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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - Off-World (RPG Thread)

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    *Draygon Castle Dig*

    Jasper: Alright.
    *works with Rhys to repeat the procedure again, after tieing a bit of material round his nose to stop the body dust and such from getting up his nose*


      *There are six tombs with bodies in. Two of them are women. After Erik has taken the samples the lids are replaced. It's been a very long day so everyone takes a break for the night.*

      We now start day seven. Can't think of anything else to do in the mausoleum, though. Perhaps we could take a break from archaeology now and go on a zoo hunt or something.
      Last edited by ciannwn; 15 February 2010, 05:51 AM.


        Sounds good to me. Maybe for soemthing like a Roc'd be cool


          Originally posted by IV View Post
          Sounds good to me. Maybe for soemthing like a Roc'd be cool
          We should wait and see what Tommy says. I'm not sure how a Roc would fit in the hive's zoo, though.


            *A huge, dark bulk of an alien hiveship darkens the starscape just outside the edge of Copelandia's solar system, it remains at its position, apparently waiting for something*

            Don't know where this might lead to, just a random start for a more action-y scenario.


              *Boris's hive's sensors detect it and Karl reports to Boris.*

              Karl: I can't sense anything telepathically.

              Boris (tries to sense the hive): Neither can I.

              A good time for Boris to get his battle cruiser active if nobody has this other hive communicating soon.


                *Edge of solar system*

                *Several indiscernible shapes approach the unknown hiveship from various directions. Just before entering the ship through the dart bay doors the space around the shapes blurs and they become recogniseable darts. The dart bay doors close and the ship still remains at its position*

                How about letting them have shield technology? They could have spied on us without us noticing.
                By the way, everyone's free to RP the unknown hive and add things, I've got no specific idea where this might go so every help is welcome.


                  *Edge of solar system*

                  *Karl reports what happened.*

                  Karl: It was like some kind of shielding technology. I've sent the readings to Erik and Archimedes.

                  I was going to have Boris wonder if Jasper's ex Queen is behind it but I can't find her name in the WWA forum game guides. I'll have to do a search in this thread if I can think of the right key words.


                    *Aboard the unknown Hive*

                    Moana settled into her throne, her eyes narrowed almost dangerously as she surveyed her monitoring screen. She had limped away after the last time.. after her. No, she would not call it a defeat.. But she had tracked Jasper.. using what fleeting connection, gossamer-fine, there was between them. Attacking was, for now, not her intention. She was patient.. and certainly had enough humans on board to keep her going for some time. No, for now, she waited...


                      *Rhys is on his way to see Gabriel for a Harkness clone when he walks past Karl and senses something going on. In an unusual display of helpfulness he decides to talk to Karl*

                      Rhys: Everything alright? I just thought you were radiating a general air of confusion.


                        *Karl tells Rhys what has been happening. Boris makes a general hive announcement.*

                        Boris: I am sending the battle cruiser out under the command of Hector. Gawain, Alec, Bladwin, Neo and Ciannwn allocated to crew.

                        *Archimedes sends a telepathic message to Boris*

                        Archimedes: The hive's augmented shields and weapons checked and in readiness.


                          *Aboard the unknown Hive*

                          Moana looked over her shoulder to her Commander.. the same one that Jasper had known a century or so ago. "Prepare the dart pilots.. ensure our weapons are ready to go if need be. Pass a message to the other two Queens, ask them to ready themselves but not to move to our position yet. We are still unaware what these new ...wraith are going to do."


                            *Boris's hive*

                            Rhys: *to Karl* Thanks for the information, I'm going to find DS and Tommy, they're on the island. We don't know what these foreign Wraith are up to but I'd like to be prepared just in case they're hostile.

                            *telepathically to Boris on his way to the dart bay* Boris, if you need my help with anything let me know. I'll stay in touch.


                              *Boris's Hive*

                              Boris to Rhys: Are you taking DS and Tommy back to Earth or bringing them to the hive?

                              Boris to Archimedes: Have scans picked up anything unusual about this hive apart from it being cloaked?

                              Archimedes: Erik and I are working on modifying the scanners now - we can't tell much until we can get through the cloak.

                              Haven't a clue what other technology Moana could have picked up or where she got it from.


                                *The unknown Hive*

                                The engines allowed it to remain stationary, just... there. Barely moving at all, stationary. Certainly no threat, but certainly not something to just approach on a whim however.

                                Probably the most she's got is a thicker form of hull.. much like the uber-hive at the end of season 5, a better cloak.. same weapons, same darts and such. it's the same size, even in fact a little smaller, than your average ship however

                                *Boris's Hive*
                                Jasper, midway towards the sparring area, froze on the spot. Oh.. bugger. His golden eyes widened in surprise at the feel of the mind just fleetingly brushing over his, and up he slammed those mental walls in response. He hadn't hoped to ever feel that again, and he wasn't going to let her in without a fight. Replacing the sword as fast as possible onto the rack, he contacted Tommy...

                                Is there a way to shield my mind?

                                No explaination, but a faint.. very faint feeling of worry was transmitted over the link.

