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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Planet (Role Playing Thread)

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    arelyss * a little bit ashamed*: " yes...that one...the scottish guy said it's the best"
    sairaa : " and then she told me she likes the scottish man " * evil laugh*
    arelyss - to sairaa :" so what??? that guy is free, do you understand? free."


      Michael: Well the alcohol they make is very good...

      Dray: Don't worry about it! Can you remember which Scottish wraith it was? I know it can be hard to tell the difference between them sometimes
      If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


        arelyss : " oh man will ever look at me "
        sairaa * to arelyss* : " oh shut up ! just tell that Connoly guy you like him and that's it."
        arelyss* with a silly smile* : " never, do you hear me sairaa? never !!! "


          Michael: Shall I pretend I didn't hear that, or should I tell Draygon?

          Dray: What? Is it which Scottis wraith arelyss likes?

          Michael: I'll leave it to her discression...
          If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


            arelyss * looking at Michael with puppy eyes* : " awww please don't tell Dray...pleaseeee...promise i'll never call you " insane" and "manic" again..."
            sairaa : * thelepatic to Michael * : " tell her !!! just tell Dray" * big grin*


              Michael: Okay, now I don't know.... when did you call me "insane"?
              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                Michael: Okay, now I don't know.... when did you call me "insane"?

                arelyss * very ashamed* : " well...i'm sorry about that...i'm new around and sometimes i get a lil' scared about ...hybrids " * talking to herself*: "great ! just great !!! they will both hate me for this"
                sairaa: " she did fault. and by the way, as the daughter of an insane goa'uld scientist, i like insane and manic guys ...oh come on Dray don't look at me like that"


                  Dray: *clings to Michael* MY insane and manic wraith scientist!

                  Michael: *sigh* I think she gets the point Draygon. Don't worry, your not hated Draygon? Can you let go of my arm please? I'm loosing circulation...
                  If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                    sairaa : * her eyes are getting red*: "'s in the air..."
                    arelyss : * to sairaa* " will you PLEASE shut up??? please." * to Michael and Dray* :" she's just jealous...i'm talking about Dray every day "
                    sairaa : " you like her more than you like me...and i can see why..."


                      Michael: Draygon is always very friendly, though there is such a thing as too friendly...

                      Dray: Sorry... *lets go of Michael's arm*

                      Michael: Thank you, dear...
                      If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                        arelyss : * thelepatic to Michael * "thanks for not telling her about the scottish guy" * smiles*
                        sairaa : " human seems to be interested only by powerful Draygon and THAT scottish guy...the farmer girl needs to be tamed by someone"
                        arelyss : * to sairaa* : " you naughty goa'uld !!! " * laughing*


                          Michael: *telepathically to arelyss and Sariaa* You know, quite a few of the Scottish wraith like farming, including Connolly. I'm sure if someone asked discreatly, Connolly could set you up on a blind date

                          Dray: What are you talking about now?

                          Michael: Nothing to worry about...
                          If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                            Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                            Michael: *telepathically to arelyss and Sariaa* You know, quite a few of the Scottish wraith like farming, including Connolly. I'm sure if someone asked discreatly, Connolly could set you up on a blind date
                            arelyss : * to Draygon* " oh...we're talking about one of your scottish friends...Connolly...i like that guy he free? i mean...without a ...girlfriend? " * the silly smile again*


                              Dray: As far as I know, ALL the Scottish wraith are up for grabs. I think Connolly tends to be a bit busy though, keeping the other Scottish wraith in some form of control... Why are you asking? Got your eye on one?
                              If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                                Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                                Dray: As far as I know, ALL the Scottish wraith are up for grabs. I think Connolly tends to be a bit busy though, keeping the other Scottish wraith in some form of control... Why are you asking? Got your eye on one?
                                sairaa : * amused* " oh come on Dray! just tell her to grab one and that's it..."
                                arelyss : " i'll do soon as you will be in stasis my dear goa'uld" * offering Dray and Michael some of her cookies * : " don't mind her...she's about to sleep for a long time to gain her powers back. if you want...tell me about your life...Kenny told me about a ship called hive. do you live there too? "

