate to Orb which is which* this is my worshipper, Orb.

    Due to the commotion, Orb has forgotten to change clothes. She is wearing an offworld style dress; although, it is torn in many places near the bottom and has plenty of dirt all over the hem. Her teeth are also stained purple. Bullseye, however, is spotlessly clean. They look at each other and pause, a brief wince of guilt passing over Bullseye, before suppressing smiles.

    Bullesye: *changing the subject quickly* While we were out, we managed to pick up a few of those teletransportation wrist bands like one of those runners used. I don’t know how well they work but want to get them to Archimedes for analysis of teletransportation and/or invisibility. Oh, and while doing target practice outdoors, I found that there is a chemical that will explode when hit with a wraith stun blast. I am not sure how useful that would be in combat though.

    I did not see teletransportation wrist bands in the technology page of the WWA guides. If they already exist in the game, maybe these can be used to create a variant or increase the powers of existing ones.


      *Boris's Hive*

      Boris to Tommy: Thank you for the information. *He then contacts Archimedes and tells him of Jasper's suspicions.*

      Boris to Archimedes: We need information about the cloaking technology. Have you finished the analysis yet?

      Archimedes: All we can tell so far is that there's no evidence of it being Asgard, Ancient or Asuran.

      I have no idea where this cloaking technology of Moana's has come from. I'll leave it up to someone else to suggest.

      To orbofnight - we don't have teleportation wristbands in the game yet. Perhaps you could give me some details about them to go in the guide.


        *Boris’s Hive – rec room*

        Bullseye: Orb, let’s go get these hard-earned bands to our scientists on Deck 3. *Grabs her arm and rushes off... they stop in Bullseye’s quarters for Orb to change clothes and wash of the purple stain on her teeth…


        *Boris’s Hive – Erik's and Archimedes' shared lab *

        Bullseye and Orb walk in with the wrist bands.


        From the season 5 episode Tracker, runner Kiryk wore one of these and used it to turn invisible while jumping himself and Keller up a cliffside. I wish to modify it so that the wraith version is better than the original in power and distance, allowing the user to teletransport instead of just jump.

        Here is an entry for the guide:

        Teletransportation Arm Bands (concept modified from SGA by orbofnight) This is an organic-looking wrist band with a crystal in the middle of it and is wrapped the arm just below the elbow. It allows the wearer and others touching the wearer to teletransport at the wearer’s will to another location and remain invisible for a brief period of time. The longer the distance and the greater the load will result in diminished performance, but the wraith modified version allows greater distance and load. When the crystal glows green, the band is fully charged and ready to go; red means the device is still charging.


          @ Ciannwn:
          It's not so much cloaking, as Moana using her telepathy to sort of.. control the Hive to a degree. More like shoving a pair of mufflers on it. She won't be able to do it for long, so probably in my next post, Tommy and everybody will be able to sense that she is, indeed, planning to 'crash their party', as it were.

          *Boris's Hive*
          Jasper, the more old-fashioned of the two, offered a bow of his head in response to Bullseye introducing him to Orb. While he himself had a worshipper who he shared with Phineas, it was sometimes a touch strange for him still to get used to the idea that it was possible to treat humans as more than just food. He tried however, give the former assassin some credit! "Well met, Orb."

          Phineas, on the other hand, gave a more genuine abet still toothy smile in response. "Pleasure. I am sure IV (eye-vee) will look forward to meeting you.. Perhaps such is best after this situation is dealt with however."

          Jasper, despite the seriousness of the situation, grinned then. "Trying to persuade her to return to Earth was.. interesting."

          Phineas rolled his eyes a little, but made no comment, briefly watching the new arrivals depart before looking to the rest. "Do we have a plan on how to deal with this.. ah, surprise visit?"


            *Boris's Hive*

            Bullseye: *telepathically to Archimedes* I tracked down what I believe are some of those teletransportation devices a runner was rumored to be wearing and had my worshipper obtain them. They were purchased from a human who either didn't know what they were or thought they were broken. I am dropping them off for your inspection. As to preserve their integrity, they have not been tested.

            Not sure if anyone is in the lab or if they are too busy, so Bullseye is sending a telepathic message and Archimedes can respond from wherever he is.


              *Boris's Hive - the Shared Lab where Archimedes and Erik are working*

              Archimedes (to Bullseye): They could be very useful if they really are teletransportation devices.

              Erik (telepathically to Boris): It seems that there isn't a cloaking device after all. My guess is that what we thought was cloaking is some kind of telepathic dampening effect.

              Boris (telepathically to Erik): Jasper suspects that Moana is on that hive. We know she's a very powerful telepath.

              Erik (telepathically to Boris): I doubt that she can keep the dampening effect up indefinitely.

              Will get the info about the teletransportation devices added to the guide within the next day or so.


                *Boris's Hive - the Shared Lab where Archimedes and Erik are working*

                Bullseye: *telepathically to Archimedes* Based on the descriptions and mental images I have seen from some hunters and the fact that the crystals were giving off an energy that allowed for me to detect them with my tablet I have high hopes. If nothing else, the crystals can be valuable in and of themselves.

                Bullseye introduces Orb to Erik and Archimedes as his worshipper he sent to collect the devices.

                Orb: Pleased to meet you both.

                Because Archimedes is such a great inventor, feel free to let him make even more improvements and manufacture more of them as well as add your ideas and name to the entry for them.


                  *Boris's Hive - The Shared Lab*

                  *Erik and Archimedes say hello to Orb. Erik's greeting is somewhat distant because his mind is on the current situation. Archimedes, however, gives her all his attention along with a warm smile. He then turns to Bullseye.*

                  Archimedes: Put them on the bench over there. I'll examine them once we've dealt with this hive.


                    *Boris's Hive - The Shared Lab*

                    *Bullseye nods and follows the instructions of Archimedes.

                    *Orb and Bullseye exit the lab and go back to the rec room.


                      *The rec room*

                      *DS still smiles to herself as she thinks of Orb's somewhat worn clothes*

                      Tommy: What are you happy about?

                      DS: Uh... nothing in particular. Just thinking about the ups and downs of being a worshipper.

                      Rhys *to Jasper* Does Maona have any weaknesses? Is there something that could help us defeat her in case she attacks?


                        *Boris’s Hive – rec room*

                        Orb: DS, I’m glad to see you are still here. I just got to meet Archimedes and it was such an honor. We owe the scientists so much for all the leisure time we spend with our wraith not having to go culling all the time. I have not meet Commander Boris yet, but from what Bullseye says, Boris is a long-time, proven war veteran and surely has what it takes to keep this hive safe, along with such top-notch scientists on his team.

                        Bullseye: *nods in agreement for Boris’s leadership* Phineas, any exciting weapons you have crafted or learned about lately?


                          *Boris's Hive*

                          *Boris orders Hector to launch the battle cruiser. It's now been fitted with a cloaking device so will be able to get close to the other hive without being detected.*


                            *Boris's Hive*
                            Phineas turned to Bullseye once he was addressed, a 'brow briefly lifting up a little before he answered. "Crafted.. no. But I have been practising sai daggers with my worshipper, IV, in the arena of the Chill-Out Hive. Eventually one of these days I hope to persuade her to come here, but until then, I am happy to go between there, here and Earth as often as is prudent." Then a pause. "Do you craft your own weapons often?"

                            *Moana's Hive*
                            Moana shifted in her throne, opening her eyes after the last of the 'muffling' was finally forced to slip away. She could not maintain it for long... and then turned to her Commander. Even before the words were out of her mouth, his head was lowered.
                            "What is it you wish me to do, my Queen?"
                            "Prepare shields, then ensure that all of our weapons are fully stocked."


                              *Boris’s Hive – rec room*

                              Bullseye: I can assemble, repair, and modify all types of wraith stunners, but making human weapons is out of my area of expertise; I have to purchase those... I am very partial to the star-shaped shuriken. *takes a few out of side pocket of his coat and flashes a pointy-toothed grin*


                                *Boris’s Hive – rec room*
                                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                                Orb: DS, I’m glad to see you are still here. I just got to meet Archimedes and it was such an honor. We owe the scientists so much for all the leisure time we spend with our wraith not having to go culling all the time. I have not meet Commander Boris yet, but from what Bullseye says, Boris is a long-time, proven war veteran and surely has what it takes to keep this hive safe, along with such top-notch scientists on his team.
                                DS: Oh yes, I don't know what we would do without Archimedes, and of course Erik. The two of them have invented and modified so many devices and things to improve the life of Wraith and worshippers alike. Boris is indeed a very good and able leader. He used to be an organiser and referee for sports events to entertain our community before he had his hiveship come here as a home for most of us. He has a profund sense of fairness.

